Another vet check up today, and I was so hopeful that things were better. However, they aren't as good as I thought they may be :?.
Pernod has lost weight this week - from 4.2 lbs to a straight 4 lbs. She has been eating better, but has also been a lot more active, which could be the reason for the loss (I hope so, anyway).
She still has puss in her right ear (the left one is almost healed) so they flushed them out again. Poor soul was so wet afterwards, she spent ages cleaning herself. We have another prescription for Sulatrim for 2 weeks, and I'm getting some more Cisapride. Also, I may have to give Critical Care again even though she's eating, just to get some weight on her.
On the plus side, we don't have to go back for 2 weeks, and she is so much more active and alert.
When we were at the vet (Stan accompanied me again - Thanks Stan

) a similar incident to Evey's Toby took place. A lady with a large Rottweiler didn't have it on a tight leash, and it came right up and stuck it's face in Pernod's carrier :shock:. I kept moving the carrier, but the dog wouldn't give up :X. A few others in the waiting room commented when she had gone (and pernod breathed a sigh of relief !
Edited to ask - other Dutch owners - what do your Dutchies weigh? Pernod has always been 'chunky' so maybe I'm worrying too much about her weight?