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ilovetegocalderon wrote:
the S-O-B almost tore my freaking nipple off and I couldn't get him off of me. What am i supposed to, coo him and coax him nicely with my nipplebleeding and pulsating in pain? This was a hard bite and my entire breast is swollen and black because of this.I, however, am in extreme pain today...

Until the new bunny "stabilizes" and to prevent further injury, may I recommend one of the following:



Hee hee

Seriously though, I'm really sorry you have to go through this. I know that had to hurt like crazy.

I hope he stops terrorizing you, you poor thing! Bless you for taking him in and trying to work with him.


rabbit_whisperer wrote:
Sorry for my reaction but I love rabbits and hate when something bad happens to one or one is upset.(I hope you get better though if it helps at all.)

I love rabbits too -- but I also love people and do not want to see a child (or adult for that matter) get severely injured by a mentally deranged rabbit :nerves1

Sometimes in their panic, a person will slam the rabbit down on something in an attempt to dislodge it (not safe as it will also take a lot of flesh with it). It is best to remain calm and attempt to carefully pry the jaws apart and prevent the rabbit from biting again.

rabbit_whisperer wrote:
no way I would never harm a animal to matter what If I was bit then I was bit.:stikpoke
So you wouldjust sit there calmlyand let an animal tear the flesh off your body? :shock:
With a rabbit yes I would not harm it no matter what,but it it was a dog that attacked and or bit me I'd bite it back.
Oh no! Poor ****! Poor crazy rabbit took, sounds like he has come mental issues.

I had a mixed breed doe when I was younger who was nutty like this. Being a small teenager and her being a rather large rabbit, she was pretty scary. One day I went outside to feed her and let her into the house for some excercise I saw she had escaped from her hutch. After searching for her in the neighbourhood all afternoon and half the evening, one of the neighbours came over with her and their cat screaming at me that my rabbit had tried to kill it :shock:. The rabbit had blood all over it's face and it's eyes weere rolling. Apparently the family had been sitting with the cat on their deck enjoying a warm summers night when my rabbit came raccing across their back lawn, lept on the deck and just MAULED the cat. The cat was smaller than the rabbit and didn't stand much of a chance.

The cat survived but however I had to get the rabbit put down. She was as nutty as a mad hatter. Living there was never as nice again :(, we moved shortly afterwards.
Ugh. This brings back memories. My first rabbit was a rescue that someone down the street decided to turn loose "so it could be wild" wild my foot! coyote food, more like it! so I rescued the rabbit, and she had the same personality as Tank. Possessed. Evil. Scary. I still have many scars as a memento of that creature. The same household later "released" another rabbit, my boy Benjamin, with a doe. Which is why I now have Butterscotch. How poor Benjamin kept his sanity at that terrible house, I don't know. There were three rabbits crammed together in a 2-by-3 foot hutch that was rarely cleaned (you could smell it from the road toward the end), outside with no shelter, and on the side of the house where the rain and wind hit hardest. It makes me shudder just to think about it!
VERY SCARY...:nerves1

I haven't heard anything like that.. but come to think about it my first bun Muemmel was pretty agressive too- but "only" against smallkids.

My sister and my cousin used to be really afraid of her.Muemmel used to chase them around the house ^^' . But when she got them she just scratched them..she wasnt that much of a murder bunny..and always nice with me.

As a kid I actually thought it was a good way to keep my sis under control :devil

Anyways..I think you should give neutering a try.

Good luck

rabbit_whisperer wrote:
With a rabbit yes I would not harm it no matter what,but it it was a dog that attacked and or bit me I'd bite it back.

Ummm, I seriously don't think that you should bite a dog back that has just bitten you. Dogs do more damage than a little rabbit does. Forgive for asking but why would you bite the dog back but not the rabbit?

That's what I was wondering.. that statement sounded kind of silly to me. Just a word of advice, if you bite a dog you'll get hurt even more, beside thes fact that it's pretty barbaric to bite a dog.. The dog doesn't understand and will become more aggresive.

It's not like calderon wanted to hurt Tank. She had to do what she had to do. You would be flining the rabbit around too if it bit you and didn't let go, so don't rant on about how you'd never ever hurt a rabbit if it was bitting you viciously.

Spring wrote:
That's what I was wondering.. that statement sounded kind of silly to me. Just a word of advice, if you bite a dog you'll get hurt even more, beside thes fact that it's pretty barbaric to bite a dog.. The dog doesn't understand and will become more aggresive.

It's not like calderon wanted to hurt Tank. She had to do what she had to do. You would be flining the rabbit around too if it bit you and didn't let go, so don't rant on about how you'd never ever hurt a rabbit if it was bitting you viciously.
I was going to make a reply about that as well, however, you summed up everything I was thinking as well. So, ditto to what Spring said.

BTW, you wouldn'tflinga rabbit that's hurting you, but you'd bite a dog? :craziness
rabbit_whisperer wrote:
With a rabbit yes I would not harm it no matter what,but it it was a dog that attacked and or bit me I'd bite it back.
I think if you were in a situation where a rabbit was attacking you, you would physically stop the rabbit. As much as you would not want to hurt the rabbit in any way, your body would think differently, and do what it needs to do to protect you. That happens with any person. Think about when you touch something hot. You pull away quickly, right? Even if you think you want to touch the object, your body will stop you from touching it for too long. The same thing goes when you're attacked by something. Your body reacts, and there's nothing you can do about it.
WOW!! I just read this thread. I have never known a psycho rabbit.

When it comes down to the safety of people, I have to side with people and not rabbits.

I hope you can get this bunny under control.

What did the vet say?
I think what Pam was refering to in an earlier post about a psycho bunny is called "idiopathic aggression". As an animal behavior student at university we learned all about this. It is actually very hard to diagnose because you basically have to rule any and all possibly causes for aggression. This is rarely seen in dogs. Many people and many inexperienced behaviorists call aggressive dogs 'idiopathic' when they really are not. It has become a catch phrase lately much like "dominance" did in the past. I agree with everyone that neutering will definitely help things even if it doesn't solve it. Rabbits especially, like most prey animals, mask pain very very well. So Tank could be more than just uncomfortable from any illness he might have. Either way, good luck and get better soon from the bite. Scary indeed!
ilovetegocalderon wrote:

Uh, excuse me but the the S-O-B almost tore my freaking nipple off and I couldn't get him off of me. What am i supposed to, coo him and coax him nicely with my nipplebleeding and pulsating in pain? This was a hard bite and my entire breast is swollen and black because of this.Go have a rabbit tear into yourboob, tell me you were able to gently and calmly remove him while bleeding all over the placeand then I wont think that your above post is utterly ridiculous anymore....

Ouch that sounds horrible. Toffee bit me on the finger during a 'bunny bonding session' The last one I might add. He gave Parsnip - The Look - and was like a thing posessed. I tried to split up the following scrap and got bitten really hard and that was just a finger not a ****! :shock:I had to go to hospital for it to be dressed and to get a tetanus jab. I know exactly why you reacted like you did, it'sa reflex, you don't think about it. People say I would ...... or I wouldn't..... but until you have been in the situation it's really difficult to know! (I always said if someone mugged me I'd let my bag/purse go so I'd be safer, but in reality when it happened, :mad:I punched the guy in the face and knocked him to the floor, :?some random man had to drag me off him, probably not the best plan! Which just shows that when adrenaline kicks in you follow your self preservation instincts.

You could look on eBay for some armour plating!

Good luck with Tank!

(maybe he's living up to the name, try calling him Mr Snuggles and see if it helps!;))