Resolved-Pernod isn't Eating

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Oh yay - Jan I'm so happy that Pernod is feeling a bit better.:hug:I've been so worried about her so this good news has really cheered me up.:)

Continued thoughts and prayers for both of you.:pray:
*whew* This is such good news.



Pernod looked better, and was more active. She was getting her attitude back as she was digging in the carrier.
She even bit Jan's finger earlier in the day.
She is loving being out in the rain, and having some of the familiar things shipped in from the U.K. made her feel more comfortable.

During the car ride to the Vet's, she flopped over enjoying the drive.
LuvaBun wrote:
thanks to Stan for taking us - he gotr some good pictures too, though some of Pernod being examined are a bit unlady like :p.


Undignified look on Pernod's face. At least we weren't taking the temperature. ;)
Aww, thanks for asking :hug:

SHe's actually been doing brilliantly :). I haven't had to syringe feed her since her vet visit last thursday (although she still gets the meds), as she has been eating pellets on her own. Not many, but probably about the same amount as the Critical care would have been. I think she understood when I told her that if she ate some pellets, I wouldn't have to stick the syringe in her mouth :D

She has been in the garden every day (even in the rain) and has chowed down on lots of grass, and has eaten her usual treats of oats, strawberry and veggies. I can't say she looks as if she has put on any weight, but she certainly is active and has her 'tude back. Her poops are still small and dark, but there's plenty of them, so all in all, she is doing better.

I still don't know about her liver problem, but since the pasteurella has improved, she is so much happier, which means I'm a happier bunny mom :)

Her meds finish on Thursday, and we are back at the vet for a check up to see if she needs to continue, or perhaps go onto 'pulsing'(Dr Goble suggested that - a rest from the meds, then back on them again).

Thanks again for asking. I'll let you know how Thursday goes :)

Oh Jan - it's such a relief to hear that she's doing better.:) I had to chuckle when you said she got her attitude back, that's always a good sign!;)Now fingers crossed she starts to put some weight back on.:hug:
Glad to hear she's doing's such a relief when they get that attitude back....the very thing that usually drives us crazy about them:shock:, but the thing that we love most!:biggrin2: Hope she continues to improve! Nose rubs to Pernod, and {{Hugs}} to's so stressful when they aren't well....get some rest!