Presenting... Harper!

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gwhoosh wrote:
Oooo I am so jealous of your ability to take awesome bunnypictures!! Mine always comes out with a bunny blur :shock: Also, thatis an awesome run you have for your buns, looks like a huge space forthem to run around in, I wish I could give my baby something like that.One day I'm going to hire you for a bunny photoshoot ;) hahaha.
It's not actually a run per-say, it's actually an acre of land fenced off. :cool:And they really enjoy it!

Ooooo, bunny photoshoot! I love taking pictures of my bunnies. Photography in general is a big passion of mine. :)
Great pics! Did you get a new camera? (sorry if I missed that) ;)

I love this one:


He's saying, "Dear God, please bless my good friend Max". Our dutch boys have to stick together ;)
Oh Haley, I just noticed your quote under thepicture about Max. You're right, Harper is praying for our boy Max, andI've been praying hard for you both. Max is a strong boy, and he'sgoing to get through this and come out stronger than ever. I'm hopingnow that he's had the surgery and got all the painful stuff out of hismouth, he'll now be on the road to recovery!
Aww...he has to have a nightlight on to go tosleep? What a doll!!! :tears2:I love him even morenow.

Yes, Snuggy's Mom, he reminded me of Tucker too.Kings! Unbelieveable! And we cater to them, whatthe heck is wrong with us? A guy would NEVER get away withthe demands these lads and lasses put on us. N-E-V-E-R!

Haley, I'll include Max in my prayers too. Poor littlepumpkin. Don't know what's going on, but I hear your concernand since Harper's praying, I'll mention it to my babies as well to getthem on the bunny prayer chain as well. Good luck, and sendnothing but positive, healthy thoughts his way.

LOL Carolyn, you wouldn't believe how spoiledthat little brat is! Yep, a nightlight. Won't sleep without it, he'sskeered of the dark. :shock:

I think I've spoiled him too much. I just got rid of my niceentertainment center, my bookcase, my night stand, and a cd tower. ThenI crammed everything onto one side of the room. Why? Because we decidedto build him a huge NIC cage with an attached run (this was supposed tobe done MONTHS ago, but poop happens...). It's supposedly going to be 5grids long, 2 grids deep and 4 grids high, with an attached run.

That boy doesn't know how good he's got it! :cool:

gwhoosh, Harper knows his name and does come when called when he's inthe house and thinks you have something of value to him. If he's out inthe yard, he acts like he's deaf."Can'thear ya mom!*hop* hop* *and awaaayyy!*":craziness
WOW...that's gonna be one huge mansion...he won't know what hit him!!! :shock:

What a sweet little man you have...he's so special.:D And those pictures!! Wow!!! Awesome,Girl!! :D
Awww, how do you keep him from chewing up thewicker basket? Timmy would have that chewed up before I couldget the camera out.
So yesterday, Harper and I went on a road tripinto the city to pick up his grandpa (my dad). It was about an hourdrive there and an hour drive back, and we needed to switch vehicleswhen I got to town too. Harper loves riding in a car, and this is ourroad trip, in pictures!

So, we get in the car to leave, and Harper insists that he drive! Of course, I told him no...

So, I get him settled and we pull out of the driveway...

Harper is all excited...

So, we start heading down the winding little country road... we're on our way!


Only 20 minutes into the trip and Harper was already wondering "are we there yet?"!

"Not yet Harper, we're just now hitting the main highway!"

So Harper decides to just lay down for a nap...

Good thing, because we still had lots of highway ahead of us!

Harper decided after his nap that he would just call some fellowbunny friends and chat away the time.Withmywireless minutes, of course!

FINALLY! We see our exit!

So we start heading towards the bridge to turn off...



Harper is thrilled to finally be in a city and out of the lonely highway roads!

We're almost to Grandpa!

And Harper couldn't be more thrilled!


So, we drop off grandpa, swap vehicles and we're headed back home!

After nearly an hour of driving, we finally see town!

"Alright, we're almost home! I can see it!"

First we had to cross over the bayou...

Harper didn't care...

There's our turn!


"Look mom, moo cows!"

"Woohoo, we finally reach the town limits!"

So we cross the tracks...

There's our street!

Yay, we're home! Harper - "Man, I can't wait to go play!"
