Wedge needs prayers....he's very depressed since losing Hepburn...I do have him eating some cilantro right now...but I think I may need to change him to a new cage or something to give him something "new" to be interested in...I don't know.
I didn't realize how hard he would take losing Hepburn...then again - I always thought Wedge would be the first one to go...
Honestly - at this point - hope for a peaceful passing. That is the only thing that can happen at this point with the way his body appears to be shutting down. This is what happened to GingerSpice and I knew when she reached the point of no return (same with Tiny really when I think back on it).Peg, I'm so sorry. I've seen that happen too. That happened to Moon. I will be thinking of you guys, and hoping that Wedge pulls through, but that if he doesn't, he has a calm and peaceful trundle to the bridge.
Thinking of you Peg. Just a PM away.