Aww Stan, thank you so much for posting the pictures (as well as everything else :hug:
Bo, you are so right - Stan is just so kind.
Well, Pernod has good and not so good days. She is a lot perkier, and takes a lot more interest in what is going on. We have unpacked a few more boxes of stuff from the UK (only about another 70 to go :shock

and both she and Shadow have been nosing around them, seeing what they can explore. She has also been in the garden a lot (the weather has been gorgeous) and she has been eating grass and laying in the sun. Her runny nose is so much better - not much discharge at all
On the not so good side, one day she will eat more readily than other. She always likes her salad and green veg and she was starting to eat a bit hay, oats and papaya tablet. Then the next day, she won't touch them, but will have a strawberry or grapes. On Friday, she actually had 4 pellets (ones I bought from home) but hasn't tried them since. I am still syringing Critical Care.
I have to say here, that those of you with Special Needs bunnies have my deepest admiration. I am finding it really tiring looking after one sick bun, what with syring meds into her 5 times a day, syringing Critical Care, cleaning her nose and paws and trying to get her to eat other things. I also try to spend time with Shadow so he doesn't feel left out. As Stan said, Shadow would eat anything, and tries to get the medicine before Pernod does :?. I have to put him in a separate room when I am trying to feed her.
I find myself looking at her when she is laying outside, and I get so upset because, with the pasteurella not being so bad, she doesn't really look ill (except for being so skinny), yet I know that there is this problem with her liver. That whatever the antibiotics do for her, they may be little else can be done for her other problem. I guess when we go back to see Dr Goble this week, there may be some news on what we can do. Until then, I just keep on loving her!
Thanks for thinking of us!