RIP Beloved Tiny aka "The BunFather"

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TinysMom wrote:
I have some concerns about Zeus - but I suspect that its just the jitters.

I asked Art what he thought about this - whether we should go with Zeus or a baby and his reply was....

[align=center]I think that we should get Zeus. It somehow feels right.

There is a part of me that agrees - that says "it feels right"...and there is the part of me that says, "NO....It's NOT Tiny....How can I do this?"


Things I would bring to thought if it were me....

#1) No...this is not Tiny. And I think that's why it feels right.

#2) Would I have concerns about Tiny.....if I were just now adopting him and knew all I now know about him? ***we love our buns for all of their***

#3) Trust Art

#4) Trust that feeling inside me that says "it feels right"

Lol, Peg, we are truly looking forward to your decision. We're all really excited for Zeus around here!
I was reading through old posts of mine and I came across this story...I love it. It is dated May 4th, 2005.

I want to share a flemish story for those who may be considering getting a flemish at some point in time (because I know this thread will get bumped for them).

I currently have a Flemish, 2 Netherland Dwarfs, 2 lionheads and a very young Holland Lop. I know that sometimes people may wonder about having a flemish with smaller rabbits.

A few weeks ago, one of the dwarfs was irritating the cat - and she was hissing and growling at the bunny because he'd cornered her.I went to break it up - but before I could get there - Tiny was between the dwarf and the cat...he wouldn't let her near the dwarf and when the dwarf would try to get around him for the cat...he'd put his head on the dwarf and stop him. I really think he was trying to protect the rabbit who was being too idiotic for his own good. (This cat is usually fine - but if she gets cornered..she gets scared).

Today, the female lionhead was upset at the lop because she remembered something he did last night to her (or so I think). She was chasing him when Tiny came over to her and put his head on hers and made her submit and leave the lop alone. She got away from him after a bit and tried to chase the lop again...and once again, Tiny stepped in. I was amazed because twice I watched him stop her....the second time I even told my family!

So if you're considering getting a flemish and wondering how they do with smaller bunnies - I just want to say that from my experience -they do great once they get used to them!


P.S. Tiny does like to check out the bunnies when they're newand I do have to monitor him for a bit...but once he's used tothem...he does wonderfully!

This is why Tiny got nicknamed "The BunFather"
I agree with all that Jim has just pointed out.

You know how they describe Zeus is almost describing my Tony to a T!! He's laid back, but a bit cage agressive if he thinks we're TAKING something instead of giving.

He was extremely sweet when he was a baby but he and the other bunnies don't get along now and he loves to annoy Bo given the chance. We just make sure there's a barrier between them and all is fine.

Tony is absolutely hilarious when he plays.... he's like a dog/cat not a bunny! He pounces, he fetches, he chases, and he even play growls! but I know he's a sweetheart and if I go to pet him and he's playing like that..... he flattens.

Even if Tony was not a sweetie, I would love him for him. Clover taught me that. I love her on her terms. I have that respect for each of them. THey know I am the final boss but unless it's important, I don't fight them on most things.

Sound like kids? hubbies? yep.

Remember what I said about not doing it for you as much as for the honor of Tiny. If this bunny becomes your buddy and "shadow" and all that.... it's great. I know he'll give you smiles and laughter. Those ears alone would do it for me! LOL!

Totally not a bunny but we had a lamb that was MEAN. He rammed the little ones, he was hateful and hard to control. He tried to hog all the feed and escaped at any given chance.

I wanted to GIVE him away after we had him about a week!!! He cost me $150.

That lamb was Montel. Montel is our "sheepDog" now. ;)He follows my son, LOVES to be hugged and have his head scratched and when we had him at the fair, we had a tack stall where we kept the cooler and chairs and stuff.... we let him in with us and he'd lay his head in our laps like a dog.

He can no longer be shown, he's a market lamb, he's castrated. We have no use for this whether. He should have gone to the "truck" after fair is what people said. He weighs about 150 or so and eats the "GOOD SHOW FEED" like the others and costs me a fortune!

HA! Send him on a truck!!??not on your life. He's my son's buddy! he's a sweetheart and part of our family.

My point? You cannot judge a situation that hasn't happened. NEVER say NEVER. It always comes back to bite you!

Zeus might not become a lovey dovey bunny, but what we know of him so far, he's a great rabbit who needs someone to love him forever without conditions.

I'm going through old posts and found this - Tiny first volunteered to help out on the forum on June 28th 2005 when he hijacked my account to post this on a thread about a troll we had on the forum....

Dear Forum,

I'm willing to jump on and sit on any trolls that post on this forum. Mom says that at 12 pounds of claws and teeth (with some fur)- I can do a pretty good job - particularly when I dig and bite.

My problem is that I need you people to bring the trolls to me here in Texas. Mom won't let me leave the house or yard because she says there are too many "bunnynappers" out there who want me.

So if you want to direct the trolls to my house, I'll sit on'em. In fact, I'll start eating extra rations today to put on more weight so it will hurt more. I'll also start training the lionheads to be my back-ups and we'll all sit on them at once.

I'm sorry I can't do more.

For those who may be wondering - I'm going through old posts to look for answers to some of the questions I have - I'm also looking for memories to share.

Some of the posts that I read about Tiny from when I first got him- are helping me. A lot of my concern about Zeus is that I want him to be in my office - but he likes to be an "alpha bun" and that scared me. I have two bucks in here....turns out it isn't that he wants to FIGHT....but he does want to pee in front of their cages....

I think that was a lot of what I was afraid of...

Now to quote another post...from July 14, 2005

[line]You know - all bunnies are different.When I got Tiny and the "'tweebs" (Netherland dwarf littermates), theywere unsocialized and would bite and get mean sometimes. Theywere scared of us and would run from us too.

I spent hours over a month or more- just laying on the floorreading a book and watching them. This allowed them to get toknow my scent and to know me. After a while - they startedusing me like a jungle gym and while they didn't want me to touchthem....they wanted to climb all over me.

Now - when I see the 'tweebs...they want me to pet them (although they still don't like to be held). Neutering them helped some -but giving them time - without having expectations of what they"should" do...allowed them to learn to trust me...and it allowed me to accept them.

Believe it or not - at one time I questioned whether I should keep Tiny. I'd see pictures of Apollo and Nimue and other bunnies and think, "Why isn't he like them?". I wanted him to love to be picked up and love me like they loved their people.

Well - I've learned that Tiny is Tiny. He wasn't socialized for the first three months of his life....and it has taken him until now(we've had him four months) to really start coming to me for affection instead of just tolerating it from me.

Good luck.

Tell me something folks - am I crazy or what? I'm the only person I can think of on RO that can take a thread about mourning the bunny of my heart - and turn it into a thread about adoption.....and while I'm still mourning my best buddy too?

I'm looney - that's all there is for it...


Another post from July 14th...

What continually amazes me is how gentle Tiny is with the young ones. I know he doesn't like intact males...and he likes intact females a bit too much now that he's matured a bit...

But the fact that this big bunny goes running to be with the little ones....that he lets them groom him till he almost gets a baldspot...that he lets them climb all over him and lay on top of him...

If the bunnies aren't locked up - and I offer to let him outside- he will look back at the little ones and try to decide whether or not to leave them to go get some fun....or to stay with them.Sometimes, I have to really encourage him to take the time to go and play....

I wish he wouldn't fight intact males - and even if he starts to and I say his name - he'll break from the chase and come to me - or at least stop in his place. (edited to add: Tiny never really "fought" intact males as much as tried to chase them if one got out or something. He only fought once and that was because he was mounted and trying to get loose).

I think he dislikes the males so much because he feels he needs to protect the smaller bunnies....because he has such a gentle nature and breaks off - I think he could learn to leave them alone if I made the time to work with him - but truth be told..I'm too busy loving everyone else.

I was going through and reading threads from when Vash & Apollo died - they were two very much beloved RO bunnies (flemish giants) that passed away at young ages. Reading their bridge threads helped me some....and I saw that m.e. posted this in Apollo's thread and I wanted to place it here.

[align=center] [align=center]We who choose to surround ourselves with lives
even more temporary than our own, live within a fragile circle,
easily and often breached. Unable to accept its awful gaps
we still would live no other way.
We cherish memory as the only certain immortality,
never fully understanding the necessary plan.

[/align] [align=right]- Irving Townsend[/align]
JimD wrote:

Things I would bring to thought if it were me....

#1) No...this is not Tiny. And I think that's why it feels right.
I know what you're saying - just sometimes I think "How can I think about sharing Tiny's room with a bun that isn't Tiny?" Can't explain it right now...

#2) Would I have concerns about Tiny.....if I were just now adopting him and knew all I now know about him? ***we love our buns for all of their***
A lot of my concerns come about because of the fact that I had heard he wanted to be an "alpha bun". I have two bucks living in this room and to move them - they would have to go back in smaller cages. I didn't want them to pay the price for my bringing home another rabbit - if it meant he would be aggressive as in ...wanting to fight them. (I can handle "Pee Wars"...).

#3) Trust Art
No comment....
#4) Trust that feeling inside me that says "it feels right"
It is amazing how many people say "it feels right"....and its true - I've had phenomenal support from the people I've talked to....

.....but its scary. I know more about bunnies now than I did when I got Tiny. I'm responsible for more bunnies now than when I got Tiny. I need to keep them in mind (along with my sanity in mind).

Part of the reason I'm wanting to adopt is to help heal the pain in my heart - in my family's heart - and also to help the forum heal - I'm in SHOCK at how many are hurting over "our" loss. But I have to consider Miss Bea and other rabbits too....if that makes sense.
I just received the artist's first rendering of Tiny's painting .... I love it. We may add some clouds to the sky.

I wanted to share it here to see what y'all think. The artist works with photos that you send him plus descriptions to come up with something that you think is accurate...

About the picure up above...

For those who are wondering - he took photos I sent him and studied them and did a composite of those photos and adjusted them to show me the image he was thinking of...

It wasn't an actual painting...yet.
I am sorry Peg, about Tiny passing on.

I haven't posted much lately, and miss Tiny as the forum favorite.

Some how I can't figure how your Nikon is shooting the way it is. Are you able to reset all the camera's setting and start with a Auto Program mode? Turn your dial from the scene modeand usethe green camera mode setting. Try this and see if the pictures turn out better.

Here are some pictures I post processed for you.

Binky free Tiny. :sad:

Oh my big boy....I miss you so much today.

I finally broke down and said "yes" to Zeus. I think it is what you'd want....but I feel so bad - I feel like I betrayed you - while at the same time - I felt like you were leading me to Zeus. I don't want to love him...but I do love him...but I want to love only you. I'm so confused.

Miss Bea and I sat on the floor today and shared part of a banana. Then - shock of all shock - she let me pet her for like 20 minutes. As usual, I did all the talking...she just stared at me. I cried and she got a bit antsy - like she didn't know how to handle my tears. That's ok - I didn't know how to handle them either....

How could I have agreed to bring in another rabbit so soon? could I live with such an emptiness in my life?

Did I betray you - or honor you? Did I do what you want? Why do I feel like you led me to Zeus...?

Tiny - I'm just so confused right now. Every other time I've lost a bunny....I was able to go to you and cry. I grieved...but I had you and you gave me the strength to make it through. Now - I don't know what to think anymore.

I miss you....

If it's any comfort, I think you made the right decision to honor Tiny's memory by rescuing Zeus. If he could, he would tell you that it's the right thing to do.
Tiny -

I woke up this morning and cried and cried and cried. Normally I don't cry around "breeder dad" - but I couldn't help myself.

How DARE the sun shine when you - the light of my life - are gone?

How DARE I wake up...when I ache to be with you?

How could I DARE to think of bringing another flemish into the house....?

And then something mentioned Zeus...and he had a smile in his voice - the type of smile he reserved only for Puck.....and I realized....

You might be gone - but you weren't going to leave us alone.

And a story came to me - "Tiny Makes a Choice".

So today - with the sun shining outside and my heart breaking on the inside...I'm going to get it written and posted. And I think - somehow - the story - though it be fiction - is going to help give me a lifeline to make it out of this deep pit of grief. When I'm done with that - I'm going to do what I started last week (only for GingerSpice). I'm going to put together your memorial album and get it ordered. This way - I'll be able to hold it in my hands as I shed tears over my loss.

I love you my big boy. You'll never know how much.


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