:great:Great action shots! Now, it really looks like he's dancing in this shot 

Tell me aboutit! It takes close to a half hour to catch himfrom our yard. And just the fenced in part of the yard is so big, ittook the neighbor (KK the doggy's mom) to help me catch him, LOL. Heplays "you can't catch me!" games where he waits until I am within 6inches of him and takes off BINKYING! Which is how I know it's a gameto him.Good Grief - that boy just hassoooo much energy :run:.
About the same. At first, he wasn't eating and was losing weight. Nowhe's eating more than ever, like he's starving, and has been for nearlya week. But he's still losing weight, even more so now than ever. Thevet is worried about kidney disease, so he's going back to the vet onFriday. Otherwise, for now, he's acting pretty much normal.He looks great. How's his health?