Rory in stasis? RESOLVED

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I think I will give you my take on things, which you can disregard if you aren't in agreement. If I were you I wouldn't be dropping him off on Tuesday. My vet offers the same option sometimes, and while it is ok for a cat I don't think the rabbits are ok at all in the situation. Most vets wouldn't have a dog dropped off, so why a rabbit? Personally I don't like the idea of Rory going though that stress since he is eating and pooping, although not normal.

Since an x-ray was never done, it is certainly a good idea too get it done especially since it feels like things are taking a while. I would wait until the good vet has a time for both of you to come in together, get xrayed, talk, and go from there. It sounds like Tuesday will be a stressful day, and at this point there doesn't look like there is an emergency.

I know I have said it before but after stasis it can take some rabbits a loooong time for full recovery. And after a rough bout of stasis some rabbits never return to what was 'normal' in terms of eating and output. It doesn't mean they are unhealthy, just changed. It is hard going through this waiting period and not knowing what exactly is going on with Rory, I have also been there. The x-ray may reveal something not suspected before, or it may be totally clear and it will be back to not having an exact answer to what the problem may be. For Rory's sake, I hope the xray comes back with absolutley no problem signs!

How warm is it in your place? Some rabbits really react to heat- becoming sluggish, pooping in odd places, eating less, drinking less.
Dquesnel, that's scary to think of Rory never being the same again :nerves1 I could call tomorrow to see if we could come in on Thursday (since when I called on Saturday, the receptionist said there was an open appointment with our vet then), but with my luck the appointment won't be available anymore and we'll have to wait even longer.
Aww....your babies are so adorable!!! :)

I love hearing about them...

I hope things go well with your Rory boy...and I'm happy to hear he seems to be doing better. :)
I think Rory may be starting to feel better! He's started playing with his toys again. I hadn't thought of it before (and now it seems so obvious), but I hadn't seen him play with his toys since he got sick. He played with them a lot today and ate hay, pellets and salad. Hopefully this means he'll be back to his regular self soon!!
SnowyShiloh wrote:
I think Rory may be starting to feel better! He's started playing with his toys again. I hadn't thought of it before (and now it seems so obvious), but I hadn't seen him play with his toys since he got sick. He played with them a lot today and ate hay, pellets and salad. Hopefully this means he'll be back to his regular self soon!!
That's good to hear . are you still taking him Thurs?
Angieluv, I have a final and a study session on Thursday so don't think I can. You know how those are, they take up the whole day. He seems to still be feeling better today, thankfully. Busy little bunny was throwing things all over his cage making tons of noise at 4 this morning, then jangled the carabiner that keeps his cage closed for about 15 minutes. He hadn't done that in a while up until yesterday. We'll see how he's doing tonight and then make an appointment for him depending on how he's doing.
That's good to hear. It can sometimes take a bunny a while to recover from a GI slowdown bout, so that may be what's been going on.
Rosie, I think our little Beanie Weenie is definitely on the road to recovery. He's much spunkier than he has been and has shown a lot more interest in food. He's lost a bit of weight, but if that excess weight was hair in his belly, it's a good thing! He's still shedding like mad though. This morning when I opened his door to feed him, he zoomed out and raced up the stairs into the bedroom. That was NOT a good time because I was getting ready to leave for my math final and it always takes a long time to get him out from under the bed!
Tracy, Rory just hopped up on the couch to visit me for the first time in a MONTH and then he lay on the back of the couch and let me pet him! It's been quite a while since he did that. Also I gave him his salad this afternoon and he started eating it right away, and had it finished within half an hour :)
Rory's finally drinking his water like normal! He also spent last night harassing me on the couch while I studied for a test, alternately digging at my quilt and hopping all over me and being petted. Too cute! I need to brush him today, I was going to do it last night but he was being friendly for the first time in quite a while and I didn't want to ruin it by brushing him.
Just yet another update to say Rory is definitely on the mend. He actually seems to be back to himself! I got kisses for the first time in a long time today, he's drinking lots and getting excited about food again. Thank God he got through this!
I know my recent updates have all been essentially the same, but I wanted to say I think Rory is officially better! He's grabbing food out of my hands like he used to and acting normal! I'm so glad. We want to wait at least a couple more weeks before moving to make sure he's stable.