Presenting... Harper!

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Oh my, I didn't even see the replies here! Sorry for the delay!

Carolyn, it wasn't his kidney's after all, he had bladder stones thathad inflamed his bladder. But, they passed and he is MUCH better now.Completely back to himself.

Lucy, Harper is 2 years old, I rescued him when he was about 5-6 months old.

He's already gained all the weight he lost back, and then a bit more! So I couldn't be more thrilled. :cool:










Beautiful pics! I love them all, but this is my fav:


What kind of camera are you using? I'm getting a new one thisweekend! I can't wait to do some short videos of my crew!
SM, I'm using the Fugi Film S6000fd

It takes amazing pictures (I'll be uploading some potrait pictures Itook earlier to Chance and Thumper's blog, so you can see how the macromode looks). The program I have that sizes them out does a reallyhorrible job. it distorts everything. if you look at Harper's whiskersin that picture, they're distorted. On the original image, NOTHING isdistored, it is crisp and flawless. :cool:
Just HAD to come in and say Hi to Mr.Harper! How the heck do you get such greatpictures???! He's so Perfect!

Love this one!


Hi Carolyn!!

I owe the great pics to Harper being so photogenic. He was born for thecamera. ;) I also owe it to a camera with a good zoom lens and a fastshutter speed, LOL.

Hope everything is going great on your end, Harper says hi!
I thought I heard Harper ask to come to my house for the year after he said hi. I could've Sworn I heard him say that.

Fast shutter speed? How fast do I have to get?

Have to say, Harper's most definitely photogenic, however, you've gotthe perfect eye and timing to capture him so perfectly.

Harper said he would love to come visit you but he's not sure about staying a whole year. :shock:

I set my camera to sports mode, and the shutter speed is 1/4000 secondwhen shooting his running photo's or binky pictures. :cool:
Also, his up close face shots, I set the camerato natural light setting when outside, and then on super macro mode (mycamera has macro mode and super macro mode). With Macro mode, you canget as close as 10cm, with super macro, you can get as close as 1cmwithout any blurring.
MyBoyHarper wrote:
Harper said he would love to come visit you but he's notsure about staying a whole year. :shock:

I set my camera to sports mode, and the shutter speed is 1/4000 secondwhen shooting his running photo's or binky pictures. :cool:

Thanks for the tip! I know I can't capture as great of shotsas you do, but I'll definitely keep it in mind to get a "sports mode"on my next camera. It makes all the difference in theworld. got itwrong, Dear Heart about what Harper said.

Mr. Harper said he would love to come visit us and he's sure about staying the whole year. :agree
DEFINITELY get the sports mode on a camera, it'sawesome. When I try to catch binkies or running pics on any other mode,they always come out blurry. The sports mode allows for very fastmoving objects, and boosts the shutter speed high enough to catch theshots. Sports mode is mostly all I use when taking bunny shots -- worksgreat!

Hmmm, maybe I did misunderstand King Harper. Hey, if you can handle himand all his orders (such as sleeping with a nightlight, must havedandelion greens and carrot tops, and NEVER listening when he's out inthe yard, and runs away when you try to catch him instead), come gethim! :cool:
MyBoyHarper wrote:
Hmmm, maybe I did misunderstand King Harper. Hey, if you canhandle him and all his orders (such as sleeping with a nightlight, musthave dandelion greens and carrot tops, and NEVER listening when he'sout in the yard, and runs away when you try to catch him instead), comeget him! :cool:
He a demanding littlelad, isn't he?!

Extremely! He refuses to eat vegetables if theyare cut up or in a bowl. He won't touch them. He'll only eat them ifyou give him the whole leaf. Then, the only vegetables he will eat arecarrot tops and dandelion greens.

He must have a night light on at night, or he will thrash his cage andrattle the bars non-stop. The minute his nightlight comes on, he goesto sleep.

Little brat is like a child, he must have his nightlight. I guess he's scared of the boogey man. :rofl:
Carolyn wrote:
MyBoyHarper wrote:
Hmmm,maybe I did misunderstand King Harper. Hey, if you can handle him andall his orders (such as sleeping with a nightlight, must have dandeliongreens and carrot tops, and NEVER listening when he's out in the yard,and runs away when you try to catch him instead), come get him! :cool:
He a demanding littlelad, isn't he?!
Sounds like Tucker in a Dutch suit! :D
Oooo I am so jealous of your ability to takeawesome bunny pictures!! Mine always comes out with a bunny blur:shock: Also, that is an awesome run you have for your buns, looks likea huge space for them to run around in, I wish I could give my babysomething like that. One day I'm going to hire you for a bunnyphotoshoot ;) hahaha.