News! I am pregnant!

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Hang in there, I can understand the tirednesspart. Nathan and I were pregnant early December/January but we had amiscarriage. I was so tired all of the time when I was pregnant, andvery light headed. I deal with a stomach/bladder disorder though, so itmakes things flare up. If you're tired, sleep, there's nothing wrongwith it, your body is gonna need it. I'm thinking we're pregnant again,and I'm tired a lot of the time, and everything feels like it's gonnaexplode. ( Gaining weight sucks. ) But, if you're nauseous and thingslike that? try Vitamin B.. Vitamin B is good for getting rid of nauseaand vomitting. Also, Ginger is the natural cure to nausea. So, if youhave a tummy ache? Try some ginger ale...or something. It'll help. :)
Nessa, I'm so sorry to hear about yourmiscarriage. I can't imagine. I've been worrying alot about that lately. :(
Lissa wrote:
Nessa, I'm so sorry to hear about yourmiscarriage. I can't imagine. I've been worrying alot about that lately. :(
It's alright, the hubby and I are handling better now..

Just do yourself a favor, DON'T lift anything for the first threemonths..even after that, be careful what you lift. Be careful and slowwhen you bend. Don't put a lot of pressure on your stomach, and makesure you keep yourself hydrated.

Worrying won't make the situation any better, so just sit back andrelax..just be careful what you do, everything will be alright.
Thanks for the info Nessa! I didn'tknow that I wasn't supposed to be carrying anything heavy! Iwish these stupid doctors wanted to see me sooner! It'sridiculous that they don't want to see you until practically the 2ndtrimester! I'm so paranoid and I don't know all the stuff I'msupposed to be doing. I mean, I'm reading a lot, but I couldreally use a doctor!
That's surprising that you haven't been able tosee a doctor yet. I called mine, said the stick said yes andwas in 2 days later. Are you trying to see your reg.physician or you gyn?
In the meantime, take vitamins. :)
I have an appointment with apregnancycounselor on the 27th. They won't let mesee a doctor before the counselor for some reason which only annoysme. I just want to see a darn doctor. :XMy regular doctor doesn't do prenatal care I guess. Theybetter give me a heartbeat on the 27th.
Nessa is right, you should not lift anything heavy while pregnant.

There are lots of stuff that pregnant women should avoid, like washingthe floor bending down(especially in 7th or 8th months, it can triggerearly labor), ride a horse, go to sauna, do lots of sports.

Actually my friend was 2 weeks overdue and she kept washing the floor 5times a day and it did not help, she still had to get induced.
What do you mean washing the floor bending? I clean the house once a week.
I mean you can use a broom or something thatdoes not require you to bend down or you can just put a cloth on thefloor, bend down and wash the floor that way.

Don't worry so much. It only applies to pregnant women in their lastmonths of pregnancy, but I don't think its very easy to bend in thosemonths anyway.
I read about a gymnast who went to the olympicsin her 4th month of pregnancy and won a medal. I think some athletshave lots of energy in their first months of pregnancy.
I just got off thephone with mynurse. She told me that everything should be fine and Ishould stop worrying. She said that many of the things thatpeople say cause miscarriage aren't true, such as liftingheavy things.
I have a trap door to the basement in myapartment..everytime after lifting it I would start spotting..liftingheavy things just isn't good when you're pregnant..because it can causea lot of stress on the back and the organs on the inside as far as Iknow..which can lead to problems from what I've read..It's just best totake an easy and not over do it..stress can also cause a lot just sit back..relax..put your feet up..enjoy your time,you're only pregnant with each child once. ;)
I agree with your nurse. You should stopworrying. If doing something worries you, just don't do it right now.Make your husband do it.
AnnaS wrote:
Nessa is right, you should not lift anything heavy while pregnant.

There are lots of stuff that pregnant women should avoid, like washingthe floor bending down(especially in 7th or 8th months, it can triggerearly labor), ride a horse, go to sauna, do lots of sports.

Actually my friend was 2 weeks overdue and she kept washing the floor 5times a day and it did not help, she still had to get induced.
Riding a horse?? My horse trainer rode intill the 3rd trimesterbut only ground work nothing hard (jumping or hunter, which suckedbecause we had the most boring lessons ever!!). Then as soon as she hadthe baby she was back on a horse and her baby boy has his only littleblack pony!! Its so cute!!
bunnylover78642 wrote:
AnnaS wrote:
Nessa is right,you should not lift anything heavy while pregnant.

There are lots of stuff that pregnant women should avoid, like washingthe floor bending down(especially in 7th or 8th months, it can triggerearly labor), ride a horse, go to sauna, do lots of sports.

Actually my friend was 2 weeks overdue and she kept washing the floor 5times a day and it did not help, she still had to get induced.
Riding a horse?? My horse trainer rode intill the 3rd trimesterbut only ground work nothing hard (jumping or hunter, which suckedbecause we had the most boring lessons ever!!). Then as soon as she hadthe baby she was back on a horse and her baby boy has his only littleblack pony!! Its so cute!!
Anyway, after my sister my mom had anabortion because she did not want any more children. She was so scaredof abortion, she tried everything to have a misscariage, I think evenstanding on her head, but nothing worked. I think its all in the hand'sof G-d anyway.
My ballet teacher taught up untill her 8th monthwith both her babies. All of us seniors girls used to get madat her and tell her to just use words and stop jumping all over theplace. It was a rather humerous experience though, she had tohold her belly once it got bigger while she was demonstrated.The only problem she had was with her balance, the change in body shapereally threw her off near the end. But she delivered twohealthy happy babies.

And then my mom taught yoga up untill my due date! I was twoweeks late, but still can you imagine? Oh, and she's about5'1" and I was a 9 pound baby... Her belly was huge and shewas very active right up till the end. She was also 40 whenshe had me, so it was a higher risk pregnancy too. And she did thingslike crawl under the house to jack up the foundation, and various homerenovations during the pregnancy too.

Don't worry Lisa, try to be as normal as possible, don't do anythingmore strenuous than before you where pregnant, but you definatly don'thave to worry about things you do regularly.

Actually I went to yoga classes until6months but other girls went right up to their due date. Itsgreatand reallyhelps you relax.
My sister attended a prenatal yoga class andtook a walk once a day and she did great. She rarely was uncomfortableafter the initial morning sickness subsided. Everyone tells youto read what to expect when you are expecting, but while trying to findthat I bought The best friends guide to pregnancy. It tells it to youstraightforward and makes you'll be great.