Peg's Place - 2009

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Aww there's that Zeus! What a beauty!

Mercury is getting more and more handsome! He is going to be beautiful when he is full grown and filled out.

Tony is getting taller and skinnier right now. He feels the same weight wise and not skinny by any means but he is streamlining right now. I wonder if this is a growing phase.
Well - I thought I'd take some time and write more of an update on our life - along with maybe some stories of the bunnies.

Things are going pretty good here - hard to believe we've been married 30 years now and still haven't murdered each other at times. Art's a great guy - couldn't have done better - but there are times like last night when he acts like a jerk...then again - I never act like a jerk...right? (If you believe that - would you like to buy the Brooklyn Bridge???).

I've cut back on my work and been focusing more on my bunnies - my family - my friends - etc. (In addition to thoroughly scouring the rabbitry on a regular basis..).

Some good acquaintance may be getting back with her ex...she's calling him "hunny" and "love of my life" and stuff like that now. So it looks like good things can happen after bad times...

My dad is in the skilled nursing unit but we're reconnecting after being estranged for many years. Why did I let so much time go by...I guess I felt like I was being unfaithful to mom if I let dad back into my life...but when I call him - its never "why haven't you called before ..." and complaints...but is instead, "oh...its so good to hear your are you doing?"

I love the way he can make me feel.

Its hard to believe we've had Millie and Sasha over a year already...both girls are growing up quite a bit - but they still love to go after Art's shoes..I think they've gone through five pairs or so since he keeps leaving them down? That doesn't count all the socks we've had to replace too.

Mom is ... not doing so great. We found out a couple of weeks ago that she'd had a heart attack at some point and she now has high blood pressure. They're trying to get a nurse in to visit her on a regular basis. Its really hard sometimes to call her because I feel like I've lost my mom in many ways...even though she's still here physically.

Art's work is going good - on the 23rd he switches to swing shift - meaning he'll work from 2 pm - 10 pm. Other than the fact I need to have the car home for him at 1 pm - I LOVE that shift as we get to bed fairly early (lately I've been staying up till 3 am and later).

Now for a Zeus story...I was worried he might have a sore hock tonight (how he'd get one sleeping on the bed all the time - I don't know). So I told him I needed to see his back foot - he held it up (sorta) while he was grooming it. So I said, "I need to see your other foot.." and he moved his front paw towards me. I said, "No...the foot on the other side..". So he moved his OTHER front paw towards me. I said, "No..the back foot on the other side.." and he thumped me off and tried to get away.

The sore hocks. The downside...he may be mad enough to not snuggle tonight.

Finally - the flemmies want to have their own "id" on the forum so they can start their own blog. The bucks wanted it to be "Bucks Rock". The girls wanted it to be "Bucks Drool and Does Rule". Zeus said it should be "homewreckers" cause they've ruined HIS home. He said we could always call them "Night of the Lepus wanna-bes".

Anyway - we're trying to come up with a name for these Texas flemmies...preferably along the idea of a western theme.

how about old western movie titles? john wayne always comes into mind when i think of texas lol.
or home on the range!! :)

i think relationships have to have problems...makes them better in the end :)
NorthernAutumn wrote:
^^^ Wayne's Wabbits?
Lonesome Trail Tails?
Bucking Bronco Bunnies?
Hi-Ho Bunnies Away!
Trigger and Champion got Nothing on Us
Sagebrush Snugglers
Trigger's Thumping Buddies

Thought you might like this list:

PS: Zeus totally narc'd you out ;)
Oh wow...I really like these - I like Sagebush Snugglers and the Trgger's Thumping Buddies...then again there is always the Bucking Bronco Bunnies.

For those who might have missed the thread in the Let Your Hare Down section...the name of the Flemmie rabbitry is going to be "Tiny's Texas Legends"...

On a sad note - I think our oldest dog, Lady, is going to have to be put to sleep - possibly by this weekend.

She's not been herself and hasn't been feeling the best...Art got to looking at her today and she has a hard growth in her abdomen area. We've seen it before with Eric's dog 7 years ago.....cancer.

Lady is only 12 years feels unfair.

[align=center]Hee Hee Heee....we agreed on a name for us...

Now to introduce ourselves...and figure out if we need to start our own blog...

[/align][align=left]I'm Hermes...sorta the baby of the bunch...maybe. I love to run and play and binky. In case you can't tell - I'm a REW. I'm gonna grow up to be a BIG boy...but I won't be going to shows cause a couple of days ago I nicked my ear on a cage while playing in the rabbitry. Hey...I just wanted to look as handsome as Zeus with the nick in his ear....

I still get to be a breeder bunny!

[/align][align=left]I'm Mercury and I'm also a bit of the baby of the bunch. I'm a repeat breeding that my breeder did and my big (older) brother is REALLY big and already winning on the show tables.
[/align][align=left]Hermes likes to play and binky and stuff - which is ok...but I'd rather snuggle next to mom's hand and get pets....for 30 minutes or so at a time.
[/align][align=left]I've been learning how to use my litterbox...but I need a bigger litterbox mama says. Still yet...I's a good boy.
[/align][align=left]Here's my picture:[/align][align=left]


I'm Athena and I'm a beau-tiful girl. Really I breeder couldn't decide to let mama have me or my sister and he was gonna keep me at first. But I won mama's heart and so I got picked by her.

I'm shy and I guess I have some problems with my vision cause mama says I need time every day for "social-eyes"...really - she brings me out and tries to pet me and says, "Its time to 'social-eyes' Athena...". So I blink my pretty eyes at her and she tries to pet me...which I wish she'd stop doing. Maybe she thinks my eyes need pets?

Anyway - I'm the most playful girl of the bunch...much more fun than Sophia...

Here I am...


Since that was a cell phone picture - I get to share another picture too...

[/align][align=center] [/align][align=center][/align]
[align=left] You know how they always say that you save the best for last? Well...I am Sophia....and I'm the best.
[/align][align=center]Nuh uh..[/align][align=center]No way.[/align][align=center]Nyx isn't here yet....

[align=center](NARRATOR'S NOTE:

[/align][align=left]Anyway - I'm Sophia. I was the "pick of the litter" for a breeding that Mr. Jack did for his best friends. My daddy was one of his best herd bucks. I'm very very affectionate with mommy but I also like to explore...I'm the first one to run out of my cage when the door is opened....the others have to think about It's my chance to play and be with mama.

Mama has saying she 'spects that when it comes time to neuter me and retire me at the age of 2 1/2...I'll probably be staying here as a house bunny. Isn't that what I am now?

By the way..mama is MEAN...she won't let me breed yet - even though I love to chin things and am trying to get big as fast as I can. I'm already 4 1/2 months old and she says I gotta wait ANOTHER 4 months to breed.

But I like her anyway...she knows how to give good pets.

Anyway - I get to share two pictures too...cause I wanna.

First...from mama's cell phone...our first day here...


Like my wrestling moves? I think I'm pretty good...

Now for the picture mama wanted to use..

[/align][align=center]Why she wanted one with so many poops - I don't know. She mumbled something about trying to find one I hadn't pooped in...and how hard it was?
[/align][align=center]Narrator's note: when it came to discussing how to introduce Nyx...the giants started thumping at each other and had to be looks like Nyx will have to introduce herself after she arrives later this month.
Bun napping time Ha Ha Ha

They are so cute but hey what buns are not. :ph34r2I found my bun now time to go buy a bunny costume so you think I am a bun. :D

Storm time to pack son:ph34r2
First...the confession...

Are there any bunnies around? I hope not... goes...Sophia is my favorite of the four flemmies in our breeding program. (Of course I don't have Nyx yet). But somehow - it seems like Sophia is the one I'm always taking photos of..

So...for some Sophia photos..

[align=center] that I have my new cage and I'm not with Athena...I don't have a litter box yet..[/align]



[align=center]You let MERCURY pick out my litter box? And he picked GREEN???[/align]



[align=center]I don't think I can poop in a green litterbox...[/align]



[align=center]Ah...I have a better idea...[/align]


Sophia is beautiful, even if she is missing an ear :p

Victor is just adorable - his head and body shape is exactly like Jester. I always thought Jester had some Lionhead in him - there were quite a lot in the 200 that came from the same house. Victor can come here any time he likes :D

LuvaBun wrote:
Sophia is beautiful, even if she is missing an ear :p

Victor is just adorable - his head and body shape is exactly like Jester. I always thought Jester had some Lionhead in him - there were quite a lot in the 200 that came from the same house. Victor can come here any time he likes :D


I had to go SEARCHING through yesterday's pictures to find one that shows her with BOTH ears...only found one out of a whole bunch of them that I I cropped it a bit- and here is proof that she has TWO ears...

OOOOH! Must have Victor!
I had no idea he was such a cutie! Like, I knew he'd be sweet, but I'm dying to snorgle his fur!
You should send him North for a "vacation"!

I wanna have Nyx countdown. I'm so excited I got to help name her!
I'm so excited to see her!!!!!!!!!!!