:bigtears:I'm afraid Pernod isn't doing good at all. She was a bit snuffly yesterday, and wouldn't even eat her salad last night. This morning when I got up, she had lots of discharge all aver her nose and mouth - so much it was a real shock. Again, she wouldn't touch any food either.
I rang the vets that took the blood test, but Dr Steele wasn't there until 10 am and then she was doing surgeries. I asked if she could phone me before she started, but I heard nothing. I rang the first vets we went to a few weeks ago, and although there was no appointments, I think they guessed how desperate I was. They spoke to the rabbit vet (Dr Goble) and she said if we could make it for 11 am she would see us. Luckily, John is on late shift (4 - midnight) this week so we went straight over.
She thoroughly checked Pernod, and found a lump

. She also checked her teeth, eyes and ears. She said the ear infection is back, and is connected to the nasal discharge. Most likely pastuerella, due to her immune system being down. She took x-rays and showed us the results. They broke my heart. It looks like a tumour on her liver, and that is what the lump was . It is most likely that this has caused the weight loss, rather than the other way round.
She gave us our options - chemo isn't really feasible for her the state she's in now as it would comprimise her immune system even more. She said we could try stronger antibiotics to clear her infection and also give her something to stimulate her appetite and see how she is after that. The other option was the worst one, which I think you can all guess at what it was, and I don't feel I can let her go without trying to give her a little more quality time:tears2:
So, I got some other antibiotics (Sulfatrim) and have to get the Cisapride tomorrow to stimulate her appetite, and have to clean her nose every hour. I can only tell you how absolutely devastated I am, knowing I am going to lose her. I can't imagine how I'm going to get through this - I am crying as I write this. I want to have some happy times with her before I have to say 'Goodbye' but if she is not showing any signs of getting better, I don't want her to suffer. We go back to see Dr Goble on Thursday.
Please keep us in your thoughts. I love my little girl!