Rory in stasis? RESOLVED

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Ali, I know I have a lot of posts in this thread but megasuring the water is something I said I was going to do in one of them. I haven't given Rory the Benebac yet because I was waiting for a reply. I'll hold off then... I just fell asleep for a while (didn't get much sleep last night) and Paul says Rory didn't come out of his cage at all. He did eat some of his veggies though. At the moment he's sprawled out in his cage on his side and licking his paws. He doesn't look uncomfortable to me.
Okay, Paul says that the pet store actually did have Benebac! They didn't last time I looked for it. So we'll be going back over there this evening to get some. Also I called the vet and they said we can drop Rory off tomorrow morning at 8 am and his normal vet (who owns the veterinary practice and has been a vet for a long time) will examine him when she gets the chance. I feel better now knowing he will definitely be seen tomorrow.

If Rory's condition continues to be the same, should I try to syringe him some baby food for Pedialyte? The flavors of baby food I got are papaya, apple blueberry, banana something and also sweet peas. And the apple butternut squash one he doesn't like. He hasn't come out of his cage in about 3 hours, but he's often lazy in the afternoon. Should I take him out of his cage and close the door so he can't go back in?
I would not give baby food alone if you can help it - I find it gives them diaherrea. I mix baby food with canned pumpkin - about 50/50 or maybe a tad bit more pumpkin than baby food. I use banana baby food with the pumpkin.

I'm glad he can see the good vet tomorrow.
I'll try that, Peg... the poor boy hates pumpkin but maybe he'll like it better with a strongly flavored baby food mixed in. How much total should I give? He is now meatloafing with his paws hidden underneath him and his eyes closed.
I try to get 5-10 ccs in them per hour - but that may be too much for him. Maybe start off w/ 3-5 ccs?

To be honest with you - I'm technically not an infirmary mod and I'd feel more comfortable if they could give you recommended amounts as I only know what I do w/ my guys/gals. I know some folks would say don't use baby food due to the sugar content or whatever - but I feel like whatever it takes to get something in them - I'll try.
He sounds better. Don't push the food unless he hasn't eaten all of his veggies yet. I wouldn't worry about the avian L. casei strain, like I said before, but cross contamination might be a real concern. It's good that you got the mammal kind.
I would say Rory is doing worse than yesterday... Not badly per se, but not better. Yesterday his tummy felt a little firm but he was pooping and acting like normal with a slightly reduced appetite. Today his tummy feels the same amount of firm, but he's less active and also eating less and pooping a lot less. I haven't seen him drink anything but he did pee.
Ok, but I thought you weren't supposed to force feed unless they weren't eating at all on their own.
You need to get some syringes so you can syringe him some pedialyte ; it will help alot
fluids are more important than food (other than maybe wet greens)
Paul brought home two syringes that I can give him Pedialyte with. We're heading out now to buy some Benebac!
Okay, I bought some Benebac at Petco. They had a pack of 4 little individual serving gel containers for $6 or a canister of powder for $17. I was going to buy the powder, but noticed the canister wasn't sealed! There were two canisters and neither was sealed. That seems very odd to me. Are they supposed to be sealed? I ended up buying the little gel tubes to be on the safe side, even though they were way overpriced. It said to give 1 tube for an animal up to 5 pounds so Rory got the whole tube. He actually did surprisingly well with it when I squirted it in his mouth.

Next I tried to syringe him some Pedialyte... that wasn't nearly as successful. He swallowed probably about 1/2 teaspoon worth and decided he wasn't going to swallow anymore so it just dribbled out of his mouth. Stubborn bunny!

I thought I'd get all the bunny torturing out of the way at once, so I brushed him again after that. He hates the linoleum in the kitchen so didn't try to run away, but was grinding his teeth part of the time (what he always does when he's unhappy). I was horrified to find this big bald spot on his poor back:


What the heck? Why does he have a bald spot? Did I brush him too much last night? It definitely wasn't there yesterday! I'm holding his fur out of the way in the photo so you can see the whole bald spot, it's not as obvious if I'm not touching his fur. The skin is pink and looks a little irritated with some tiny red dots (not scabs). Poor baby. Here's a photo of all the fur I got off of him this evening, I wasn't as thorough tonight as last night just in case:


I can't wait until he feels better. I also gave him some pineapple juice in water. He hasn't finished all his veggies yet and I'm about to throw them out, they've been out for 7 1/2 hours. I'll give him more lettuce because he ate all of that! Can I see if he'll eat banana or not because of the sugar?
My guys get bald spots like that (with red irritation dots) if I'm not careful plucking. I wouldn't give nanner tonight--too much sugar.
He peed again! He's ignored his pineapple water and lettuce and cucumber so far, he's lounging in his litter box right now. I might "make" him come out of his cage and get some exercise by just taking him out and closing the door. Claire, good to know your bunnies have had the bald spots before too though I feel guilty for inflicting it on him! I wish they could tell us when something hurts... I swear I don't remember pulling out all that fur last night. Wonder what it will look like when the new fur grows in.
That's alot of hair, great getting it removed! Yay;)!

:pray:'m praying for you all!:kiss: Get through this shed/molt, whichI think will last longer since winter is,,,ugh, not going away!:nasty:
I'm off to bed now, we drop Rory off at the vet in 5 1/2 hours. He spent the evening running around the living room like normal! He also ate almost all of his lettuce but hasn't touched the cucumber. He has pooped more than earlier today. AngelnSnuffy, thanks for the good wishes! I can't believe how much fur this boy has.
Good news is Rory seems to be feeling better this morning! Pooping and eating more at least and his belly is softer. He ate a tiny dried banana and strawberry though not as eagerly as normal. We just dropped him at the vet's and he did NOT want to come out of his carrier or be weighed, he hates slippery surfaces and he had to sit in a metal bowl. He had his butt in the bowl but was stretching as long as he could to keep his front paws on my shoulder.
That's good. Glad you could get him in to the vet today. Yay for eating and poops!

It's so hard for me to tell how much to pluck out of my guys, especially Muffin who will just sit there and let me pluck her bald. :dunno
I just called the vet office to see what's up with Rory, and the receptionist said our vet is out to lunch for the next 2 hours (long lunch break!) and she couldn't tell if Rory had been looked at yet or not. I have to leave for work in half an hour, so Paul is going to have to go pick up Rory and pay the bill.

I have this fear that the vet we don't like is going to end up examining Rory and won't be able to figure anything out, but will also do x-rays and all sorts of stuff on him so Paul's going to be there paying for a $500 vet visit for a not very sick bunny because the vet doesn't know how to palpate a rabbit's abdomen. I will be unhappy if that happens. When Tallulah died, of course the fact that she DIED outweighed everything else, but the vet did all this stuff and sent us home with like $200 worth of medications which she never even got to take because she was way, way too out of it to even swallow and died shortly after we got home. Lulu'a last vet bill was $600 if I recall correctly, plus the $150 cremation and $150 necropsy (which was ALSO done by the inexperienced vet and of course deemed "inconclusive"). Now I'm making myself depressed. All that matters is that Rory is not going to die.
our Commander Bun-Bun had a problem with stasis and gas. The vet recommended an over the counter medicine that you give to babies. She wouldn't lay down flat because her stomach hurt her, Not sure if this helps--good luck with Rory