Well-Known Member
Have you guys thought of a name.
We do have a girl's namepicked out but we're keeping it a secret for now.We're still undecided on a boy's name.
Wedo have a girl's name picked out but we're keeping it a secret fornow.We're still undecided on a boy'sname.
I keep thinking that I'm feeling movement, but I think it's just gas. :sigh I'm still waiting. :waiting:have you felt any flutterings yet? It may be tooearly. I'm at almost 24 weeks and I think I may have a littlesoccer star in there! Sometimes you can see thekicks!:elephant:
Um...no. HahahaLissa wrote:We do have agirl's name picked out but we're keeping it a secret for now.We're still undecided on a boy's name.
How about Zeek?
Try being 15 and pregnant!! And continuing school... Butthats not what I wanted to say
I had a babyshower today for my cousin and it was from 1-6 and I am sotired. But she got almost all the furniture she needs and it was great.She got some really cute things (it is Easter time!
We're keeping our name choices a secret for now.What names do you have picked out now?
Nate and I picked out Scarlett Rose if it's a girl, and Victor Charlesif it's a boy. We have other names too, but those are our firstpick.