"Peg's Place" - the Adventures & Misadventures of all the buns here

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Elf Mommy wrote:
um...poke poke...BP?

I've been doing pretty good - I"ve been taking my bp meds every morning (except I just realized I forgot this morning and need to go take them).

I hope to write more later today...maybe do some pics or video or something...I don't know.

Last night one of the Cali girls wasn't acting quite like herself....the other two were doing bunny 500s and she just sorta went in the corner with her head down. Checked her over...and she had ear mites. So I treated her - checked her sisters (one had 'em - the other one might have had them starting and I couldn't see them yet - so I treated her anyway).

Turned out Faith - who was also scratching her ears - has em too.

So today I will be treating everyone here in the office who hasn't had treatment for them in the last week (Dallas and Austin got some when they played outside one day).

I'm still worried about one of the Cali girls though - the first one I treated. She just seems a bit "off" although she appears to be eating and drinking just fine. I'm going to be keeping an eye on her...

....if I can tell which one she is...

I've been sitting here thinking about the bunny-related things I'm thankful for - and I thought I'd share my list here..

Of course - I'm most thankful for Tiny...and for my many memories of him. I have to share a picture...


I'm thankful for the times I've had with the buns I've loved and lost....GingerSpice, Puck, SugarBear, Pow Wow, Drew, Dusty, BunBun, Hyacinth, New Hope and on and on and on the list goes. Each one of them - was loved - and I have precious memories of them all.

I'm thankful for this forum - where I've met so many good friends and bunnies too. So many of you have helped me through hard times - I really appreciate it.

I'm thankful for most of the memories I have from my days of breeding...

I'm thankful for so much more - that right now it escapes me.

Lately - I've been grieving Tiny a lot - and really struggling with the loss. I keep wanting him back (don't we always want them back?)....and I find myself wnating to shut down and go back to becoming non-functional ... the way I was before I started having rabbits. I can't do that though - I have to hold on.

So a friend is helping me with the grieving process - and has made suggestions of how I can get some help.

I figured that maybe if I made a list of what I'm thankful for (versus focusing on what I've lost) - it would help....

Anyway - to all who read this -

[align=center]Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving Peg :)

It's great that despite your grief you can be thankful for things too :)
I try to alway keep at the front of my mind that my loss doesn't compare to my joys. Not always the easiest but I try hard. Peg I know how easy it is to dwell in loss, to let it drag you under. It is so hard to sometimes just stay afloat. You are fighting it and that is something you should be very proud of.

Well - it looks like I have a new Cali girl...sorta.

Yesterday I had a panel open for the Cali pen to see if the girls would come out and play and how they would get along w/ the lionheads. One Cali girl came out...and things did not go well - two of the lionhead girls cornered her in the closet and wouldn't let her leave (they didn't fight her - just chased her in there and then sat guard).

Meanwhile - Lambykins jumped into their pen and didn't want to leave. I tried to get her out - she jumped back in.

I was nervous about it - but she spent yesterday evening (till about 2 am) snuggled in with the Calis....then this morning when I came in - she was snuggling with them too.

I've tried explaining to her that she's a lionhead...but she seems to insist she's a Cali now...after all...if Jenny (who is black also) can live in the Cali area - why can't she?

Unfortunately - Isenstar has been very disturbed about this. Her cage looks over into the Cali pen and Lambykins has been HER friend and jumping up to see her and steal her food and water. Now she sees Lamby snuggling with the girls and she's moping.

Since I'm sitting here for a bit - I'm leaving the one panel down to see if Lamby will jump back out....

Anyway - just had to share - I thought it was cute.

First a picture..


It looks horrible - partly 'cause I took it from my cell phone and partly cause of course I haven't cleaned the pen yet (I am cleaning it in a few minutes but had to grab the photo NOW).

I think I'm going to take her out though - because I've started trying to bond Gracie, her girls, and Jenny all together so that they can have the whole pen area without breaking it into smaller areas. This would give them 24 square feet (4' X 6').

The problem? Well - Jenny and Gracie used to live together - and Jenny is definitely dominant. Gracie didn't used to mind...and in fact - she didn't seem to mind today when Jenny would mount her - except for when Jenny came near her and she was settled and eating hay.

Right now- Jenny and Gracie are side by side...and the three Cali girls keep going in the area - well - two of them.

For much of the time - one of the girls laid by the water bottle just shaking...she's so mild-natured. I was worried and was going to pick her up - but she's exploring now and feeling a bit more confident...

I really do hope this works out. Right now Jenny has a 6 square foot area - Gracie has a 6 square foot area and the girls have a 12 square foot area. I'd love it if they could all share a huge pen.

Oops - better go - it looks like one of the girls (the more dominant of the three) is about to mount Jenny - who is resting beside Gracie.....
Well - I got Lamby out of the pen - and she's so upset with me. She's laying right beside the pen - as close as she can get to the Cali girls. My concern was that if there was a tussle -they're at least twice her size (weight wise) and she'd get beat up.

Jenny is also in the "time out" cage. This means that Gracie and the girls have 18 square feet and Jenny has 6 square feet.

I would really like to get Jenny included in the bonding....oh well...I'll give it time.

But Lambykins? I don't know - maybe I should just leave her with the Calis but Isenstar really seems to like it when she jumps up there (sometimes).

JadeIcing wrote:
I think if she is happy with them and not fighting leave her there. Maybe Isenstar can find someone else?
Well - she's back in with them.

Faith (bunny) was chasing her and pulling on her fur and trying to mount her. As she ran by ..with Faith literally holding on - Lamby looked up at me and gave me this look of "See ... its all your fault". (Never mind that Lamby was mounting Faith earlier).

So I grabbed her and held her for a bit - and then put her in with the Calis...

When she got done flicking me off and thumping at me - she went and settled down next to one of the Cali girls and started napping.

I feel like calling the two of them together "Me & My Shadow"...

She has been getting a bare spot on her back (where she was getting overgroomed)...so I'm thinking she may do better in with the Cali girls...at least it is worth a try.

Well - she's back out again. Honestly - I'm horrible at this...

Two of the Cali girls love to do the bunny 500....a lot (in the evenings and in the mornings). One of them quite literally ran over Lamby as she was trying to get away...she's fine - but she was sorta scared and panting in a corner. I just felt like she needed to be out of there last night since I wouldn't be here to watch for things.

Now she's snoozing sorta by their cage - I may put her back in later.

Gracie and her girls are definitely going to live together. So their pen is getting set up for them later today (basically - removing the barrier which is folded back)....

I just don't know whether to try to bond Jenny to them - or to put Lamby in there. I don't feel both would be good. Jenny is a *itch sometimes. She's very very dominant and she's very very heavy. If she chose to mount or boss Lamby and I wasn't around....I'd be worried about her. The Cali girls and Gracie are more laid back.

It wouldn't be horrible just to let Jenny have Gracie's old pen...would it? She doesn't seem to "need" others (although she does like them sometimes)....and she really likes this size pen and its big enough for her. I actually might extend her pen into an "L" and she'd have 8 square feet and then Gracie & girls would still have 16 square feet.

So much to think about - and I HATE making decisions.

Well - Isenstar had a visitor today....Lambykins...


I don't think Isenstar liked Lamby just coming up for a drink without being friendly...in fact...she seemed to get a bit bossy..

She got SOOOO bossy - that Lamby decided to take off..
(Lamby...you didn't HAVE to leave..)

Hmmmph...well...I didn't want company anyway.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw. Your rabbits are hilarious :D And very sweeeeet.
I've had some folks pm'ing me - others emailing me - to ask how I'm doing since I've been kind of quiet. I'm gonna just go ahead and post it in here so that those of you who tend to read my stuff will know...

I'm not doing well at all. My blood pressure is fine - its not that.

Its that I'm starting to sink into depression and its kicking my rear. Every day that goes by - I miss Tiny...not less...but more. Its like whenever I feel stressed - I want to hold him and pet him and feel him giving me kisses - like he would when I was on the phone with stressful customers. Its getting harder to live without him - not easier.

In addition - the house has gotten to a point where it is depressing. Art tried to get me up this morning and I was dreaming about how we'd moved to a new house - and there were NO BUNNIES. The house was so beautiful....nice decorations (something I haven't really done here)....and it was just...nice. I wanted to stay in bed and continue dreaming (I wound up getting up about 10 minutes later).

Ali and I talked the other night about how we start things around our homes but often don't finish them....and in a way - it made me want to start getting stuff done around the house - and in a way - I just wanted to bury my head and say "forget it". As I told Ali, I have known for years (thanks to the observations and comments of those who love me) that I have a fear...not of failure...but of success. For if I am successful at something...then what comes next?

I'm not talking about the basic stuff like cleaning cages and all - Art & Robin help a lot with that. I'm talking about the stuff like dealing with the disorganization - the piles of papers that build up around my desk - the lack of order in my bedroom - the house being so overstuffed with JUNK. Art is a neatnik who is also a packrat....it sorta ebbs and flows. He's a neatnik if the junk is thrown out - but let the house get disorganized and he starts bringing home junk (like a case of soap they found at work from when it was a bomb shelter 20 years ago...that's right - the soap was 20 years old).

I think the worst part is I find myself pulling away from people when I need them the most. Either I drive them away (sometimes purposely - sometimes not) - or I just...hide away.

I'm not sure why I am putting all this here - maybe its cause I just don't have the energy to answer all the various pms/emails. I don't know.

Anyway - if I'm quiet for a few days - possibly even till after the 1st....just know that right now I've tied a knot and I'm hanging on for dear life till the holidays are over. This is just not a good time for me...


Now for a couple of things about bunnies....

Barry could use prayers. He'd had an ear infection - with a bit of tilt...it went away till earlier this week and now its back in full force (the tilt). I think he's a mini-rex mix...such soft fur. He is sorta a "rescue" - he had eye problems at the feed store and after I got him and was describing it to Zin she pointed out that I sorta had a responsibility to him since it sounded like it was going to be ongoing and most folks would just put him down. So he's lived here (he was my favorite of the litter - I often go in to the feed store and mark in the ears if the babies are girls or boys). I use a marker..not a tattoo.

In the office - Audrey may have to be caged. She has been so totally destructive...anyone want a destructo bunny? She got into a box of files under my desk and has been pulling them out and shredding them. She also comes up and nips me if I'm sitting with my feet on papers she wants to shred. She also goes under Tio's cage and pushes his poops out from under his cage (she gets in his tray since it sits on th efloor about 4" under the cage). She reminds me of a little kid - always looking to see what trouble she can get into.

The thing is...I need to move MIss Bea and bunnies out of my bedroom - but Miss Bea and Audrey will fight. So I need to figure out what I'm going to do.....Miss Bea has developed some bad habits in my bedroom....and if I cage her - she won't eat (I'm serious) - she'll pout.

Anyway - I know I'll figure things out. I'm sitting here watching Audrey for a minute and I wonder if she does all this stuff to get my attention....I almost wonder if I put her out with Zeus and the girls what would happen.....would she calm down with a whole garage to run around in (well - minus the boxes that she'd probably wind up destroying)...

Wedge is very active lately - and very very bossy with Hepburn - mounting him a lot. Still yet - the two boys get along really well and I often find them grooming each other too.

Well - I guess that is it...

When things get stressful its natural to want to cuddle the one thing that made you feel better, and you can't, so on top of your stresses (Christmas? Maybe also a touch of SAD as the nights are getting very long?) you also have grief rearing its ugly head yet again.

I do hear what you are saying about success, but the fact you have identified it is good. Any ideas on what you can do to challenge that fear? Maybe stop it ruling yours life so much?

I know finances will be tight (given the credit crunch and all), but have you maybe thought about trundling yourself back to a/your counsellor?

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