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Steve can have the worst 'temper tantrums' too.... Although he never does anything physical- the worst is slamming a door I think. But he can have a really nasty tongue. Whenever we argue, I always manage to stay really focused and keep it entirely about the issue we're arguing about- i.e the washing up etc, whereas he'll always just call me names, tell me 'where to go', swear etc etc. Then I get mad and yell back! It's because I only pick the fights I KNOW I'm right about, and can win, and he'll realise that his defence is rubbish and he's got no chance of winning, but will be too stubborn to back down. I have now told him in no uncertain terms that if he ever calls me those names again, it is over, and I will be leaving, bunnies and all. I don't think it will come to that, because I really do love him and I know he loves me, but he needed to know that he couldn't speak to me like that! I went through too much with my ex to take any crap from a man again- I was so poor at defending myself back then- he'd throw things at my head, scream abuse at me, push me around, and much more, and I was always too scared to break up with him (I didn't even live with him lol), but when I finally did, I swore that nobody else would treat me like that again.

Anyway, that was a big load of rambling, and made not a lot of sense, sorry! Does Matthew know that what he does is so upsetting? I mean, after these tantrums does he calm down and apologise? Or does he think it's ok? That would be one thing I'd be concerned about- he needs to know that it's not ok to do those things, and that it's wrong. The post you wrote originally, would it maybe help if you showed him that? Obviously not all the replies lol, or maybe even write it down separately.... But maybe seeing it written down black and white might make him realise that what he does hurts you?

I never normally attempt replies like this because other people always manage to put it far more eloquently and concisely than I ever can, and I don't think I'm particularly great at giving advice lol, but I just wanted to say that I hope you're ok and my PM box is always open if you ever want to chat :)

Oh, and I wanted to give you a hug too! :hug:

NZminilops wrote:
I'm not sure what a PT doctor is? All I can think of when the words P & T are together is periods and tension :p.
That would be Physical Therapy Doc, hee hee. Has he seen one recently? Something has to be going on with him. I hope it all works out for him and you very soon, I know how difficult it can be to deal with issues you are unsure of.:hug:
Just wanted to say I'm ok :D, it's all well blown over by now, I was just a bit upset at the time. I even managed to fix the phone.

I think I've given across this idea that I'm some poor pathetic battered woman and that's far from the case. Trust me, I grew up in an abusive situation and I'm very much a strong enough person to know when enough is enough. When I was a little kid, mum was with someone very abusive. He never hit my brother but he had an issue with women and girls, and did lots of nasty stuff. He forced my mum to pose lewdly and took polaroids of her to hold against her if she tried to leave. he would show these to my brother and I and asked if they excited us. She did get up the courage though, and with no car or money we managed to all run away one night when he was asleep, and haven't looked back since. He used to hold me to the ground and make me say "I love you" and if I didn't, I'd get whacked over the back with a large hard plastic baton. Mum didn't know at the time, but the day I told her we were out of there.

Anyway, Mat and I have spoken about it and he's apologised and said he was wrong, and he knows he gets angry about stupid stuff. I do too, and he's pointed out to me about several times that I've hurt his feelings a great deal and not known I have. I have this tendency to get frustrated with him when he's not picking up on something as fast as I would like and apparently I call him a stupid so-and-so a lot when that happens :?, I hadn't realised how often until now. So we're both mean to eachother at times. he has said he wasn't trying to chuck the phone at me but rather at the wall, which is bad enough, but I'm taking him on his word at that.

We have a great relationship for the most part, like anyone else we get along pretty much perfectly 99% of the time but have the odd arguement or disagreement. That's part and parcel of sharing your life with someone so it's to be expected.

It's our anniversary today! We obviously aren't married so we pick the day that we declared that we loved eachother and decided to not be just friends any longer. That was 7 years ago now, boy how time flies. We were teenagers and now we are old ugly wrinkled people :p. He bought me a game for my PS3 and I bought him a nice set of headphones, and we are cooking dinner together later on which should be fun. We have so many laughs in the kitchen together and I'm looking forward to it.

Sorry for all the rambling :shock:, I didn't mean to do that. This is meant to be about Sakura, so er *runs to see how she is*, Sakura is well today :p. She's funny, I gave her a strawberry yesterday and she bit it a little and spat it out, then just ate the top and ignored the fruit.

NZminilops wrote:
It's our anniversary today! We obviously aren't married so we pick the day that we declared that we loved eachother and decided to not be just friends any longer.

Happy Anniversary! Mine and Will's 2-year is tomorrow! How funny! We have cute little Nethies, and our "anniversaries" are close to! Haha!

I'm short, too, in case you didn't know ;)
That is funny, and cool! :biggrin2: I must have to get myself a gay housemate and a rex rabbit so we really match :p.

Also, today here is tomorrow for you right? It's the 12th here.
Happy Anniversary! I hope you guys have a lovely day :) It was our 3-year anniversary back in September... we too celebrate the day we got together 'officially' since we're not married :)

I wanna see a pic of Sakura with strawberry smooshed face! :D:D:D :p
Happy belated anniversary Jen and Steve! :biggrin2::pinkbouce::pinkelepht::highfive:

Sakura did eat a little strawberry today, but sadly she tucks her cheeks back and eats so delicately that there is not one cute pink smear on her lips.


I have some news though, two new pets :whistling...I got two baby rats! right now they are cuddled asleep tucked under my chin, they are so lovely.
NZminilops wrote:
Happy belated anniversary Jen and Steve! :biggrin2::pinkbouce::pinkelepht::highfive:

Sakura did eat a little strawberry today, but sadly she tucks her cheeks back and eats so delicately that there is not one cute pink smear on her lips.


I have some news though, two new pets :whistling...I got two baby rats! right now they are cuddled asleep tucked under my chin, they are so lovely.
I just saw your MSN status and was wondering about that!! :p We NEED pics! :nod

Aaaah.... Sakura and her neat ways.... I'd like to see a pic of her tucking back her cheeks and eating delicately then! :p:biggrin2: (Either way, I want a picture, you'd never guess right?)

Edit: and thank you! Although i feel bad now, for mentioning it when it was your special day.... :)
NZminilops wrote:
I have some news though, two new pets :whistling...I got two baby rats! right now they are cuddled asleep tucked under my chin, they are so lovely.

Wait till Amy sees this!

We celebrate the day we first said I love you, the day we met in person and the day we married! :p
JEN! Lol! You're such a silly billy, I'm GLAD you mentioned it, and nothing to feel bad for :shock:! Hardly that special anyway as he's at work and I'm home so not like we have been doing anything wonderful. He didn't remember until I reminded him anyway :p. We aren't that mushy or big on anniversaries really anyway, not either of our style. I feel bad because I don't even remember if I'd known you'd had an anniversary or if I said congrats to you at the time :?.

I'll get some pictures of Sakura and her funny fruit ways later on, I want to hose myself down after being at the rat ladies house before I touch her. Not to sound nasty but she had hundreds of pets and more than a few fleas and lots of poo on the floor (cat and rat and bird). She had the cutest kittens.

Ali I told Amy when I first found out to ask her advice on food and caging and bedding, she was very helpful :D.

Here are my new boys, they have no names, so feel free to suggest.

This is Mr One Eye, he has one eye :p. He's a pink eyed white. He's really active and never stops moving. I could have just gotten one of the others with two eyes, but I felt like he was special.




And this is the other one, he's a hooded something, I don't remember the colour exactly. But he's white with a 'hood' and dots of a colour only barely darker than white, and darker eyes than the other one.





They're so gorgeous! I love them both! Eeeeee :biggrin2:I'm so happy you got them. Congrats on your new babies! I'd name one Ratatouille. LOL. :pThey are really cute though, did I tell you that? ;)
NZminilops wrote:
JEN! Lol! You're such a silly billy, I'm GLAD you mentioned it, and nothing to feel bad for :shock:! I feel bad because I don't even remember if I'd known you'd had an anniversary or if I said congrats to you at the time :?.
Ok.... I AM a silly billy lol! :sofa: :p

Don't YOU feel bad... man we are a right pair! :p I don't think I did mention it because I was in hospital the day before... Steve sent me a bunch of red roses, but didn't know where to send them until the actual day, cos he didn't know if I'd be home of not! Lol! :D

OMG your ratties are SOOOOOO cute!!!! I love them! To think I wasn't a fan of them at all until I found this forum..... Do you have proper names for them yet, is Mr One Eye going to remain so? Beautiful! :biggrin2:
NZminilops wrote:
That is funny, and cool! :biggrin2: I must have to get myself a gay housemate and a rex rabbit so we really match :p.

Also, today here is tomorrow for you right? It's the 12th here.
Ours is the 12th :p lol

Cute new ratty friends! I have a soft spot for "special" pets, too ;) I love the hooded guy! They're so pretty!

I'm not normally a fan of rodents either Jen, I'm sorry to guinea pig owners but they scare me a little :baghead.

I used to look after the rats at highschool, the ones that would get frozen and then disected by us students :cry1:, so I have liked them since then. I tried to sneak two of the school rats home one day and they escaped from my school bag in the middle of science, I got in heaps of trouble.

These rats are just so awesome and I'm amazed how bold they are. They are very active considering it's daytime too.

Ali you know you are welcome to take any of my animals to trade for Ringo and Teresa.

And they need names!!!

The white guy with one eye is a bit more skitty and active than the other, always on the go. The hooded is a busy boy too but he's more likely to let you hold him.

Oh and Brewster, the cat, is terrified of them :p.
Ugh! I'm terrible with guessing the sex of things! Dang it! I called someone's sister a "he" in another thread... Oops... *pouts*

Sakura is a girl, right!? (j/k ;))
Ah - I'm horrible with names....and I'm NOT a rat fan - but they do look cute at this age. So - have you had rats before (other than the ones at school)? I may have missed it if you mentioned it already.

Anyway - congrats on your new babies....may they live long and um....not eat you out of house and home? I don't know of a good thing to say about rats.

May they live long and you get LOTS of enjoyment out of them...yeah...that's it!

the little guy with one eye looks like an albert to me. the other one, i am not so sure of yet. i will think about it.... :dude: