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You could be a jerk and name him Popeye or Squinty. lol I've had two "special" hamsters. One had three legs, and the other has an off-center face. Their names were/are Stubby and Squishy, respectively. ;) I suck at naming pets. I had a robo dwarf ham named Sir Puffington the Brave, before lol
NZminilops wrote:






AWWWWWWWH - Super cutenes :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:


Lol you guys! You've all made me laugh and I've got a huge headache, stop being so funny :p.

That's ok Peg I know lots of people can't stand rats. Thanks for being so nice about them :hug:. Yes they are my first rats. I don't like lionheads so we can be even-stevens!

They are just the sweetest little dudes! So so cuddly. They both run under my shirt and up behind my neck and nest under my hair every time i pick them up. They groom me and sniff up my nose and it's so cute.

Mathew likes them too which is neat! he said "finally a pet that responds when you touch it", which is a bit mean to Sakura and Brewster but he's right in that the rats are very much more interactive and curious. It's funny because every time he sees the cat move, he's asking where the rats are and make sure they are safe, aww.
Mood: Very dark :grumpy:
Music: Slipknot album - All Hope is Gone

I'm in a rotten bad mood. Sakura isn't helping, she went on some sort of rampage last night and destroyed everything in her bedroom. She has torn two nails off her left paw almost totally off. There is blood on the carpet that wont come out, she's not happy and wont let me put anything on her foot.


My car wont go, a friend doesn't want to talk to me any longer, I've stopped eating and lost weight but people tell me I look BIGGER. Just feel like I can't win right now, can't make anyone happy no matter what I do.

My counseller let me down in a big way as well. She's actually more grumpy than I am and doesn't look at me when I'm talking and just sits there tapping her fingers looking bored.

Friday through Monday, I haven't slept more than 4 hours a night. I'm one of these people that need 9 hours of sleep a night to feel on an even keel so it's not helping.

Brewster got outside last night and wouldn't come in no matter what I did. There are two large dogs next door and she stood on the fence teasing them and they were getting really agitated.


Mathews brother Jody is waiting for court and setencing for molesting two little girls and the blimmin idiot has gone and done it again. On Saturday it was Mathews mothers 60th birthday, and Mats nephews and neices were there. Well apparently Jody tried to fiddle with the yougest girl, who is 13. Jody has schizophrenia and extreme paranoid delusions and the music was telling him to do it, he said.

At this same party was this girl that was the love of Mathews life before he and I started a serious relationship, it was like a punch in the gut to suddenly have her standing in front of me. She's so perfect, slim and gorgeous and bubbly and very social, the total opposite to me. Didn't help that Mathew was extremely drunk (I didn't drink anything) and so he thought everyone was his best friend and she was trying to take advantage of that. At one stage she slipped her hand into his pants pocket, grabbed his phone and stuck her number on it, then texted herself from his phone so that she had his.

Mat is always the life of the party so he pretty much was ignoring her and just having fun dancing and singing but it still felt strange and really awkward. I'm so worried now though that she's going to be calling and texting and being annoying all the time. I can feel myself wanting to check his phone, but I respect his privacy and somewhar trust him as much as a paranoid person can trust someone.


Apart from that everything is ok :tongue.

Im sorry you are feeling so bad.

~To get blood out of the carpet try using cool wtaer, and rubbing salt into it, leaving it to soak and then scrubbing it.

~Is there any reason why Sakura did that? Can you maybe give her some pain meds? That might let her let you near it.

~Can you get your car repaired? Or is that too expensive right now?

~Can you talk to your friend? Maybe just an e-mail? Sometimes it is nothing to do with you, but if they can have the decency to explain a bit, then that would be a good start.

~Losing weight and not eating can confuse people, as stupid as that sounds. Also, when your clothes get baggier, you do look bigger than you are. What you are doing though is not healthy and will encourage you to binge when you so start to eat. It will also mess with your metabolism and make your mental health worse. Why is it you are not eating?

~You shouldn'ty be trying to make others happy, but be trying to make yourself happy. Anyone who counts will want that too.

~I'm gutted about your counsellor, but I suggest you raise your concerns with her, and if she can't change, then ask her to recommend someone who might work better with you. (This is not rude, if she is half way decent she will see that that is in your best interests).

~Have you thought about going back to the docs?

~I'm sorry about Matt, I would just suggest also talking to him about how you feel.

~As for Jodi, I have no tolerance for abuse. If he is not safe to be around people, then he shouldn't be. He should be in hospital, or somewhere where he can be kept an eye on, like supported accommodation or something.
Thank you for replying you two :).

Just wanted to say that Sakura seems fine today. She's being very affectionate as well.

The rats are good too, and the cat.
They are good! No sign of anything bad going on there. They broke off part way through the quick. She's bounding around and "helping" me to clean up the mess she made.

She found her food bag just now and tore a huge hole in the bottom of it and pellets have gone everywhere though, naughty girl :shock:!

Well, if they grow back like Berry-Boo's did, you'll never have to cut those nails again! Hers grew back, but it almost never grows or gets sharp. :)
Happy birthday to my little brother today, he turns 24! I know you (Chris) look at this forum sometimes to see how I am so I hope you see this. Happy Birthday ya little bothersome brat! :p
Sakura has a lump, on her tummy, so I'm very worried about that :(. Not sure what it could be - it's pea sized and hard and feels like it's attached to her abdominal muscles.

This christmas is going to suck, I just had to give all my savings to someone. I sold something online, they never got it, so I filled out the forms at the postoffice to look into a refund on the missing parcel. The other people wouldn't fill out their end so I couldn't get them the refund :grumpy:. Anyway they found out where I live and put a threatening note in my mailbox demanding the money. I can't handle this sort of thing right now and worrying that they are going to show up and beat me up or whatever, so I went to the police station and showed them the note and then went to the bank and trasnfered all my christmas money to the people ($190).

The rats are doing well, I can't remember if I said we named them Patch and Pirate. Their poo and pee stinks now that they have dogfood but they are gaining weight with it so that's good.

Man that completely sucks and what freaking %^$%#@&'s they are. Didn't the police do anything? Have you contacted trademe? surely they can at least bann them so they can't trade again after doing something that freaking low! :hug::hugsquish:
And sorry to hear about Sakura's lump hopefully it's just something minor...Could it be like a mozzie bite or anything similar?
I'm going into town tomorrow and will get you something seems the blimmen post shop can't even deliver a freaking parcel!
I'm sorry Michelle :( If they truly had not got it, then they should have filled in the forms, not taken matters into their own hands.

I'm sorry about Sakura too but I hope it's nothing serious. Summer has a pea sized lump on her that is just there. Hopefully it will be something and nothing on Sakura.

If you need me, prod me ok? I may be lost in my head but that doesn't mean I don't care.

That's is messed up!!!!

How could they find you address?

Btw, it is clearly stated on online sales sites like and ebay that the seller is not responsible for the items getting lost in the mail unless the people buy insurance for their package. If you have proof of the shipment receipt and can send them a copy and they didn't buy insurance, it is NOT your fault to pay them back! But they should get a copy of the shipment receipt. If you prove you did indeed ship the item and it isn't your fault, they will probably go away.

I'm SO sorry!!!

The lump may not be as bad as you think, but better to take her to a vet now to have them do a culture to find out if it is an abscess then wait and see if it gets bigger. The smaller the better!

I know, I'm dumb to cave in and give them the money but I was so scared that they'd come back and do something :(, as the note implied they would. I was shaking life a leaf all day until I decided to just go pay them. I don't know how they found out where I live but they did. Must have found someone else I'd bought something from on the website and got them to spill out my address, I'm not sure. I tell you, I almost fell down in shock on the front lawn when I saw the note. I ran inside as fast as I coud and shut all the windows and doors.

I don't want anything ruining my Christmas or Mathews Christmas, he's worked so hard these last few years and been through surgery twice and then hurting his back so badly, I'm not going to then have this hanging over us. He has no idea about any of it and I'm keeping it that way.

Sakura's lump has gotten bigger overnight, or at least I am imagining it is. With so many places breaking up over Christmas I'm hoping like h*ll that I can get her in to see a vet tomorrow.

Tracy thankis so much but please don't feel you have to be there for me to vent on, I know you've got so much going on right now and I'd rather know that you're taking time for yourself than worrying what I'm doing :hug:.

Pepnfluff I'm just hoping my package turns up for you!
Just know the offer is there :)

I hope you giving them the money helped you feel more settled, I'm just sorry they did that.

I too hope you can get Sakura in before Christmas. Keep us updated.
I completely understand where you're coming from. If I was in that situation I'd likely shell out the cash to them too out of fear because that is so scary! I wouldn't want to tell my guy either because he would want to go after them himself which would be even more scary to me.

Can't believe someone would do that. Mean people :(. Glad you feel more at ease now though, they have nothing to complain about anymore! <3

Definetely much more at ease :D.

Sakura has a new vet! And he's really cool (and handsome), and American :p. He was asking me "Do you filter your UCK-werrr?" I was so confused, I had no idea what he was talking about. My what? "UCK-werrr, you know, water?" Oh aqua, haha! He had such a funny accent (we say aqua like "ack-wa").

He took some fluid from her lump to be analised but he thinks it's some sort of harmless cyst, here's hoping that's all it is.