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The jerk tore a CHUNK out of my achilles tendon. I swear, I'm gonna have to wear big boots around him. he just charged up on me out of no where and bit me through my pants, and once again, wouldn't let go! I was flinging my leg everywhere in pain and he just kept his grip with those teeth! it hurts to walk today.:(
You've certainly got an issue with that bun :(. A scary situation to say the least.

Too bad you can't put a bell on him so you can hear him coming.

There was another member here who had a similar problem. The bun would even attack the repairmen that came to the house. Unfortunately, I don't think she was able to do much about it.

Some buns are......well.......just what you said,"little jerks"!

I wish there was some more advice that I could give you.

You may have to confine him for your own safety.:(
JimD wrote:
You may have to confine him for your own safety.:(
Yea, i think im going to purchase some NIC cubes this weekend, build him a nice big cage and lock him away (at least til neutering).....i really have no choice. at this rate my whole body will be scarred from him.
ilovetegocalderon wrote:
JimD wrote:
You may have to confine him for your own safety.:(
Yea, i think im going to purchase some NIC cubes this weekend, build him a nice big cage and lock him away (at least til neutering).....i really have no choice. at this rate my whole body will be scarred from him.

I have several scars on both arms, from the elbow down. Bites and scratches from several of our buns.

Neutering him will probably help...maybe not immediately.

Benji was our evil-bun when he was 4-5 months old. He was also a major sprayer...yuck. After neutering he really calmed down over a period of time. He's still got a tude, but not nearly as aggressive. Now when you go to pet him he turns into a "puddle-bun".

I found a good price for NIC's online. If your interested I can PM you the info..


Oh man!:shock:I'd bemore scared of Tank than a pitbull! I just don't get this little guy. Is he ALWAYS aggresive or sometimes sweet? Major temper issue to say the least! You're doing a great job with him though!

Hopefully this-:tantrum:turns into this :angel::D

Little problem child!
Oh, wow... I have been going through this and reading what's been going on with this demon. I gotta say, I give you major points for trying so hard with this guy, I would have locked him away first thing when he started doing that whole charging thing. I am pretty territorial about my house myself, LOL, and I tend to get stubborn about anything bossing me in it.
I have had some agression issues with my Charity, but hers were all fear related, and she's doing much better now. I tried that pinning thing with her a couple of times too, and she would be less inclined to attack me, for a little while at least.
I think the problem you are going to have is, (one problem, anyway!) Tank has established a precedent here. He has set the rules, he's in charge. I know you really didn't have much choice in that, but there it is. Once he is neutered, make every use of his recovery time, while he is feeling woozy and wobbly, (hopefully) to try and gain his trust. I'm sure you already know about the whole quiet voice, moving very slowly, all that sort of thing. One thing I did with Charity was, I didn't reach into that cage empty handed. I always made sure she saw the treat I was holding before she could reach me. That way she starts to associate my smell with good things.
Also, I would switch cages on her once a week or so, because she was much less aggressive in a cage that wasn't "home" to her. I know that sounds mean, but I don't intend to have to put gloves on every time I feed for the rest of her life. It seemed to help, because while she was feeling a little less assured and not charging at me, I was able to get close enough to touch her without flinching and jerking my hand every time she came near me! LOL
Well, I hope something in this little spiel has been helpful, LOL. I'll be thinking of you, I hope he gets better. *hugs*
Well, I've been sleeping on the floor right next to Tank's cage for awhile now. I haven't given him a shirt of mine yet because it has been DEATHLY hot here, (over 100 degrees) and I figure the less bedding in his cage the better. I've been giving him water bottles, toys, treats, etc. to get him in a better mood - but no. Still attacking me. Although, for the first time ever last night, i put my hand in his cage, placed my hand on his head, gently but firmly, not even to the floor, just while he was sitting and I fixed up some stuff in his cage with my other hand and he didn't fight it......but then this morning the victory was short lived when i tried to give him a new water bottle and as i was dropping it in he attacked the crap out of it, probably thinking it was my hand. :(
you know, i haven't. sorry. and even if i did, i dont have the equipment to scan it in. although i could mail it to my mom to do for me....that's what i'll do. and while im at it, ill take pics of rice, beans and marshy. im gonna write a note and put it in my purse to remember to buy a disposable camera tonight. but for some sort of reference, the all black rabbit in Mummel's avater, Salem, looks EXACTLY like Tank. I was just saying in another thread how im developing a phobia for all black lops.

edit - just be aware that when i do post these pics of Tank, he will probably be trying to charge and bite me in EVERY single one. I'm sure all of the pics will have his teeth showing. :?
ilovetegocalderon wrote:
edit - just be aware that when i do post these pics of Tank, he will probably be trying to charge and bite me in EVERY single one. I'm sure all of the pics will have his teeth showing. :?

Oh no - don't risk your life for pics! Maybe just take one of him INSIDE the cage!

All black lops aren't the devil. I have a super sweet one. :)

Hopefully, Tank will turn around after his neuter.

ilovetegocalderon wrote:
you know, i haven't. sorry. and even if i did, i dont have the equipment to scan it in. although i could mail it to my mom to do for me....that's what i'll do. and while im at it, ill take pics of rice, beans and marshy. im gonna write a note and put it in my purse to remember to buy a disposable camera tonight.

You may want to check out the new disposable digital camera...

"Buying a digital camera doesn't have to be a big investment. This week, a single-use digital camera was unveiled that will cost you only $11.

......captures up to 25 snapshots

........about $11 for processing 25 4-by-6 prints and a photo CD.

........is available in retail stores in 14 U.S. cities, including Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Washington D.C."

This is a brief description of one brand. There's a couple of companies that are now making them.

I found two pics of rabbits that much be related to Tank! I think the second one IS Tank!!

Tank's brother:




LOL! I hope th at white rabbit is a stuffy! It looks sort of like one ;)

AWW! I love black lops.. :D

That white toy I think is kind of scarey though LOL!
JimD wrote:

You may want to check out the new disposable digital camera...

"Buying a digital camera doesn't have to be a big investment. This week, a single-use digital camera was unveiled that will cost you only $11.

......captures up to 25 snapshots

........about $11 for processing 25 4-by-6 prints and a photo CD.

........is available in retail stores in 14 U.S. cities, including Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Washington D.C."

This is a brief description of one brand. There's a couple of companies that are now making them.

Hmm, this is a definite possibility. I'll look into it. Thanks!