Rory in stasis? RESOLVED

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I would call the vet office and make a request that the 'good vet" does the examining and treatment
if this is coming too lateI would find out which vet treated him. you do have a right to know as you are paying the bill.
I hope that he is OK
Good news is the good vet did see Rory! About an hour after I got to work, one of the vet techs from the vet clinic came through my line (I'm a cashier) and she said Rory was hopping around, eating and pooping. She said that our vet would definitely be the one to look at him since she's who I requested.

At my first break, I called the clinic and talked to the vet. She said that Rory was looking pretty good and she could tell he had been having some gut issues but that he's getting better. She too said Rory was hopping around, eating and pooping some. She said his belly was kind of doughy. He didn't seem dehydrated but she gave him some sub q fluids just in case.

All in all, I paid $96 pretty much just for peace of mind and the sub q fluids but I consider it money well spent... Poor Rory had to go to work with Paul after being at the vet for 10 hours, but it was only for an hour. Paul said he was very happy to get out of the carrier when they got home! At the moment he's loafing in his cage and looking pretty comfortable. I'm glad to know he's getting better but am still going to push lots of veggies and everything I was doing before.

Thanks for everyone's help!
We just saw Rory drinking water! I gave him some salad about 15 minutes ago and he hasn't eaten any yet but he did come out of his cage and run around some.
Sounds good! Don't worry about the balding spot- I think we have all done it to them by accident at some point. A good trick is to pluck the hair against the direction of the coat- I like to smooth it backwards just a touch and then pluck. The loose hair comes out easier and you don't end up pulling new hair. However I see you have the same Furminator that I have, and I have caused bare patches with that FOR SURE... more so than plucking. I don't think it feels good to them at all, in fact I think the Furminator is irritating to them but also a necessary evil during the shedding season.
Heh, I accidentally fell asleep on the couch and just woke up to a Rory in my face! He jumped onto my arm/chest from the back of the couch. What a sweet surprise. I guess he's not too mad at me! Also, good to know I'm not the only one who has overgroomed their bunny... He actually does really well with the brushing, providing I'm in the kitchen and he can sit completely sit on my lap, ideally burying his face in my side. I don't have to hold on to him or anything because he hates linoleum more than anything else. I'm sure if I tried to brush him on the couch or carpet he'd be gone in seconds!
Thanks, Jo! I hope he's back to normal soon too. He's pooped in his litter box quite a bit. I just brushed him and gave him his Benebac. I noticed that I can feel and hear crackling under the skin on his back and belly- I'm assuming it's from the sub q fluids? He left the vet office 9 hours ago and I don't know how long ago he got the fluids- is that normal? Also, Rory's nose has been running slightly since this morning. I'm assuming it's because he's stressed. I think it started when we were at the vet office. Tallulah used to be a mess whenever we went to the vet, her nose leaked like a faucet (always clear) and her eyes would tear up like she was crying.

I'm going to bed now (have to get up in 5 hours for school) but Rory has a plate of veggies and some pellets and of course hay and water for the night. I'll update tomorrow!
I'm glad he's eating and pooing lots! Stories like this make me want to ask the vet how to do sub-q's the next time I take my guys in. Fluids can make such a difference!

I have not heard of the crackling thing before though. Sometimes I can hear something when I pet Muffin's back, as her skin is a bit looser than Tony's--kind of like I can feel the tissue moving along the bones? Has anyone else heard this?
I'm so glad Rory is doing better! What a relief- things like this are always so scary...

Could the crackling thing be his stomach gurgling? I quite often hear my bunnies' stomachs gurgling if I'm close.... Other than that, no clues whatsoever sorry! :?

I'm glad the good vet saw him as well :)
The sound is most definitely air bubbles crackling under his skin. You can feel it and hear it, and it's on his back and belly. People can get the same thing if their lungs are injured, it's very weird. I'm going to call the vet here in a minute and ask if they know what it is.

Rory still isn't super into his greens, he ate hardly any of his lettuce but he ate hay and drank water and had some parsley. I'm at school right now but will see him again in about 5 hours.

If you can believe it, I managed to wake up 2 hours before I should have, fed the pets, posted here on RO and walked the mile to the bus stop without realizing it was 6 am and not 8 am... I waited at the bus stop for about 20 minutes before figuring it out, then went home and slept for another hour! That shows how out of it I am! So I got 2 hours of sleep the first time and then another hour. I'm tired and think a nap is in order when I get home.
I just called the vet. Our regular vet isn't in, but another knowledgeable rabbit vet is there today (there are 4 vets who see rabbits at this clinic. Two are knowledgeable about rabbits, 1 isn't and 1 REALLY isn't). She said that's very unusual and is concerned he may have an infection under the skin that's causing gas to form. She said it's especially weird that you can feel the bubbles on his stomach and sides too when the sub q fluids were only given on his back. I'm going to call her back when I get home this afternoon and in the mean time she's going to find an antibiotic to give him if necessary.

Poor Rory! Hopefully the crackles will be gone when I get home :(
Oh gosh, that's scary sounding, now that I understand what you're talking about :(

I hope that you and the vets can get to the bottom of it and that Rory will be ok!

Please let us know when you can- I will be thinking of him!
Hi, I have experienced the crackling before. It happened that some fluid got trapped between the skin. It was gone in just over 24hours. When you ran your hand over it it actually feels/sounds like crackling. However, I could only feel this in the place the needle went in- on the shoulders.

Your vet is correct to assume possible infection, gas can indeed form and move to other parts of the body. It could be this, or it could be that fluid/air did get between his skin. I hope its gone when you get home but if not, yes he will likely need antibiotics. Infection sue to sub qs are really rare though.
I hope to hear soon that your boy is doing better. I hope it's just as dquesnel says, that it's just some water that got under his skin...

Hugs to you both!!
Thanks, Rosie! Good news is Rory doesn't have bubbles anymore, they were completely gone yesterday. It did take longer than the projected 3 days for it to clear up though and he's still on his antibiotics.

I'm still worried about my boy though because he still isn't completely back to normal! It's been over a week since he first started showing signs of stasis. I brush him every day and he's still shedding, but nowhere near as much as he was before. His tummy feels nice and soft. He has very little interest in hay still, I've only seen him drink water a few times. He's getting 2 big salads every day so that could account for some of the water, but even so he isn't always finishing all his veggies. Maybe he's just getting tired of romaine because that's usually the one he doesn't finish. Funny thing is when he was sicker, romaine is the only one he would eat! He is eating his pellets better than he was when he was sickest, he munches on them throughout the day. Maybe he's not excited about his salads because he's getting them so often?

Also, a few days ago Rory took to chewing the carpet in his cage incessantly. I cut the carpet out so now he just has wood to sit in. I wonder if the little dope ate some carpet? He wouldn't eat hay but he would chew carpet :expressionless

Skyler is shedding like mad now too but his appetite and attitude are good. Thankfully, he's been getting giant salads and lots of hay the whole time Rory's been sick because a few days ago, Skyler pooped a chain of 21 POOPS STUCK TOGETHER with hair. If you can believe it. It was spectactular, his new name is Poopmeister and he earned it. I took a picture and it's a foot and a half long. Needless to say, he is also being brushed all the time!
OH MY GOODNESS!! :shock: That's a big string o' poops! GO SKYLER!!

I'm happy to hear that Rory's tummy is feeling better, and that the bubblies are gone. :)

I have never been able to give my babies salad consistently (note: daily) before, so I don't have any advice to give on that one. But I'm happy his tummy feels better. :)

Keep us updated! :)

SnowyShiloh wrote:
Thanks, Rosie! Good news is Rory doesn't have bubbles anymore, they were completely gone yesterday. It did take longer than the projected 3 days for it to clear up though and he's still on his antibiotics.

I'm still worried about my boy though because he still isn't completely back to normal! It's been over a week since he first started showing signs of stasis. I brush him every day and he's still shedding, but nowhere near as much as he was before. His tummy feels nice and soft. He has very little interest in hay still, I've only seen him drink water a few times. He's getting 2 big salads every day so that could account for some of the water, but even so he isn't always finishing all his veggies. Maybe he's just getting tired of romaine because that's usually the one he doesn't finish. Funny thing is when he was sicker, romaine is the only one he would eat! He is eating his pellets better than he was when he was sickest, he munches on them throughout the day. Maybe he's not excited about his salads because he's getting them so often?

Also, a few days ago Rory took to chewing the carpet in his cage incessantly. I cut the carpet out so now he just has wood to sit in. I wonder if the little dope ate some carpet? He wouldn't eat hay but he would chew carpet :expressionless

Skyler is shedding like mad now too but his appetite and attitude are good. Thankfully, he's been getting giant salads and lots of hay the whole time Rory's been sick because a few days ago, Skyler pooped a chain of 21 POOPS STUCK TOGETHER with hair. If you can believe it. It was spectactular, his new name is Poopmeister and he earned it. I took a picture and it's a foot and a half long. Needless to say, he is also being brushed all the time!
a 21 poop necklace..maybe a record
How is he ( Rory )doing now?

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