Resolved! Dotty looking better

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Having had impaction problems in horses for a number of years... I think we may it beat finally... my American Miniature "Freedom" would get impaction colic religiously around January 1... we now have her on a low-carb, high fiber diet supplemented with soaked alfalfa cubes to get moisture into her insides (she would not drink when it got cold)... she is also on a daily dewormer. It was traumatic for our veterinarian to have to try to pass an NG tube to get fluids into her digestive tract as she fought it with all her might and often received a bloody nose while we were trying to help her. She will celebrate her 8th birthday this April and it makes me think how similar rabbit and equine digestive tracts seem to me.

This makes me think back to one of my favorite Hollands, named Belle that we lost to GI stasis years back. I often wonder if a wet diet like the one Freedom is on would have helped...

Sorry to get off the thread but Dotty has become my favorite RO bun (especially since I am still waiting on my own buns to arrive)... I hope all the great suggestions here can help her get to eating and thriving on her own.

More prayers and hugs from across the pond that Dotty heals quickly and can do her big binkies again... her videos and photos were very empowering to me as I recovered from my own gallbladder surgery a few weeks ago.

mouse_chalk wrote:
Lets hope Dotters (someone called her that here somewhere and I can't stop calling her that now!) is better in the morning....


I tend to give a nickname to all of my own and some of other people's animals LOL!

My niece's dog, Fudge, is my FudgerButt. Zeus is Zeusy...... My other niece's horse is DocAroonie..... :blushan:
My gosh, the last I read she was recovering well! Shows me how much can happen in a few days!
I'm very sorry to read that Dotty is struggling, Jen. I would have sent Dotty, yourself, Steve well wishes far sooner!
Glad to know that your vets are on top of it. I hope she gets her appetite back very soon:hug:
Steve gave her the wrong time for the appointment today so she's there now. Her mum came around to take her and Dotty, and they'll likely get something to eat when they return home.

She's doing better today!

She ate a big leaf of spring greens and some lettuce this morning! And I kept seeing her eating hay in the night here and there.

She had done lots of little poos everywhere, but bigger than before. Some were joined together...

I've been giving simeticone, tummy rubs, the injections, water, metacam, etc as advised

Clara the vet saw her a little while ago, and said her guts are making a lot more noise than they were before, and she seems more comfortable in her tummy as well. I have more syringes drawn up with the Zantac and Baytril for the weekend, and she is going back for a recheck non Tuesday, but can go back sooner if she stops improving.

She's not eaten anything since we got back from the vets. Typical.

She has been a lot more happy looking though. She was jumping on the bed constantly last night. We currently have no bed so we're sleeping in the tiny double bed in the even tinier spare room which is a lot lower. We also didn't realise we'd left a box at the side of the bed, which was her step lol. She just kept jumping up and snuggling up with us. I woke up this morning and she'd been licking my hand for about 20mins! As soon as I got up, she got in the bed and stretched out on the pillow on her side all happy :)

Just have to hope she wants to eat some more. A few leaves of lettuce is hopeful but not convincing enough for me....

Bo B Bunny wrote:
Steve gave her the wrong time for the appointment today so she's there now. Her mum came around to take her and Dotty, and they'll likely get something to eat when they return home.

Yeah, he swore blind it was later than it was, and stupidly I believed him :p Until I found the appointment card about 30 minutes before the appointment! :shock:

My mum had come round to help me sort out the house because I've been so ill this week I've not been able to do anything so luckily she was there to give me a lift. She also managed to squeeze in a question about a fish in her pond that has swim bladder lol.... :expressionless

I've only just got something to eat and a drink for the first time all day now and it's 4pm!

:panic: That has been me all week....
angieluv wrote:
I've been waiting to hear from you..

She sounds good

now only if she eats....
What did they do to her at the vets?
They didn't do anything to her today- just listened to her tummy and examined her! She also got her injection of Baytril there today, so I only have to do tomorrow and Sunday....

If ONLY she would eat! Honestly I will cry of happiness! :expressionless
That sounds a lot better. I hope she continues to improve over the next few days. Also I'm jealous of how affectionate your bunnies are! So sweet... :D
tonyshuman wrote:
That sounds a lot better. I hope she continues to improve over the next few days. Also I'm jealous of how affectionate your bunnies are! So sweet... :D
Thank you :)

Lol- it's only Dotty that's this affectionate. The others wouldn't really cuddle like that! She loves to cuddle with me. I guess she is so close to us because she is an only bun- we are her rabbits :p
Awwww Dotters!!! She might have been upset that she couldn't snuggle either! I bet there's been a lot going on causing her to not eat. I have a feeling she's going to start getting much better. She definitely doesn't sound in pain or anything! Is she shedding? could that have caused the little/stuck poos?

Give her a nose rub from me!
LOL! I knew it was you who started the 'Dotters' thing! I even called her that at the vets today!

She's not shedding at all. Our duvet is a dark purple at the moment, so if she was, it would cover it lol. It's a bit strange....

She ate some more spring greens while I was upstairs with her just now. All the ones in her bowl lol, so I have to go take her some more now. Always, when our rabbits stop eating, it's one veg that starts them up again, and it's always different each time!

I'm about to give her the Zantac and pain meds...

Oh, and you can never just give Dotty one noserub! I'll have to give her 20 billion for you Pennie! :p
I'm SO glad she's eating more!

She needs to snuggle with you all day.... it's important to her health! :biggrin2:
So glad to hear Dotty is eating! Way to go, cutie pie! Also, I think Bo and I called her Dotters at the same time... I did a search, and we posted one right after the other a minute apart. Bo called her Big Dotters and I called her Baby Dotters. How funny that we came up with the same nickname at the same time.

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