Well-Known Member
Hang in there, I can understand the tirednesspart. Nathan and I were pregnant early December/January but we had amiscarriage. I was so tired all of the time when I was pregnant, andvery light headed. I deal with a stomach/bladder disorder though, so itmakes things flare up. If you're tired, sleep, there's nothing wrongwith it, your body is gonna need it. I'm thinking we're pregnant again,and I'm tired a lot of the time, and everything feels like it's gonnaexplode. ( Gaining weight sucks. ) But, if you're nauseous and thingslike that? try Vitamin B.. Vitamin B is good for getting rid of nauseaand vomitting. Also, Ginger is the natural cure to nausea. So, if youhave a tummy ache? Try some ginger ale...or something. It'll help.