News! I am pregnant!

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Congratulations! I'm notsurprised. It seems like 1/10 females that I have come acrossin the last four weeks have found out that they're pregnant.It's crazy. I'm beginning to think that there's somethinggoing on with the moon or something! Everybody's gettingpregnant, and there are a lot of first time pregnancies too!Either that, or I'm contagious! LOL :shock:

So how far along are you? Any symptoms yet?

P.S. After reading this, everyone should take a pregnancy test. LOL
Maybe you just started to pay attention to pregnant women now, andbefore you did not. Also when it becomes warm, there are a lot morepregnant women walking around, I have no idea why, but thats what Inotice.
We're not 100% sure of how far along yet, I'mthinking somewhere in between 2-3 months. But, Yeah. I've had symptomsfor a while. lol It's been a mess since the miscarriage, I haven't hada cycle since. So, I've been feeling woozy. But, I have IBS and Overactive bladder, so it's not much different..Mainly, I'm just sleepy. Myfirst OB appointment is Monday, I'll find out more then. How are youfeeling?
I really hope this pregnancy goes well foryou. :) I've been having a very hardtime. The fatigue is kicking my butt. And thehot/cold flashes and the nausea and the weird taste buds and thebloating.....AHHHH. I'm a whiner. lol Ican't wait until I'm in the 2nd trimester when it's supposed to be morecomfortable. Right now I'm not having a very funtime.

2-3 months!? Wow. I'm at 8 weeks. Timeseems to be passing so slow. When will you find out forsure? Do you have an appointment scheduled?
Yep, Monday. I think they'll be doing an ultrasound then, they'll only know when they have an ultra sound. Yes, Ifeel your pain. lol Except I have nausea, headaches, bloating, nastytaste in mymouth, tiredness, back pain, and I have topee..all of the time.

Yeah, we're estimating between 2-3 months. It's hard to tell,cause ofthe miscarriage. I haven't had a cycle since. I took two pregnancytests in early Feb. and they came up negative. But, I've taken fourthis month spaced out and they are all positive, so yeah. I'm not 100%sure how far along I am. But, we'll see!

I hope you start feeling better, though. I understand. It's not muchfun. lol But, yeah, I can understand, I can't wait to get past thefirst three months myself. lol
Great! Back to the pregnancy watch!! :stork:

Poor Nessa had just made her announcement (the third one from a boardmember in the last couple ofweeks!) when the site went offline.


RO Staff

Nessa1487 wrote:
We're not 100% sure of how far along yet, I'm thinkingsomewhere in between 2-3 months. But, Yeah. I've had symptoms for awhile. lol It's been a mess since the miscarriage, I haven't had acycle since. So, I've been feeling woozy. But, I have IBS and Overactive bladder, so it's not much different..Mainly, I'm just sleepy. Myfirst OB appointment is Monday, I'll find out more then. How are youfeeling?

I have (had?) overactive bladder. I was on meds for it untilI found out I was pg. Then I went off them rightaway. Oddly, I haven't had any real symptoms of it since...luckily. best of luck!
mskoala wrote:

I have (had?) overactive bladder. I was on meds for it untilI found out I was pg. Then I went off them rightaway. Oddly, I haven't had any real symptoms of it since...luckily. best of luck!
My mom said she had problems with OAB too....when she had my oldersister..the pregnancy cleared it all up..I hope I'm the same! lol
I'm going on 15 weeks now. The nauseaand fatigue have gotten better, but I still get pretty tired midafternoon. So far I've gained 5 pounds which isnormal. And I get my first 4D ultrasound on June7!!!! :D
Thanks Angel! I'm really excited tofind out the sex, even though I have a pretty good feeling that it's aboy. I will be very surprised if it's a girl. :)

How are the other mommies doing?