News! I am pregnant!

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Meganc731 wrote:
Congratulations again Lissa!! Have you had your first appointment with the dr?

Congratulations to you too! I haven't seen a gyno doctor yet. I only went to urgent care yesterday morning because I wanted my blood checked. :)


I WANT A BABY!! I am sitting in the nursery listiening to the babies scream (moms work place)!! And I still want a baby!!

CONGRATS!! Have you registered anywhere? I suggest Babys R Us. Because the sell EVERYTHING and it is so cool! Especially right around this time of year everything is rabbits and you can do her/ his whole room rabbits!! That is what I want but hay, if it is a boy I dont think they will appericiate it!! CONRATS TO YOU!!

I haven't registered anywhere yet. I just found out the news on Saturday. :)

Last night I went through a crying spell already and Pristine licked all the tears off my face. :)

Get ready to have your hands full, I am sure your buns will be accepting of the new baby. Miffy just sniffs Kimberly then hops away. With 3 little ones now the only problem is I don't get to clean her cage as often, maybe a extra day later or so.

Again, I send you my congrats and hope that you will have a easy pregnancy and a even easier labor and delivery!
naturestee wrote:
Is it just me or do we get pregnancies in pairs? Hummer and Stephanie were pregnant and due at the same time too.

Congrats, Meganc731! That's great news!

Uh, maybe not such great news!!I don't think we've seen Stephanie since, have we? :shock:

Lissa and Megan, you're not going to desert usfor a little skin kid, are you? :ponder:

Nah, you wouldn't to that!!
Congratulations and :bestwishesin any case!!:party:

sas :bouquet:and pipp :party0002

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Sure, you think everything is okay with Pristine and Iszy.... Just wait until they poop all over the baby to make it really clear who really owns the place!


LOL!! This is probably true!! Although if they're like Pipp, they'll poop in a perfect circle around the crib!

And I will add that when I first logged on and saw the "I'm Pregnant' post, it had Razz's name on it! Guess what I thought?

sas :biggrinand pipp :bunny17
Congrats Lissa!

My son was born on November 4th-it is a great day to have a baby! He is 16months old now. Only the luckiest babies get to grow up in a home with abundant animal love.

Enjoy every second of this journey-even the icky ones!;)

elle wrote:
Congrats Lissa!

My son was born on November 4th-it is a great day to have a baby! He is 16months old now. Only the luckiest babies get to grow up in a home with abundant animal love.

Enjoy every second of this journey-even the icky ones!;)


I think all children should grow up with some animals around. Its the easiest way to teach them to take care of somebody.
I have a 10 month old baby and he loves to watch me pet the bunny, he gets so happy and excited.
Pipp wrote:
Lissa and Megan, you're not going to desertus for a little skin kid, are you? :ponder:

Don't even get me started on that again. :nonono:Trust me, I feel terrible about this. Jason thinks it's silly, but I almost feel threatened and invaded by this pregnancy. I feel like something is trying to come between me and my bunnies. I talked to Carolyn more about this last night and she made me feel a lot better about it. But this issue does bother me a lot because the only motherhood I've know is with my two girls.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm not excited...I AM very much excited. It's just a different feeling for me to be carrying a baby that came from me, you know? :) Have any other mothers had this feeling before?
Pipp wrote:
And I will add that when I first logged on and saw the "I'm Pregnant' post, it had Razz's name on it! Guess what I thought?

sas :biggrinand pipp :bunny17
"I think all children should grow up with some animals around. Its the easiest way to teach them to take care of somebody.
I have a 10 month old baby and he loves to watch me pet the bunny, he gets so happy and excited."

There is no feeling like it! The wonder and excitement of your baby with your babies. Watching them learn and grow and nurture-watching them snuggle is the best-oh and the kisses---Lissa you will have so much joy you will often ask yourself how you became so blessed! I remember having ideas about what it was going to be like after the baby-I had no way of understanding how beautiful my life was about to become-I already thoughtlife was great.

I am sooo excited for you!


"Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm not excited...I AM very much excited. It's just a different feeling for me to be carrying a baby that came from me, you know? :) Have any other mothers had this feeling before?"

You are right, it is a very different feeling to carry around a baby, and that is okay to feel like that but just wait until you feel that first little flutter and then they turn into big kicks and punches! And you will end up going through all sorts of emotions before the baby is here, when I found out I was pregnant with my last two, I was not sure how I felt about it. But when you bring the baby that baby home, and after the first few hectic days, you will be fine. Right now you can go to and enter in your due date (as soon as you know) and you can find out what is going on with your baby, it is kinda nice to know as you progress in your pregnancy.

If there is anything else I can do, just PM me anytime!
I'm on that website right now! Haha. Thank you Hummer!!
Hey Lissa,

If you haven't already found it, the baby center website has a lot of great information and you can sign up to have weekly updates about the baby's growth sent to you. Also I really like their message boards because there's a ton of people on them so you can get a wide range of answers if you have any questions. It's nothing like the people here, but still good info!! If you list the boards a-z you will find a November 2006 board.

You're feelings of being invaded are totally natural I think. When I was pregnant with Bailee I was just overwhelmed because our happy little family of three wasn't going to be the same and I felt like this baby was going to come in and make Peter not as important. I was over come with guilt about it. But as it turned out the three of us embraced her and everyone still had their place in the family. Of course with animals it's a little bit different because I really think they can sense the baby inside us. So you can start helping the baby and the bunnies bond by having the bunnies cuddle into our tummy. By the time the baby comes home they'll already know who it is. Even this time around I'm having the same feelings, but I've been forcing myself to remember that last time everything worked out better than I could have imagined.
