New to the blog and I need help.

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Nov 27, 2011
Reaction score
Cypress, Texas, USA

[align=center]I am new to the blog decided to join because all you lookvery fun :)and for sure know more about rabbits then me. I hav been having Max for a year and 5 months, she is indoor and outdoor. During the day she is inside the garage sleeping and eating and at night she usually goes out to the backyard. About 2 weeks or so a skunk sprayed her, I showered her the next day I smelled her and since then she hasnt felt very good. Today exactly one week ago, she tried to turn towards me when I called her but she fell on her side and didn't stand up, she just laid there for a bit and then stood up again I kept her inside the garage at night because I didn't want her falling somewhere and not being able to come home or run from a predator. Yesterday, saturday she laid in the same possition for about 5hrs, at first my dad thought she was sleeping but then 5hrs later and she still looked the same he got very worried. I took her to the vet, he told me she had a something Worm, probably from the a racoon or skunk, he gave me antibiotics pain medicine and drops for her ears incase it was an ear infection, which would cause the inbalance. I have been hand-feeding her every two hours and giving her water with a plastic syringe. Since she just lays there her feeces fall on the side, so I went to clean them up and I found a long white worm-looking thing.I am no expert in worms so I am looking for some informarion about the pic below... and if anyone knows any home remedies I will be very thankful. All I am trying to do is get some more help for her. she is very weak and has very red,her look is so sad it just breaks my heart.[/align]

" alt=""> Thanks soo much :D

[align=center]Ang and Max:D[/align]


Thank a lot, I will for sure more it and, I did call the vet, she is on medicine right now. She moves better now but she hasnt ate much today!! :(

Thanks again :)
The vet said the antibiotics are for worms, and that they will kill the worms.

She just are better right now, I still belive she will get better. I can't wait to see her run around again ;D

LakeCondo wrote:
I hope you mean she's on meds for worms, not just the antibiotics.
I've never heard of antibiotics killing worms. Antibiotics kill bacteria. Do a search on pin worms or tapeworms. My guess is that your rabbit ate worm eggs while eating outside & they hatched & grew.
Well the I am confused now!

At first he said he will give me antibiotics (before he tested the feces)

After testing the feces he said the medicine will kills the worms, its a de-worming and that I have to take her back in 3 weeks to do the second sesion/dose.

Thanks I will look into it..I m trying to find out what type of worm that is, but I know it will be hard. Thanks :)
what kind of antibiotic did the vet give you? antibiotics are for bacteria and won't kill worms (some antibiotics can actually help worms grow faster) from what i understand anyway, but that could be wrong.

i've always had to have an antibiotic and a dewormer separately so you might wanna get a second opinion just in case (even if it's just calling up another vet and asking. a lot of vet places are happy to help with stuff like that over the phone if you just bring it up like hey i got this from another vet, but am unsure so wanted to check if it can be used for internal worms)
Well thats sounds like a must do thing! I am going to Google the names and see what I can find and

I will for sure check with another vet, I should have done it since the beggining,

Thanks a lot ;)

shawnwk1 wrote:
what kind of antibiotic did the vet give you? antibiotics are for bacteria and won't kill worms (some antibiotics can actually help worms grow faster) from what i understand anyway, but that could be wrong.

i've always had to have an antibiotic and a dewormer separately so you might wanna get a second opinion just in case (even if it's just calling up another vet and asking. a lot of vet places are happy to help with stuff like that over the phone if you just bring it up like hey i got this from another vet, but am unsure so wanted to check if it can be used for internal worms)
Thanks Nancy,I have seen other tell me the same. I have googled tapeworm but none of them look like the picture, but again Im sure they all look different =/

Nancy McClelland wrote:
Looked like a segmented body--that would be a tapeworm.
Pretty sure that's a tapeworm. There's a thread with a doozy of a worm in a picture on the forum somewhere.

I don't believe raccoon roundworm infects the rabbit gut so you won't actually see any worms. The danger is the larvae randomly traveling through the body. That's the way I understand it, anyway.

Always a good idea to identify raccoon 'latrines' which are specific areas. They pick places like around tree roots, against or on a structure etc. Block them off, clean it up and burn the stuff.

sas :p
That is a picture of a tapeworm. You need to get the dewormer that angieluv suggested. I have googled tapeworm and roundworm. The picture that you have given is a tapeworm.

Antibiotics will not kill any kind of worms. Your vet needs to give a dewormer like the one angieluv mentioned in order to get rid of that nasty worm.
Oh no dont tell me that!!=/

The vet charges me $1,000 to do a blood exam and keep her there for a week or so and I hoonestly can't afford that. She eats2 or 3good amounts of foodper day, today she moves more and tries to walk and sit. I took her outside to get some sunearlier and she laid on her belly while I held her head, her head is much straightER hehe

Thanks for praying, we're all here praying too and are very Positive that she will get better soon ;D

angieluv wrote:
The picture of the worm looks like a tapeworm which is usually treated with Droncit ( praziqantel)

Your rabbit's symptoms, however, sound like possibly racoon roundworm which is very serious :(,4570,7-153-10370_12150-27261--,00.html

then again you have a vet and he will help you figure it out ....and we will :pray:for the best outcome.
Sweetie, Thanks the Vet did give her a dewormer, it was a shot! I have another apointment on Dec 17th for the 2nd done! I know my husband wanted to BURN IT!! for hurting our baby :p

Sweetie wrote:
That is a picture of a tapeworm. You need to get the dewormer that angieluv suggested. I have googled tapeworm and roundworm. The picture that you have given is a tapeworm.

Antibiotics will not kill any kind of worms. Your vet needs to give a dewormer like the one angieluv mentioned in order to get rid of that nasty worm.
Thanks I am buying a smaller fence to fence up our big fance which will keep her inside out backyard and keep other animals outside!!

I am praying that ita an ear infection and a tapeworm. She got the deworm shot last week! Thanks for the tips ;)I will look for the picture and compare :p

Pipp wrote:
Pretty sure that's a tapeworm. There's a thread with a doozy of a worm in a picture on the forum somewhere.

I don't believe raccoon roundworm infects the rabbit gut so you won't actually see any worms. The danger is the larvae randomly traveling through the body. That's the way I understand it, anyway.

Always a good idea to identify raccoon 'latrines' which are specific areas. They pick places like around tree roots, against or on a structure etc. Block them off, clean it up and burn the stuff.

sas :p
uhhh, I wouldn't pray for it being an ear infection, but anyway, yeah, I'll keep your bunny in my prayers! I think the wormer should hopefully do it. :)
LOL Well that sounded wrong. I pray for her to get better and healthy period!!

But I rather her have a simpleear infetion that a skunk/racoon worm or any worm at all!!

Bunnylova4eva wrote:
uhhh, I wouldn't pray for it being an ear infection, but anyway, yeah, I'll keep your bunny in my prayers! I think the wormer should hopefully do it. :)