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I've actually never met the original owner. I heard about the rabbit through a long grapevine. But, from what I hear, no, he was never this aggressive, HOWEVER, he was also NEVER let out of the cage and NEVER handled.....so his true personality never got a chance to shine through.
Ooo! Alright. I bet even with the not picking him up and letting him come out on his own will calm him down a bit. I move Pebbles cage into the entrance hall (where the stairs are) instead of picking her up and she seems to enjoy it much more. She holds the longest grudge too, so if I do pick her up, she's very grump after!

Does Tank like treats? Maybe try holding a treat in your palm (maybe bare?) with your palm facing up near the enterance of the cage so he can approach you on his own. What's the deisgn of his cage?

You could also try just standing or sitting near his cage and talking to him. I did this when Pebbles first came, and that was the starting of our bond. She seemed to like to hear my voice.
Spring wrote:
Does Tank like treats? Maybe try holding a treat in your palm (maybe bare?) with your palm facing up near the enterance of the cage so he can approach you on his own.
Or put the treat on something and hold that. That's how I had to start with Sprite because she always bit me when she took treats. So for oats, I would put some on the lid of the oat container and hold the lid. After time and a spay, she calmed down and now she licks oats out of the palm of my hand like a good bunny.

Sitting on the floor with him might help. I'd recommend laying down if he wasn't such a random biter. Don't want your face bit.:? And you can wear heavier clothing to protect yourself. Just let him climb on you, maybe pretend to read a newspaper and let him rip it up, or have other toys near you.

Also, watch to see what sets him off. You may be able to channel his anger at something else. For example, Sprite hated when I touched her stuff. She'd growl and bat at me. So I started picking up her noisy toys and holding them in front of her nose. She'd be ticked off so she'd grab them and whip them around instead of batting me. Now it's a game for her along with a convenient distraction, and she'll play with me for some time if I keep fetching her toys after she throws them across the cage.

Best of luck!
wow, sounds like it will be alot of work, yet very rewarding when you break through the tough exterior. best of luck.
I'm staying in Connecticut with my mom this weekend so all my rabbits, including the monster Tank are in the care of my fiance. He told me he was gonna try to work on Tank. Wouldn't it be such a wonderful miracle if my fiance can transform him by Monday morning!! :D At any rate, I sure am missing Rice, Beans and Marshmellow. :( (ok ok ok, and Tank too, but i only miss him a little teeny weeny bit!)

Since I've last updated this thread, Tank really hasn't come out of his cage much. I know longer pick him up to take him out. I just open the cage door. And he choses to stay in the cage. :dunno: The one time he did come out, he pooped all over the floor, peed and then went back in his cage.:X

Is this a sign of depression, him not wanting to come out of his cage?
That would be great! Aw... I'm sure oy u miss you problem child too! :).

I'm not sure, but maybe he just likes being left alone? Maybe try opening his door and leaving the room for a minute or two to see if he comes out when you're not there? I'm not really sure.
When I first got my foster mom (Lo) and her babies, Lo was terrified of people. She would not come out of her cage if anyone was in the room. I had to be in the kitchen out of her sight range for her to tentativly come out.

Now she's much better, and gives lots of bunny kisses.

And then Wildfire was very aggressive when I got her. She would charge and attack my hand when ever it got close to her. Every time she did it, I would just place my hand over her head/shoulders and firmly hold her down, to show dominance. After about two weeks, I was able to see a big change in her. She would still grunt (she still does), but she would no longer charge with the intent to harm. She now charges and stops right before my hand, and puts her head down. It scares a lot of people who aren't used to bunnies, but she now just gets excited to see people.

It takes alot of persistance, and showing no fear. But if the bun manages to turn around, it's very rewarding. Wildfire was not a cuddle bun or very friendly when I first got her, and now she's a huge suck, and loves people and cuddles.

Good luck, I hope this little guy turns, and at least doesn't bite anymore.

mt stormy went through a spell where she would only pee outside her cage. she didn't touch her box in her cage. it was frustrating. i finally got a second box, sat it where she would go outside her pen, and now she is litter trained and uses the box in her pen. it was so odd.
I got back from my weekend stay in CT yesterday afternoon. I had missed all my bunnies so much (even Tank). When he saw me he stood up and leaned against the door of his cage. I could tell he wanted to come out. So I opened the door and he bolted outta the cage. I watched him for awhile, then went about my business.I starteddoing dishes and stuff and next thing you know, he comes charging over at me full force, leaps, and bit me through my pants on my calf!!!:X What a psycho!!!! :craziness GRR, he makes me soooo mad. :mad:
Aww! That sucks. I was hoping t hat maybe some guy time with Tank could change his attitude.

Have you truid firmly holding his shoulders down when he's charging? Just try to stop him, push his shoulders down (Not to harsh) and firmly say NO. I've heard this can help. I hope this works out with Tank!
Spring wrote:
Aww! That stinks. I was hoping t hat maybe some guy time with Tank could change his attitude.

Have you truid firmly holding his shoulders down when he's charging? Just try to stop him, push his shoulders down (Not to harsh) and firmly say NO. I've heard this can help. I hope this works out with Tank!
Yea, I've tried, but i stopped doing that cuz i ALWAYS get bit....
Spring wrote:
Hmm. I don't know what to do then. Sily Tank, be nice!
I dont think anything can be done. I mean I say "No" loud and firm to try and deter him but as you can imagine, that doesn't too much good. I'm just gonna have to wait to get him neutered.
Spring wrote:
Aww! That stinks. I was hoping t hat maybe some guy time with Tank could change his attitude.

Have you truid firmly holding his shoulders down when he's charging? Just try to stop him, push his shoulders down (Not to harsh) and firmly say NO. I've heard this can help. I hope this works out with Tank!

I had a terrible time getting Benji to stop being so aggressive when we first got him, andSpring's advicewas the method that Buck Jones outlined to me.

He called it being the "Big Kahuna". He advised me to hold Benji's head down (when he misbehaved)until he stopped struggling and talk to him in a very firm authoritative tone letting him know that it was NOT ok to act that way. As soon as the bun submits, let him up. It took quite a few times, but finally it had a positive effect.

Buck said if this didn't work, then I might want to look into a good pair of welding gloves.

Getting Benji neutered also had a calming effect on his personality.

