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kherrmann3 wrote:
NZminilops wrote:
Do you have to clean your buns scent glands very often? Hers are always smelly :?.
Maybe it's a Nethie thing. Toby's are always icky. I haven't been brave enough to venture there to clean them out lately.
... I'm afraid :tears2:
I have two nethies and never found the need to clean them.:D
How successful were you with Sakura? Is she all preened and ready for a date?
I think Sakura is just very territorial, her glands tend to smell bad if she spots another animal.

We have a domestic rabbit gone wild that lives in the backyard, it had been running around the neighbourhood for a couple of years and I trapped it in our yard because I was worried it would get killed somehow. Sakura has spotted this bun a few times out the window etc and when she does see it (I can't tell if it's male or female :?), she goes nuts producing super stinky marked poos and her glands can be smelt from a mile away.

The grooming went well, it only took 10 minutes for a change as she let me hold her upside-down.

Not too long until she goes dating! There is one girl I'm hoping like hell she likes, a black otter dwarf bun. I hesitate to call her a nethie, as I've seen her and she would just fit the general 'dwarf rabbit' catagory even though she's meant to be an ND. She isn't spayed so I'm not expecting them to love eachother but if she could just let me stuff her in my handbag and run off I'd be happy :p.

I know I keep saying I don't want another bun but I'm trying to do this for Sakura and look past my bun owning fears.
Toby looks out the window in the bedroom a lot. I wonder if he sees/smells someone and gets stinky like Sakura :p

I hope all goes well with the dating! The little otter girl sounds like a cutie! :)
I like Toby, I think he would fit in perfectly here! :highfive:

Things didn't go well with the breeder and Sakura, well really between me and Mathew. He doesn't like Karen because of some arguement she and I had once, and doesn't want any "breeder" bunnies here (that could possibly have deseases or be pregnant or anything), because karen has over 70 rabbits in a small courtyard and he's paranoid about germs and bla bla bla.

However he's coming around to the idea of another SPCA bun but only if I have it checked with our vet the day I adopt to get the all-clear.

Compromising with this man is an art form :p.

Yay! An SPCA bun. You can quarantine any animal you get in though, don't forget (That's what I do, and many people do).
Hello people! :D

Tracy, it was because I had some issues with the SPCA in the past that Mathew was going on about vet checks. He's always worried about money more than anything, the last bunny we got from the SPCA cost an arm and a leg with undisclosed health issues.

Aww thanks Polly! I hope I do too, the older she gets the more lonely she seems, and she prefers animal company over human.

I have some pictures and videos of her I will do later, the pics need some red eye removal first. I got a short video of her grooming my hand which is evidence that she is nice sometimes :p.
I'm still working on getting the pictures up, but it's so darn hot! I just don't feel like doing anything and I have been out all morning in the sun, phoar, sweating like crazy.

I hate this weather we are having. On Saturday it was so hot I was melting and sitting around in my bathing cozzie, then by Monday it was freezing cold and back to wearing pants, now Wednesday it's scorching hot again. Poor Sakura doesn't know whether to grow a summer or winter coat :p.

P.S if anyone reading this has a cat, why do cats just sit there and stare and meow? :? Brewster does this and I have no idea what she wants but she sounds so pathetic and sad.

*edit* I didn't say darn up there, I guess what I said must be considered a naughty word on here :p.
Ah, I see why it is a risk then. Hopefully getting the vet check the day of, or the day after you bring a bun home, that should cover you.

How was your day?

I am sorry but moaning about your sun while we have freezing weather is just not going to get you any sympathy :p

We have a cat, but she does that when she is trying to tell us something. Normally that she doesn't like her food, or wants more food. Maybe you're missing the message?
How "cold" is it there, Michelle? lol It's 65*F (20*C) INSIDE and the highest temperature outside is 33*F (0.5*C). We're supposed to get 3-5 inches of snow here! :?
Yeah yeah, ok :p, cold for me would be warm for you! You know how you live somewhere forvever though and your body gets so used to it, you can feel any shift in temp and what is cold there then becomes cold for you? I guess it's like that :p.

My thermometer says it's 10C or 50F in the house. It is summer here so that is sort of strange, but it is before 7am I guess so the sun isn't shining into the house yet.

Here 86F would be really hot, that's what it was the other day when I was melting. It's so humid in Auckland, it makes the heat feel so intense. When I was in Australia the temp could be much higher than that but it was a very dry heat and much more tolerable.

Further down the country it gets much colder, it was even snowing last week somewhere, snowing at the end of spring! The world is really upsidedown.

Tracy that is what I don't get about Brewster. To begin with she is very vocal, but when she has everything I can think that she would need and she stands there looking at me so intensly with her ears right forward and meowing - I have no clue what she wants :?. Sometimes I think she thinks I'm another cat because I always meow back.

Erm, still forgot to upload the pictures, oops :whistling.
She's having a conversation :D

Yeh, I do agree you do adjust to wherever you live and the temperature changes. I think maybe you're just soft :p What time is it there?
You cheeky monkey haha! :p I'm soft alright but I think I'm more soft in the head than anything. We don't have any cooling or heating and this house is old and damp so you do feel it when it's chilly, homes should stay 18C inside in winter else you risk mold and spores and ill health etc but this one sits around 8C inside in winter. Under the house on the dirt is this massive intricate white mold (or is is spelt mould? I never know!) sculpture. It looks like the pattern a firework makes in the sky with little while mold people standing around it.

It is 6:58am, best time of the day :D. We get up at 5:30 and Mat has gone to work by 6:30 so I have peace and quiet now.

What time is it there?
Aw man. Poor you! That is so cold! I couldn't cope with that. *Retracts soft statement*

It's just after 6pm here.

Did you sleep well? Have many plans for the day?
I'm well known for being very unproductive :cool:.

I have a pic of me and Sakura that I like:


And a funny one where I look like a space alien with weird eyes, I'm standing with my brother in it and he asked to be cut out so that's why it's all narrow. I'm trying to be brave and show my face but really I don't normally look this nice and tidy and I'm covered in bad skin when I have no makeup on :p.


Neither were taken by me so not sure what settings the person had their camera on, but I'm not actually that pale :shock:.

Also someone asked me on MSN who was in my avatar and it's my grandparents (long since divorced) on their wedding day in 1963. I really like the pic.

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