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rabbit_whisperer wrote:
I hope you get better ilovetegocalderon.:star:

Thank you. My **** is feeling better. But I got a nice chunk taken out of my hand when I tried to feed him yesterday.

Laura, that is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
parsnipandtoffee wrote:
People say I would ...... or I wouldn't..... but until you have been in the situation it's really difficult to know! (I always said if someone mugged me I'd let my bag/purse go so I'd be safer, but in reality when it happened, :mad:I punched the guy in the face and knocked him to the floor, :?some random man had to drag me off him, probably not the best plan! Which just shows that when adrenaline kicks in you follow your self preservation instincts.
Wow!! Definitly dont wanna mess with you!;)

Unfortanetly I wasn't able to see the vet. When I got there i was told he had a family emergency and the office was closing. :? He doesn't work Mondays so I'll have to reschedule for later in the week. I really don't know how much more of this rabbit I can take. His whole personality can be described as an evil punk. When you tell him no, he will run over to the cat litter box and dig out all the litter. When I sit on the couch, he tries to jump up and bite me. I have to wear sneakers in the house when he is out of hte cage otherwise he will bite my feet. And the ONE time I put my hand in hte cage without gloves, REALLY FAST, like a milisecond, he bit my hand - badly. At least the punk let go this time! ;)Oh, and he attacked the cat I'm watching. Poor thing. I felt so bad for him. Oh, he also drinks out of the cat's dish even though he has his own water, and i know he knows better - he just wants to be a jerk. He's a jerk rabbit! I'm so frustrated!!
Oh wow! He sure sounds like a mess! :?. I don't know what to suggest, but I know something from his past might be triggering this behavoir. Does it seem to be getting worse?
speaking of adrenaline,about a year or two ago I had this rabbit and I had her out on a harness but all of a sudden something spooked her so she bolted she went right into the street and what made it worse a car was coming so I ran in to the middle of the street and grabbed her the car missed me by 2 feet!

(yeah some said It's not worth it to risk your life for an animal but I dont agree)

Does anyone have a un-altered male rabbit that's territorial,I mean really territorial

because I might have to fix my bunny-boy....because well he'll try to attack something if it comes near me he thinks i'm his mate or something it's odd.:shock:

well good luck with your recovery and your bad-boy bunny.
My boy does not bite me but if he's cranky he's scratch.(Ooooooooooh dont ya think it will just go away?the territorial stuff that is)

He cant be neutered I'm planning on showing him and they wont except a fixed rabbit. Besides I might breed him but I'll have to get alot of people opions first.

oh what to do.*paces*
Spring wrote:
Oh wow! He sure sounds like a mess! :?. I don't know what to suggest, but I know something from his past might be triggering this behavoir. Does it seem to be getting worse?
Well I mentioned earlier how he was originally snake food and stuck in a tank with a snake for awhile before the sister of the boy who put him there saw him and took him out, then locked him up in a cage for months and months without him ever coming out while she tried to find someone to adopt him. So I am sympathetic to a degree but i mean, there's gotta be a line somewhere and he has officially crossed it. He is just a little terror. :scared:
Yeah, he sounds like a little monster.

At least when Halloween comes, if you still have him, you know what to dress him up as...:devil

I really am sorry calderon, I hope he chills out soon. As others have mentioned, neutering him may not solve the problem completely, but it may tone his behavior down a great deal. *Fingers crossed*
rabbit_whisperer wrote:
speaking of adrenaline,about a year or two ago I had this rabbit and I had her out on a harness but all of a sudden something spooked her so she bolted she went right into the street and what made it worse a car was coming so I ran in to the middle of the street and grabbed her the car missed me by 2 feet!

(yeah some said It's not worth it to risk your life for an animal but I dont agree)

I don't want to get off topic of my evil bunny but I feel like this is something that needs to be addressed. You need to really get a better perspective on this issue. Sure we love animals and want to give them the best life possible but jumping in front of a car to rescue an animal is extreme. If the car really only missed you by 2 feet you really made a bad decision. I'm sure you love your bunny, but I'm sure your parents love you more than you love your bunny. Maybe you don't feel like your life is more important thanthe bunny, but your friends and family do and I'm sure they would be absolutely devastated if you were to lose your life. Rabbits only live approximately 10 years, (give or take a few) and you will have to eventually deal with its passing. Your parents on the other hand should NEVER have to deal with your passing. You really need to sit down and think about these things and realize that you do have more to offer this world than the bunny, no matter how much you love him.
Ok, back on topic - here's what i was thinking the worst case scenario would be. Let's say after he's neutered and feeling better and we take care of the sneezing, etc. and he is still a devil child, i could always build a really really big cage for him and keep him in there...and on occasion, when im feeling brave enough, let him out for a quick run (it honestly wouldnt be often though), but if the cage is big enough, he could still have a good life right? It's better than a shelter, no?
I think that's a good plan. At a shelter, I think they would put him down even if they are no kill. It's hard to find a REALLY expereienced home that has the patience to deal with him and willing to take him on. It wouldn't be fair, because most likely if he didn't get put down, he'd sit in the shelter stressed and depressed.

Do you have an extra room you can give him? So he sort of has the room to himself? I think if you get him neutered, he will calm down enough to be socialized with. Bunny phyciatrist anyone?!

I hope everything goes alright with this guy!
Unfortanetly, I don't have an extra room. My spare bedroom is for Rice, Beans and Marshy. Then I have my own bedroom and no way am I sharing it with him. ;) Then there is the kitchen, the bathroom and the living room. I have enough space in my living room to build a nice size cage for him. But I'm still praying we can fix this guy. He is awfully adorable when he doesn't have his demon face on.
Bless you for trying so hard with him. Not many people would go this far.


I really hope that neutering will solve the problem. He may just turn out to be a sweetheart.

I think that's a good plan. If he is around you, he might become more comfortable. I think he might see you as a predator, with the experience of being with a snake. I hope he calms down after his neuter!
Here is a really good article from The House Rabbit Society. I found it by doing a Google search on "aggressive bunny."

Here is the link: http://www.rabbit.org/faq/sections/aggression.html

13.0 Aggressive Rabbits
Primary Author(s): Susan Davis
Sources: HRH, various articles from the HRJ, RHN

People are often shocked the first time they see a rabbit display anger. Bunnies, after all, are supposed to be timid and sweet, not outspoken and nasty, and the sudden appearance of sharp teeth and raking claws can be disarming. But whether your rabbit is nipping the hand that feeds him, chasing you across the room, or latching his teeth, pitbull-style, into your calf, it's not unusual and it's not hopeless. [/align]
In fact, working with an aggressive rabbit can be extremely rewarding. Many House Rabbit Society members have found that aggressive rabbits are often very intelligent animals who are just trying to express themselves. Once they're given some respect and some ground rules, that expression can turn to boundless energy, enthusiasm, and affection.

[align=left]The Basics of Rabbit Aggression: Ballistic Bunnies 101

Aggressive rabbits can be scary. Rabbits bite hard, kick hard, and move fast, so it's not unusual for owners to get intimated, or start dreaming of dumping Boopsie at the pound. So before you even approach Boopsie, convince yourself of the following principles: [/align]
1) Rabbits aren't born mean. Ninety-nine percent of aggressive rabbits have a behavioral problem, not a genetic one. Behavior can be changed, so give your bunny a chance.
2) Your rabbit doesn't hate you. There may be a slight chance that Boopsie has taken a personal dislike to one person. More likely, she's afraid you're going to hurt her.
3) You're the only one who can solve the problem. Boopsie won't wake up one day and say, "Gee, maybe I should be nicer to Jane." It's the humans who have to figure out what's wrong and initiate new ways of interacting.
4) You can't hit a rabbit. Some people try to "teach" their bunnies not to bite by swatting their noses or even hitting them with newspapers. This will only aggravate the problem. You need to reassure your rabbit that her environment is safe.

[align=left]Common Aggression Scenarios
The first step in helping an aggressive rabbit is figuring out what's making him tick. The following scenarios, all taken from real life, illustrate the basic causes of aggression and some easy ways to solve it. (Names have been changed to protect the reformed). [/align]

[align=left]"Every time I walk in the room, Netty circles my feet and bites my ankles. Does she want something from me?"
She does--and you can't give it to her. Circling, mounting, and biting are classic signs of a sexually frustrated bunny. It may be cute at first, but it can develop into a pretty nasty habit. Neutering males and spaying females can dramatically reduce aggressive behavior. In the meantime, try the suggestions listed below to protect you and your loved ones. [/align]

[align=left]"When I put my hand down for my new rabbit, Jaws, to sniff she lunges at it. Doesn't she like the way I smell?"

It ain't the smell, it's the motion. Rabbits have great long- distance eyesight. Their near-distance vision isn't so great. A human hand in front a rabbit's face can be very startling. To break Jaws of her lunging habit, keep your hands above her head and away from her nose. When she looks aggravated, press her head very gently to the floor. She'll interpret this as your being the dominant bunny. [/align]

[align=left]"Attilla is adorable. But when we reach into his cage to pull him out he bites our hands. What's wrong?"

Rabbits can be very territorial. The first step to helping this rabbit is to stop dragging him out of his cage; he needs a place to call his own. Open the door and let him come and go on his own time. Wait until he's out of his cage to clean it, change his water, or do other housekeeping chores. [/align]
After a few weeks, you can begin to try to touch him in his cage, but don't grab him or mess with his stuff. Wear gloves so you don't jerk your hand around, which may provoke him. Keep your hand above his head and then calmly and quickly bring it down to the top of his head. If he lets you touch his head, very softly stroke it. Tell him what a great big, brave, beautiful rabbit he is. Then let him alone until the next day, when you try the exercise again. Eventually he should associate your hand in the cage with a nice nose rub, not being grabbed.

[align=left]"Sometimes when I try to stop Baby from eating the carpet she nips my hands. Am I hurting her?"
No, you're bugging her. Nipping is often a rabbit's way of saying "back-off " or "get out of my way" or "quit putting the wet stuff in my ears." It's understandable, but it's not the greatest behavior for a house pet. You can try pressing her head down. You can also try squealing "EEEK!" when she nips, so she realizes she's actually hurting you. Many rabbits will learn to nudge your hand instead, or simply hop away. You might also decide that little nips as communication are ok in your household. [/align]

[align=left]"Piggy has started biting my hands when I put the food down. What's her problem?"
Piggy is probably an enthusiastic eater. But she may not be sure you're going to put the food down. If you're putting the bowl down, make sure you put it right down--don't make her beg or dance for it. Feed her on a regular schedule so she can count on chow at a certain time of day. And don't overdo the snacks--it makes some rabbits expect a treat every time you walk in the room. [/align]

If she bites when you hand feed her, it's probably because she can't see what smells so good. Try feeding her larger treats (like parsley sprigs or carrots) until she gets her aim down (some rabbits have to practice). You can also try feeding small treats, like raisins or banana, with wooden spoons or tongs. That way you can hold the treat steady for her without losing a thumb.

Extremely Aggressive Rabbits: Bunnies Who Run With the Wolves
Some rabbits are so "mean" they seem more like predators than prey. These are the rabbits who chase you across the room and up into chairs, who sink their teeth into your tender limbs and refuse to let go, or who growl at you when you approach. They're the rabbits most likely to be dumped or put to sleep. Unfortunately, they're often the ones who have suffered the most in life because somewhere along the line they learned that humans, or life itself, is not safe.

If your rabbit is neutered or spayed, there can be any number of reasons he's aggressive. If you just got him, he may be stressed out by the move. His last owner may have frightened him somehow. He may have never had much contact with a human before. Or, if he used to be a hutch rabbit, the noises, smells, and sights of a house may be overwhelming him. One of the best things you can do for your relationship with this kind of rabbit is to protect yourself. Wear gloves, long sleeves, long pants, and real shoes when you're around him. This will protect your flesh. It will also help you keep calm. If your skin is protected, you're not as likely to jump, squeal or flail your arms, all of which might provoke or frighten him more.
Now start playing detective. Watch him closely to see what provokes him. It may be your touching anything in his view. It may be the movement of your legs when you walk . It may be a certain sound--like a rattling newspaper or the vacuum cleaner. It may be your reaching out to touch him or feed him. Whatever it is, don't do it. He needs to learn that you're not out to get him.
Then turn on the charm. One of the key lessons that House Rabbit Society members have learned is that affection works wonders on psycho bunnies. Try acting like he's the greatest thing that ever happened in your life, despite the bandages on your hand and the boots on your feet. Give him a big hello when you see him. Greet his every act of aggression with good humor too. When he charges your arm, say "why hello, you little pumpkin!" while calmly removing your arm from his reach. If he growls and thumps, say, "yes, you're a BIG rabbit --I love that about you!" If he streaks across the room with murder in his eyes, simply say, "hey buddy, are you coming to see me?"
You can ruffle his fur, sing a little song, say a little prayer, whatever it takes to greet his bad temper with joy, affection, and calmness. It takes courage, but if you have gloves and shoes on, you're safe. If he looks like he's going to bite, put your hand on his head, but continue to be cheerful. You can try saying EEK too--but be careful with this. Some nervous rabbits are provoked by a high-pitched squeal.
Rabbits think in patterns; your job is to change the pattern, so he realizes that his approach provokes affection from you, not harm. Eventually he'll associate you with kind words, nice pats, and enthusiasm for his particular personality.
Your bunny probably won't change overnight. It can take weeks for a rabbit to learn to trust. But that's what's so rewarding, and so moving, about helping aggressive rabbits. Your not just changing his behavior; your changing his perception of the world. As you do so, you'll alleviate a lot of his suffering.
Good call Trixie. Also have you seen the Bunny 101 thread on agression?


ilovetegocalderon, I admire your determination to stick with Tank, good job!
Let's say after he's neutered and feeling better and we take care of the sneezing, etc. and he is still a devil child, i could always build a really really big cage for him and keep him in there...and on occasion, when im feeling brave enough, let him out for a quick run (it honestly wouldnt be often though), but if the cage is big enough, he could still have a good life right? It's better than a shelter, no?

Thanks Trixie! That gave me some GREAT ideas!! After reading that, i see that I've been handling a couple things the wrong way (i.e. picking him up and taking him out of his cage for play time instead of just opening the cage door and letting him come out on his own. I am really gonna try to put in some extra effort to win this little monster's heart. :sunshine:
:colors:! I hope some progress will be made!

There might be a little darling under that tough guy apperance ;). Did your friend have the same negative behavior with him when she had him?