Well-Known Member
Spring greens are a good veggie to give--lots of dandelion, etc in there. 
So glad to hear Dotty is eating! Way to go, cutie pie! Also, I think Bo and I called her Dotters at the same time... I did a search, and we posted one right after the other a minute apart. Bo called her Big Dotters and I called her Baby Dotters. How funny that we came up with the same nickname at the same time.
She's doing better today!
She ate a big leaf of spring greens and some lettuce this morning! And I kept seeing her eating hay in the night here and there.
She had done lots of little poos everywhere, but bigger than before. Some were joined together...
I've been giving simeticone, tummy rubs, the injections, water, metacam, etc as advised
Clara the vet saw her a little while ago, and said her guts are making a lot more noise than they were before, and she seems more comfortable in her tummy as well. I have more syringes drawn up with the Zantac and Baytril for the weekend, and she is going back for a recheck non Tuesday, but can go back sooner if she stops improving.
She's not eaten anything since we got back from the vets. Typical.
She has been a lot more happy looking though. She was jumping on the bed constantly last night. We currently have no bed so we're sleeping in the tiny double bed in the even tinier spare room which is a lot lower. We also didn't realise we'd left a box at the side of the bed, which was her step lol. She just kept jumping up and snuggling up with us. I woke up this morning and she'd been licking my hand for about 20mins! As soon as I got up, she got in the bed and stretched out on the pillow on her side all happy
Just have to hope she wants to eat some more. A few leaves of lettuce is hopeful but not convincing enough for me....
LOL Jen, you're leaving hints everywhere :biggrin2:Maybe it's because she's happy for us? :biggrin2: