Presenting... Harper!

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I went to the thirft store again the other dayand found some great bunny finds! I'm actually going back tomorrowsince I'll be in the city again. I love collecting my bunnies, such agreat hobby. :D

This first set isvery heavy, and pure ceramic.Ithas Mervyns imprinted on the underside of it, so I'm sure they werevery expensive when new. I got the entire set for 79 cents! The bigbunny's ear is missing, but hey I'm not complaining!


Next is a set which appears to be a Peter Rabbit set, but I'm not sure.It's also ceramic (or porcelaine... not sure, I know know that none ofthese are plastic). I paid 39 cents for the entire set!


Next is a bunny cottage I got for 59 cents:


And when you open it...


Here's the rest of the bunnies that I bought the other day:



And a pretty bunny doll!


Overall, my total was $4.25... LOL! I love that place... (America's Thirft Store, it's a national chain)

Not too many updated pictures of Harper lately,oops. :shock:I cleaned his cage earlier (well... hislitterbox, the rest of his cage was clean). Afterwards, he stretchedout to relax and I was able to get a picture of him. He NEVER lets metake a picture of him relaxing, he always jumps up in curiosity theminute I grab my camera.


Ohhhhhh, i've been thinking about collectingrabbit stuff too. i would be so appropriate since everyonethinking of me as 'the girl with the rabbit.' i love all yourfinds. how fun!

(and harper is adorable)
I never knew there was a Sexy Dance part 2! You must have added it the week I was on vacation.

Boy did I have a good laugh. Lalena, you are awesome. And, of course, Harper is a star!!
Those movies were SO funny!

:highfive: :yes: :blueribbon:

The pictures of Harper doing binkies are really amazing, I can never catch my bunny binkies at all :bow.

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