Peg's Place - 2009

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TinysMom wrote:
Just a quick note - if all goes as planned - in 8 days (Lord willing) - Darla is getting a hus-bun.....

I won't share more..yet. My lips are sealed - besides - I can't have Darla sneaking on here and reading about it first. I swear she does instant messaging with Yofi to get ideas of how to drive mama crazy....
Its all part of the bunny conspiracy to take over the world man!;)

[align=left]These pictures are sorta for Polly and anyone else who wants to see them. They're pictures of of two rabbits we "rescued" in July of 2005 from the feed store. At the time Eric & I rescued them - we thought that maybe they were flemish giants - I think it was Pam who said that they looked like they could be Beveren (sp?).....

We rehomed her sister Jean with someone who fell in love with her (she had a white spot on her paw)....and kept Jenny.

Here are the early pictures of Jenny...











[/align][align=left]Now for the pictures from today - I didn't weigh her - but she's HUGE and she's built like a brick or something....[/align][align=left]






[/align][align=left]I kinda think of what Polly said about this breed being like a Nethie but in bigger form....and sometimes I think that describes Jenny when she was younger. She lived with Gracie - our Californian doe - and HAD to be the dominant one....[/align][align=left]Anyway - just thought I'd share some updated pictures of my Jenny-girl. Hard to believe she is almost 4 years old...
First - an update on Darla's kids...

What do they do on a lazy April afternoon? Well...let's see...

One naps in the cage while another one sits on chestnut sister...

Victor hangs out alone

Won't that flash give me red eyes?

I need to practice my disapproving look

Do I gotta stop playing to get my picture taken?

Hey - I thought we agreed - you were taking pictures of the kids...

I'm SOOOO tired now...

More to come in another post about our new rabbit...
Wow! They're getting so big! :D It seems like just yesterday when they were in a little nest made of random bits of clothing and men's underwear! :p
Peg, Jenny is Beautiful. I Love her ears.

Those babies are soooooo cute. Are their some that look like Lionheads and some that look like normal bunnies?


Actually _ it was an old pair of my underwear that she used for the nest.

Darla just nursed the babies - the new girl sorta watched and seemed to think about wanting to nurse - but she sat outside the cage and ate hay...and Darla didn't have any problems at all.

I'm in shock at how well they're living together. I would cage the new girl overnight tonight - but Darla won't let me near her if she can help it.

The nice thing is - Darla still wants me to give her pets...almost like she's grateful.
It is hard to believe its been over 2 weeks since I've updated this blog. time flies.

First a bunny picture that Robin snapped about 10 days baby is on the floor (it had originally been up on top when she saw them and grabbed the camera).


On Wednesday we took the three boys away from mama and they went to Robin's room in a pen. Thursday they turned 8 weeks old. Mama and sisters are still sulking...especially mama since she is still nursing 3-4 times per day (I think).

We moved the girls from the office into the rabbitry a few minutes ago - and in a bit we're going to attempt (ha ha) to catch Zeus and his harem to move into the office where they can stay cooler during the summer. Its already getting over 100 degrees here now...and thats pretty darn hot.

In a little while - I'll come back and upload a hilarious video I made a few minutes ago - its not of the rabbits but I think you'll enjoy it....
That video made me lol...haha dogs are so funny sometimes. I just couldn't stop cracking up over the one that wasn't in the water, but seemed like she wanted to play sooooo bad, but just not get
This is mainly a quick note because I'll probably be trying to take a break from the forum for a bit.

Last night we went to feed rabbits - and found that Gracie - our first Californian doe had passed away. I was going to take pictures of her this week because we had noticed she had developed TWO dewlaps....Art teased her about having "triple chins". I'm not sure why she passed away - she was only about 4 I think....

Then today - we lost Popcorn....and it was under different circumstances - so I know it isn't something like feed problems or a virus or something. To say I'm heartbroken and devastated is a major understatement.

I am going to try to put up a rainbow bridge thread for them in the next couple of days - when I can bring myself to face the loss better and post a couple of pictures. I'm halfway waiting to see who goes next since they say that death comes in threes.

When you add this to Art's mom expected to pass away soon and the problems I've been having with my mom....and other stresses...I'm just...out of it.

I'll be back later - hopefully with updates with pictures and stuff.