"Peg's Place" - the Adventures & Misadventures of all the buns here

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Well - Destructo bunny is taking a rest...she's done her share of destroying things under my desk - so she goes into the file cabinet (which has an empty spot because the drawer broke during a move) and ...well..the pictures say it all..

This is actually the last photo - she'd fallen asleep....doesn't she look sweet (but never innocent)

She wasn't happy with me taking pics

I think she looks proud of her destruction

Just another pic...

I really think I'm going to change her name to DESTRUCTO.....she's such a hellion.

Yet I love her so much....what IS WRONG with me?

Flashy wrote:
When things get stressful its natural to want to cuddle the one thing that made you feel better, and you can't, so on top of your stresses (Christmas? Maybe also a touch of SAD as the nights are getting very long?) you also have grief rearing its ugly head yet again. That actually makes a lot of sense. This is always a hard time of year for me - largely because I feel like I don't measure up as a mom because I don't do all the decorations/cookies, etc. (the few times I tried - I fell flat)...and because money is tight so I can't "spoil" the kids like I'd like this year. So I think I'm feeling that on top of everything else.

I do hear what you are saying about success, but the fact you have identified it is good. Any ideas on what you can do to challenge that fear? Maybe stop it ruling yours life so much? How about - I don't want to challenge it? (At least its the truth). Not succeeding is "comfortable". Its what I've known for 48 years...why change now?

Today - I'm actually reverting back to my old trick to help me cope. NO - not going back to bed and covering my head. (I only allow myself to do that one day).

Instead - I'm making a list of 3 things (with Art's help since I'd pick three totally horrible things I couldn't complete) and focusing on getting them done. My list for today is to wash 2 loads of laundry, clean the floor here in my office (Destructo bunny literally strewed old catalogs, old bills and other papers over about an 8 square foot area - along with file folder shreds, etc) - and figure out supper (Art will even help me make it if need be - but I'll probably make it).

I'm hoping Destructo will sleep through my cleaning - but I doubt she will. If she's like normal -she'll get in/near my lap and start nipping at me as I pick up HER shreds of paper.

I'm going to have Robin sweep up the area near Tio's cage - that I'll delegate. Destructo pushed out a whole bunch of his poops....she loves to dig in things....and push things around.

I know finances will be tight (given the credit crunch and all), but have you maybe thought about trundling yourself back to a/your counsellor? Actually..yeah. Thing is - first I have to go to my doctor and get a referral....then I have to be able to get in with her (she's frequently quite full). If the Air Force refers me to her - then I only have to pay $25 per visit.

I just don't know that I want to go back for counseling again. Its hard to explain.....

I've told myself that if I don't start coping better by Jan 1st - then I'll ask Art to nag me to go....but I figured I'd make it through the holiday season first and see if I do better.

Well - I'm going to start my first load of laundry (my clothes) and then put on some music and work on destructo's mess. She will be so ticked...it will almost be funny.
You might think this harsh, but I'm trying to go for honest, more than harsh.

Things may be comfortable, but does that mean it necessarily healthy, or good for you? If you are scared of succeeding how do you intend to beat your depression? For so many of us who have mental health problems it is far easier to know where we are and a lot of us fear getting better. If you are fearing success, then surely that encompasses succeeding in beating depression? Maybe starting to challenge your fear of success will mean that actually you can start to move forward from how bad you feel?

If you are having to get Art to nag, then maybe that means you don't really want to go? It's ok to not want to go, as long as you can understand the reasons behind it, and as long as they are valid reasons. I truly believe though, that if you want to get better you have to find the motivation to do it yourself. Yes, support from loved ones is good, but doing something because they push you into it is not good. You have to do it for you, not because you are being hassled. Therefore, maybe instead of asking Art to hassle you, maybe ask him to hold your hand while you call the doctors? Or ask him to come with you?

If, however, you are not yet ready to get better, that's ok, it can only happen when you are ready, but you also need to be honest with yourself if that is the case, and also look at why you don't feel ready to get better.

I'm glad you have been using a provben coping strategy, its' one you know works, and that's fantastic.

I'm sorry if any of that was harsh, or upset you or anything.
I was getting ready to sweep/clean the Cali girls pen - when I had a chance to snap this picture.

Two of the Cali sisters are really close...the other one now seems to be more of a loner and likes to hang out with mama now that Gracie's in with them.

The one who is the most shy is...well...I'll let you see. Can you see her nose tip?


Flashy wrote:
You might think this harsh, but I'm trying to go for honest, more than harsh.

One of the things I've always appreciated about you - has been your openness and HONESTY. I have always felt like there is always at least a nugget of truth in what people say - and that rather than get offended (which is sometimes what I do) - I also try to look for the nugget of truth so that I can apply it to my life and change things.

I say this to say - never worry about what you say to me. I may get quiet - but I have rarely ever cut someone out of my life because they said things that hurt. I might need time to think things over - but the people who say honest things out of their concern - earn my respect more than folks who just gloss things over.

Things may be comfortable, but does that mean it necessarily healthy, or good for you? Honest truth here ? I never ever thought about that - how something that is comfortable might not be good or healthy. I mean - if we were talking about something obvious - like drug addiction or alcoholism or something - yeah. But this? Hmm... you've definitely given me something to think about.

If you are scared of succeeding how do you intend to beat your depression? For so many of us who have mental health problems it is far easier to know where we are and a lot of us fear getting better. If you are fearing success, then surely that encompasses succeeding in beating depression? Maybe starting to challenge your fear of success will mean that actually you can start to move forward from how bad you feel? Ok - this is going to sound really strange but here goes. I don't fear beating depression. I've had bouts of depression for years - and beat it many times. Yeah - sometimes it came roaring back months or years later...but its been beat back again. For the last couple of years I've had a strategy for dealing with it - and its been kept "under control". Sometimes it isn't there at all - othertimes its like its just there...under the radar. But since I went through counseling - I've improved a tremendous amount.

The fear of succeeding has more to do with things like my housework and finishing college (something which I've come to realize really isn't a dream of mine anymore and I don't care about it to be honest).

But it has a lot to do with my homemaking and there are several reasons that have to do with it....clutter overwhelming me at times is one of them. Lack of follow-through is another...

Its a lot of things and I've spent a lot of time thinking about some of it in the past (not so much lately).

If you are having to get Art to nag, then maybe that means you don't really want to go? It's ok to not want to go, as long as you can understand the reasons behind it, and as long as they are valid reasons.

Its partly that I don't want to go - but for what I do feel are valid reasons. I like my counselor - a lot. But she can't give me the motivation to work on my house - and to be honest with you - lately - other than missing Tiny - my biggest source of discouragement is my house. I want to take better care of it - or so I think - but then I wind up getting on the internet (yeah - I admit it - I'm addicted to RO and other internet things (but not porn or anything like that) - and I let my priorities for the house fall by the wayside.

I just don't feel like my counselor can help with that. With the grief counseling about Tiny? Sure...she could help with that...but then again - there have been days and weeks when I've done fine - its more like now that I'm stressed (largely over the house) - I want Tiny...like Pipp said about Dill - he was my prozac.

But the other thing about my counselor is that getting to see her is sorta a several step process. First - remember to call to schedule an appointment w/ my doctor (and I don't like doctors). Then - talk to him about wanting to see a counselor. HOPE that he doesn't insist on having me try meds again (they make me so sleepy) and will recommend the counselor. Then wait for the Air Force to put through the referral - then contact the counseling agency and hope she has time available (which will be scarce during the holiday season since I know she focuses on her family during that time).

I don't do well at several step process things....its hard for me. Its like its hard for me to look at a room and break down what needs to be done...first this .. then that. Its always been hard for me to do things that have several steps...

I truly believe though, that if you want to get better you have to find the motivation to do it yourself. Yes, support from loved ones is good, but doing something because they push you into it is not good. You have to do it for you, not because you are being hassled. Therefore, maybe instead of asking Art to hassle you, maybe ask him to hold your hand while you call the doctors? Or ask him to come with you?

I probably didn't say it right when I said that I want Art to nag me - basically - I'll start out the day with a list of let's say 10 things to do....and maybe I'll get 3 or 4 of them done. Usually - I remember to make phone calls (that I'm dreading to make) about 5 or 6 pm...when I've done other things.

So basically - if come Jan 1st - I don't find that I'm doing better - I wanted Art to remind me - in the am - to call and get the appointment....so that I won't procrastinate on it (since I procrastinate on things like that).

If, however, you are not yet ready to get better, that's ok, it can only happen when you are ready, but you also need to be honest with yourself if that is the case, and also look at why you don't feel ready to get better.

I think a lot of it right now - besides some financial stress and the holiday stress - is that I'm just overwhelmed. Barry just came down with wry neck and that takes emotional energy along with lots of time....and my house is just driving me up the wall. So much of it has to do with the clutter that surrounds me - some of it is mine - some of it isn't.

I've had a friend offer to share goals with me at the beginning of the week and then how we did at the end of the week...and I'm seriously considering it. I've looked for that type of help for years - I used to have one friend where we'd take a picture of the areas we were gonna clean - send it to each other - and then send a picture at the end of the day of what we got done. WOW - I got more cleaning done in those times than in whole days...because I knew there would be someone there saying "You go girl".

Right now though - I just want to make it through the holiday season....to see how much of the stress is coming from that. I'm thinking that come January - I'll feel differently - more hopeful - that the start of a New Year will give me a feeling of starting over...again.

I'm probably not explaining it well. But sometimes - when you're drowning in a sea of clutter...its hard to not be depressed.

I'm glad you have been using a provben coping strategy, its' one you know works, and that's fantastic.

Yeah - the things that work for me (when I remind myself to do them) - are to put on some of my instrumental praise music, pick a list of three things and do them (I usually wind up doing more) and having a quiet time reading the Bible..that almost always helps pull me out of the depression. I also try to step outside for a bit and get fresh air and sunshine.

I'm sorry if any of that was harsh, or upset you or anything.

Actually - your comment on something being comfortable was really really thought provoking - I needed to hear that.
I was REALLY scared of your reply, lol, but I'm really glad that I have given you something to think about :)

In terms of your house, I will give you the advice I gave my mum last week. Last week we had to turn our house upside down and mix it all about because we had plumbers in and it disrupted everything. Mum was saying what you were when they had gone, about not knowing where to start, it's too much to do, can't face it, etc, so I just said to her, don't plan, just, as you walk past something, pick it up and put it in the right place. If everytime you go past something you put it in the right place, you will be done in no time, and she said that really helped and our house has returned to much the chaotic state it was before hand.

How would you eat an elephant Peg? You would not look at the whole elephant because it would feel unmanageable, you would look bite by bite.

If you can find someone to help motivate you, that would be great.

I read and took on board all you said, and I think you have a very good idea of what is going on, and I can also see your mental workings of seeing your counsellor, and why you are not sure that it's beneficial for you. I respect all that. A lot of the things I say are based on wider knowledge and the little I know about you, so learning more about you through your honest answers and you contradicting me or correcting what I say, that's great :)
I think part of it is that when I saw my counselor last time - I was very proactive.....she was shocked that I had never seen a counselor before and yet went in with a list to get started.

Basicalliy - in my first appointment - I went in with a list of the times I'd been depressed for 2 weeks or more during the last 26 years (how long I'd been married or known Art). I marked the ones that I knew were caused by stresses like finances or being a new mom - and then we talked about the other ones - that were very cyclical in nature.

During the whole time I was in counseling - I was very proactive about things and would sometimes come in with journal entries or things that I'd been thinking about based upon my last conversation with her...our sessions were very productive.

So if I felt like she could/would help me...yeah...I'd go back in a heartbeat. I am considering it for after the New Year if I can't work through the grieving of Tiny. Its amazing how I'll be fine and then it just sweeps over me...but I think you and another friend hit the nail on the head - where he was my "comfort" and part of what makes me miss him is that I have other stresses that make me want some comfort. I am thinking about that and how to work through that...because I think that is a major cause of the grief. Can I find another way to destress without Tiny being here?

I'm feeling a lot better now that I've cleaned up part of the floor from Destructo's work. She got mad at me and tried to steal paper from me - but she didn't nip me. I called her Destructo and she flicked me off several times as she ran away. It actually made me laugh.

I've been thinking about using most of the time that I use to read/visit this forum - to be more active on a forum about getting organized. (I was on it pre-bunnies and it helped me). I'd say "I'll do both" but I really need to cut down on my internet time...not increase it.

I actually used to be a good homemaker - for about 9 months once I had the house so clean you could eat off the floor. The kids were four - and we were living in a 2 bedroom apartment. The thing is - about 90% of our stuff was in storage. I was using the "Sidetracked Sister's" card file system where you write down the chores on cards and file them once their done..and each day you pull out the cards for that day. I've also used the Messies Annonymous "flipper" program well - and I may go back to that (its hard to explain...but it worked well).

Or I may design myself a checklist that I check off daily - one page per week - and hang it on the wall.

I haven't decided.

Anyway...after dealing with Audrey's mess ... I'm about to start a load of laundry and call my mom. I think today is starting to look better (other than calling my mom who struggles with short term memory loss but doesn't realize it). I may even accomplish more than my goals!

Tis good you feel you are making progress today :)

In terms of finding something else to help you destress, what was it Tiny gave you? Company? A cuddle? a distraction? I just wonder if you can figure out what he gave you you can find another strategy that might also work effectively
Peg I was trying to think of something to say that would be helpfulbut my brain is a bit scrambled at the minute so all I xcan say is BIG HUGS!!
First of all - for folks who frequently skim messages - please skip this one. You will almost need to read the whole rambly thing for it to make sense...so just move on by and don't worry about skipping this one.

Polly - your message about big hugs was the first thing I saw after getting off the phone w/ my mom - let me tell you - I needed those hugs. I feel like I lose a little bit more of my mom with every weekly call...I think I had to tell her 10 times that she'd already bought me my Christmas present (baklava for me - cheese for Art)...and that it arrived today. I hate Saturdays sometimes 'cause that's when she likes me to call - and we talk for 1-2 hours...but we usually have the same conversations over and over and over again - without her realizing it.

Flashy - I've been thinking a lot about things and I'm going to type a lot here. I was going to just pm it to you - but I found myself thinking, "What if someone else is struggling and feels the same way??"...so I'm posting some things in my blog.

You asked me what Tiny gave me - and I can tell you some of it - but in order for it to make sense...I need to start way way back years ago. Hence the long message.

Over the last 4-5 years, I've come to realize just how dysfunctional my adopted mom's family was. They never talked to each other (the kids even) except to say things like, "Dad wants you to do this.." or "Mom wants you to do that..". They rarely played together - and my mom said she can never remember hearing her mom or dad telling her that they loved her when she was growing up. (She did hear it from her mom years later...but the attitude was, 'You should know I Love you....look at all I did for you..").

Mom & dad adopted me when I was about 1...and I was the only child. Till he left mom when I was 15 - dad was busy almost all the time and I rarely saw him. He worked nights, weekends, etc. (or so we were told - turned out later he had someone else in his life).

So mom raised me - mostly alone. In addition - she didn't have her mom or family to really talk to - because we lived in Connecticut and they lived in Northern Maine.

By the way - my adopted mom is the firstborn...they tend to be overachievers.

I say all this to say - my mom may have told me she loved me - but I was never "good enough" for her. She was raised in a day in age where children were to be "seen and not heard" - quite literally. They would have to sit on a bench in the hallway when her parents went to visit her grandma....not talking the whole time.

I think part of mom's mindset came from the fact that because I was adopted - for those first few years of my life - the state could have taken me from her....so she was always afraid that I wouldn't be good enough...and she didn't want them to take me from her. In addition - she felt like she had to raise me to be "perfect" pretty much - because she was raising someone else's child...and what if they met me years later and were disappointed?

One sad thing is - Mom and I have such different personalities - we're about as opposite as people can be. For instance - I can't stand to wear shoes or slippers (same as my birthmom) - but mom saw that as me being rebellious. I never cared for her furniture or style of decorating...that was rebellious too. (Imagine my shock when I walked into my birthmom's house and saw she had the same Home Interiors figurines and paintings I loved...).

Some memories in particular stand out in my mind....one was when I went back to college after getting married and I got all A's and B's...but in particular - an A in Accounting (mom was a bookkeeper). Mom's comment? "Why didn't you do that before?" (I had been studying science and was flunking out).

Another one is when I went home this year for Mother's Day...and her first comments were "You need to lose 30 pounds before you come home for another visit..".

Gee..thanks Mom.

I have no doubt my mom loves me - please don't take me wrong. But - I have never performed up to her expectations. Now that I know more about her family history - I understand that - as the only time she received attention was if she performed well at something.

So what does that have to do with Tiny? Well - I'd had Tiny for several months when I did the unthinkable....I shook him. He'd gotten in a fight with another buck (we realized later he had put up his paws to get the buck off his head and his nails had been what hurt the bucks' penis...he wound up losing a bit of it). I lost my temper and picked up Tiny and yelled him and shook him (not hard - but enough to scare both myself and him).

I almost rehomed him after that day. I couldn't believe what I had done. Another rabbit person called me and we talked (she knew I was upset) and she explained to me (after she knew I was calmed down) about the consequences of my actions and how I needed to watch Tiny for stasis.

Needless to say - Tiny was upset by this and for the next...I don't know - week - or maybe longer - he sat a distance from me and watched me. I tried to talk to him - I begged and pleaded (from a distance) for him to forgive me....but I also knew he was scared of me.

You have to understand - he had seen me at my very very worst. I could not believe the way I'd yelled at him - the things I'd said. I couldn't believe I'd shaken him.

I don't remember how long after this it was - but he chose - of his own free will - to come see me. He hopped in my lap and let me pet him. I sat there and cried for...I don't know how long. All I know is I remember that moment.

You see - in spite of seeing me at my very worst - he chose to trust me. He forgave me - and over time - he showed me how much he loved me in return.

When I think of the term "unconditional love" - I think of Tiny...of his forgiveness of me - of his love for me.

Once he forgave me - its like he chose to never look back at that ugly side of me again....he decided to risk it all by loving me...even though I'd abused him.

When I was upset - I could talk to him - and he wouldn't try to change me or cheer me up. He'd just listen - let me cry in his fur if need be - and then look at me as if to say, "Can I groom out the tears now?" and start grooming himself. If I had to cry some more...I'd do that and he'd just patiently wait till I was done.

As many of you know - I have a wonderful husband and we've been together 29 years. But when I need to cry - Art doesn't "get it". He thinks its his job to "make me better" by getting me to laugh - or telling me to "get over it". He doesn't understand that sometimes - I just have to cry - to get it out. He was brought up in a family where crying was a weakness...something you didn't do.

So Tiny was the only one who loved me for me (in spite of my many flaws) and also was willing to let me be me and cry if I needed to. He accepted me with my strengths and weaknesses - he appreciated what I could give him - and didn't ask for more - and just loved me.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not crying for what Tiny gave me or did for me - I'm crying for what he was to me - for who he was.

I don't mean to offend the non-religious with this next part .. but here goes.

Since I've been little - the one thing I've often held onto is that God loves me - no matter what. I know I disappoint Him at times....but I am assured of His love for me. A few years ago, I came to realize that I didn't have to "earn" His love and that what I didn't wouldn't change His love an iota....because His love for me wasn't based upon my performance - but upon His character and who He is.

It was like Tiny was that love - put in fur - so that I could feel God's love at times when I felt inadequate. He was "God with flesh on" as some people call it.

We talk about my fear of succeeding...and I've been thinking about that a lot. There are some things I have succeeded at...others I really really struggle with. Homemaking is a big one that I struggle with - for several reasons.

  • I didn't really get lots of help/training in homemaking. Mom kept a nice house - but I didn't do much other than dust and a few other things.
  • I have so much JUNK - some of which I think I might keep because it makes me feel good about myself or about some part of me. For instance - we probably have over 2,000 books at least - some of which are just there 'cause I think they make me look smart (I can't explain it...but its like smart people read these books). I am already thinking about going through the books and getting rid of a bunch and keeping the ones that have meaning to me. Same thing with videos and dvds and stuff like that. A lot of what holds me back is the clutter...
  • I don't have good time management skills - plus I'm addicted to the internet and spend way too much time (on posts like this)
  • It isn't fun.
So many more things come to my mind - but I think I best quit now.

So Flashy - that is why Tiny meant so much to me - and why I struggle so much.

The thing is - when I used to meet with my counselor - I talked about the house - several times - about the need to set goals, etc. But it never went anywhere - its almost like for her the topic was easy (to take care of her house) - so she couldn't understand my struggles.

By the time I quit going to counseling (we had agreed I didn't need it) - the only real thing I was struggling with...was housework - and she wished me well.

I hope this long post has made some sort of sense...
JadeIcing wrote:
:shock:I WANT
The Calis or Destructo bunny?

I'd send her for Elvis...but she's way too mean for him....she thinks its her job to hump everyone.....
I can understand that all very much Peg. I actually wrote something very similar on a different forum about conditional and unconditional love.

The basic gist of it is that I have only ever had conditional love, had to be smarter, thinner, more talented, funnier, etc, and I always had to have that front on.

Flash didn't care who I was, he just wanted me. He was willingly there in times when people weren't. I'm going to put the next bit insmall and graybecause I'm not sure it's appropriate (Peg, feel free to delete it-be it the grey bit or the whole post-when you've read it if you want). I actually wanted to put it on white, but couldn't. The forum wouldn't let me. *growls*. I may chicken out and delete it and PM it to you. Ok, so I just edited it to all be the same colour and same size so that it didn't stand out.

I am an extreme self harmer (according to the doctors), and I have never shown any person me at that worst point. Everyone sees happy, lively, confident Tracy. Flash (and since, various other rabbits, namely Sky), have seen me at my worst, be it self harming, over dosing, whatever, and they chose to stay. One time I lost the plot and Flash just came over and sat with me. He ended up covered in blood, and yet he still sat there and stayed. When I was less distressed he went away, he cleaned himself, and then he came back. Like with you and Tiny, Flash had seen me at my ultimate worst, and yet he chose to come back.

When someone, or something chooses to do that it seems to cement them into our hearts forever, especially when we have never known love like that before.

To enable you to get from somebun else, what you got from Tiny, they need to be able to see you at your worst, and that's hopefully not something that will happen for your sake or theirs, which may mean you never feel you have that unconditional love that encompasses the worst of times and the best of times. On the other hand you must have many buns who have seen you in bad times and are still there in their own little way? even if that way is different?

I hope what I have said hasn't been out of place, but I just wanted you to know that I can relate in a big way. Yes, it's a different way, with different circumstances, but the essence is still the same.

Flashy - if you want the post deleted - let me know. But for all we know - it may help someone else who struggles - so for now - I'm leaving it.

You're right - both of us had unconditional love from our rabbits - they saw us at our worst (in our own ways) - and they chose to come back.....they chose to be with us anyway.

I think that just "getting it out there' - by typing it here - has really helped me. I don't think I realized until yesterday exactly how strongly I felt about Tiny's unconditional love for me. It took talking to my mom and listening to her - to think about how I love her dearly - but I've never felt loved - and that was what made me realize just how much Tiny's love meant to me.

You're right though - I wouldn't want another rabbit to see me at my worst.

At times I have a bad temper and yell or slam a door or something - and some of them have seen me like that. But never have I harmed another rabbit....even though there have been times I've been upset.

Since I wrote last night - I've been thinking about the fact that to me - it was like God sent me Tiny to show me that love - and I think I can better handle stresses now (we'll see though).

I recognize some of the triggers of my grieving about Tiny- like if the forum loses a flemish giant...or if Art & I have a big fight - or even if finances are tough. The times when I feel like I'm doing a lousy job...stuff like that. I think I'm going to have to find another way to deal with those triggers...to recognize them and have sort of a plan in place....to help me calm down and feel less like a failure at those times.

Knowing that - really does help - it gives me a feeling of "I can make it through..".
*big cuddles* You sound like you are learning about yourself hard and fast, and hopefully it will help you to have that understanding of yourself and the relationship you have with Tiny, and others, and what he meant to you.

Maybe there are other ways involving your buns that you can do when you fele stressed? Like go and give them food? Or a fresh handful of hay? Or a stroke/cuddle? Sometimes just that contact can help.
Because of the way I'm feeling right now (like I made a breakthrough in the whole grief process) - I designed this. I'm not ordering it ....but I like it better than others I've done. (I'm also hoping to finally do the collage photo frame I have here all ready to put his photos in - I'll probably do that this afternoon to hang in my office...)


That's beautiful Peg. Really, really beautiful.
I thought I'd give a short update on some bunnies here.

I think I mentioned Barry came down with head tilt....he was rolling really bad last night. Well - this morning he was sitting up a bit and eating - still tilted- but he had better control. He was also flirting with Miss Bea and the girls in the bedroom (he's in a 1 X 1 NIC pen where he can't roll much). He loved his banana.

Last night Art also mentioned that he thought Harry had mites. Sure enough...he did. They were down in there but you could see them. Even worse...he has an infection in both ears (its gotten to the point where I can put my nose to their ears and smell if there is an infection going on - Randy and I talked about it once and it is amazing - but true). So he got a shot of Pen G (along with the ivermectin) and I got some of the puss out of his ears.....oh..he got pain killer too. This morning he was still feeling a bit under the weather....but this afternoon he started crunching on the cheerios and acting like he felt somewhat better...so who knows? He's in with Wedge and Hepburn right now (in the bedroom) and I'm going to look at his ears again tonight.

This is killing me - the ear mites. Rabbits who are getting them don't live side by side or anything like that....its just happening in "almost" random places. I say almost random...but when I look at it - its either the older rabbits or the ones that already had some sort of an illness in the past. I told Art that I was shocked Harry wasn't tilted or rolling....I think we caught him in time. Its amazing what Pen G can do (when it is an infection - vs. Pasturella or something).

I guess that is pretty much it....I may go love on Miss Bea for a few moments or something - I need to run to the grocery store and get a few things...

Hope everyone else is having a relaxing Sunday...

Edited to add: Oooh - I just remembered - in a little less than 3 hours - the next installment of the Librarian movie series comes on TNT. I can hardly wait. For those who don't know - the series is a bit of a play on the Indiana Jones character...and probably other adventure movies too...

Here's a link about the series: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/index.html?curid=1348785

and a link to the website: http://www.tnt.tv/movies/librarian/

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