O/T Hopefully A Nightmare Coming To An End

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Dennis Rader walksinto the courtroom in ten minutes for his arraignment. We may finallyget to see what the prosecution has against him, depending on what hisplea is.

The prosecutor isreading charges against Rader to him...The first one is of First degreemurder against Delores Davis...especially cruel andhaeneous...

I don't get that part. They only read that one charge.

Theysaid they are giving noticeof the hard forty sentence possibility on that one charge or something.

What they are saying is Rader stood muteand the judge entered the plea of not guilty. Stand Mute means he doesnot desire to enter a plea but he is required to enter a plea so thejudge has to enter one for him.
Would like to know what a plea of not guilty isgoing to do for him. The idiot must think he's got achance. Unbelieveable!

His family's going to have to move to Alaska by the time this trialstarts, if not sooner. I wonder if they're getting harrasssedor if people are leaving them alone and believe that they didn't knowanything.

What a mess!

"Innocent until proven guilty."

He didn't enter a sentance, if I am understanding this correctly, sothe judge entered one for him. No matter how unfair it seems, the aboveprinciple still holds for anyone tried in our courts of law.

Besides, the judge can't very well enter a plea of guilty before he hears the case ;)

yea yea yea...when they have hisDNA onthe bodies of victims, panties of the ladies in his garage, etc., Isuppose he could be innocent.

As they say, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, chances are, it's a duck.

But, yes, "innocent until proven guilty".



Now the nightmare really is as over as it's going to be, Raspberry, with his Guilty Plea today.

What a Sick Psycho.

God Bless the victims and their families, the community, and his family for the pain and suffering that this monster has caused.


Have you seen the footage of his descriptions of the crimes???

Sick doesn't even begin to describe thisvile, poorexcuse of a slimy serpant...:X

He has no remorse. He described what hedid to those people as if it were craft time at a preschool table. It'sjust disgusting.
Ive been watching it all day, Raspberry, hemakes me nauseous. Absolutely no emotion... I would equivilate it tosomeone reading a passage out of the most boring book...as if you hadno interest or it was that miniscule to you....he has absolutely noregard for human life..........i am so sorry you had to have a man thatdisguting polluting your town!! My best wishes are toward him beingat least being put away for life...
I had actuallykind of put this behind me, more or less, after he was caught. Butafter yesterday it was on every 24 hour news channel again last nightand I stayed up all night watching all the "Docs and Pros" try toanalyze this guy. Then I didn't sleep well at all.

It is so disturbing. The way he clickedhis tongue, smiled, bobbed his head back and forth....it was likesomeone chatting about a game over a pizza and beer. He was right wherehe wanted to be. On stage, everyone watching, he was the center ofattention and only telling us what he wanted us to know, never anymore. Even though the judge was in control of the courtroom, BTK wasstill in control of everyone's emotions. He KNEW EXACTLY what he wasdoing and how to play this game all this time. He can't hurt the peoplehe killed any more but he can continue to torture many other peoplethrough this behavior....

Anyone who has an interest in humanbehavior, or is in college taking classes that would relate to thistype of thing, would find it incredible interesting to watch there-plays of his re-account of the killings. When a human is rememberinga fact his eyes dart to one direction, when they are lying the eyesdart to a different direction, when they are creating the eyes go to aneven different direction. It's very interesting to watch Dennis Rader'seyes as he speaks........


I looked for the reports on this last night,Raspberry, but was shocked when FOX, or CourtTV and CNN weren'tcovering it.

It was sick the way he took pride in his 'projects'. Icompletely agree. He loved grossing people out and recallingthe murders. Sick how he was giving us a 'lesson about serielkillers' and what they do - in the stages they come up against.

Maybe he'll meet the same fate that Dahmer did in jail.

The death penaltywasn't in effect during the years that he committed the crimes. Manypeople believe he probably committed more murders after the years thatit was effective, but he's not talking about that. Supposedly the DAhas investigated all the missing persons reports and cold cases, butrumor has it on all the BTK forums that with his 24 hour access to thecounty incinerator for burning animals, no one will ever know how manyhe might have killed.

By the way, the BTK online forums provedin the end to be an invaluable source of information for lawenforcement. I don't know that they ever came out and made a publicannouncement, but just as was proven here. I posted a photo and toldall of you who BTK was before the rest of the world knew about it. Iknew because I was a member of the forums and the members all workedtogether to dig up information and put together valuable information tosolve this case. There were many, many law enforcement people on thoseforums who were anonamous...


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