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My son & I adopted Turbo (gray &white) and Tina (all gray) early June from SweetBinks in Rhode Island.At the time they were about 6months old. Brother sister, already bonded.
They are dwarfs but can anyone tell me anything more about them? Theyhave gotten a little bigger in the past 2/3months. We love em.
Hello Everyone. I'd like to introducemyself (Kim), considering I'll be on this board lot since I justadopted my first bunny. His name is Simon, and I rescued himfrom the Central California S.P.C.A. He's a young New ZealandAlbino. He's so mild tempered and could careless about whatyou do to him. I hoping he'll be a great addition to ourfamily and I'm looking forward to getting to know more about theseadorable little creatures. Now I just have to educate myself aboutthese little guys, since they're nothing like dogs and cats.Thanks for buliding this site guys!

Welcome to the forum!! We're happy to see you!

Congratulations and welcome to bunny parenthood! Having abunny friend is so fun and rewarding...I love having my babies around!

Be sure to check out the various sections on the site! Withthis being your first bunny, I recommend checking out the Rabbit 101section, as well as the Rabbit Health section (to have the info just incase). This site contains LOADS of great information to helpnew bunny people! :)

Also feel free to create a bunny blog, so we can read about yourbunny's daily happenings and adventures, and so we can melt in lookingat pictures! :)

So, welcome to the RO Family! We look forward to chatting with you! :)

:DHi! My name is Shye, I have 2 bunnys who runmy house hold. I love this site. So nice to find others who like totalk and show off thier adorable bunnys! ( my friends and family aresick of my bunny talk and pics) thanks for shareing!:bunnydance:
:helloShye and Welcome! :welcome1

I dont think we have too many members from Utah..glad to have you here!:highfive:

We love bragging about our bunnies here (I love it bc usually I get thecrazy looks from my friends when I start chatting about thebuns). We also love pics!:bunnyheart

Feel free to start a blog about yourbuns!


Haley and the wild boys :rabbithop:dutch :bunny19

Welcome to the site, Shye!! We look forward to chatting with you!

So, tell us all about your bunny!

I love this site, too. It has so much information, it'sgreat!! I would recommend checking out the Rabbit 101, RabbitHealth, and Forum Information sections...all three contain an insaneamount of information! :)

Also, feel free to create a Bunny Blog for your bunny babies!We'd LOVE to see pictures and read all about their habits and differentpreferences and such!

Welcome to the RO Family!


Hi there everyone

I have just got a very cute female black and white bunny called Molly.

She is 8 weeks old, dwalf lop.

At the moment she has a two story hutch outside for when me and myother half are at work then she comes indoors about 8 and has run ofhall and indoor hutch over night. She is becoming a rightmadam and has rule of the house already.

Just had her first jab today

Welcome to the forumClare-Emily!:wave:Molly sounds very sweet, I love dwarf lops!Feel free to post pictures of her in the bunny blogs section, we lovepictures!:DI hope her jab went ok, my rabbits hate them! OnceMillie even bit the vet while the needle was in her neck!:embarrassed:

Welcome to the site, Claire_Emily and Molly!

Sounds like your Molly is a lot like my Maisie...both queens of thehousehold (much to the chagrin of my female cat, Sunny, who hadprevious reign...hehe).

Feel free to ask any questions you may have (there can never be toomany questions), and to browse around all the information-containingsections of the forum. I recommend Rabbit 101, Rabbit Health,and Forum Information to start. They're GREAT and contain somuch information, and such wonderful links! :)

You can also create a Bunny Blog with Molly's pictures and dailyadventures. This site is FULL of people that go completelyweak-in-the-knees seeing bunny pictures, so post away! :)

Look forward to chatting with you! Welcome to the RO Family! :)

Hey guys! I just wanted to post aquick welcome to wafflesbaybe22, who joined on the31st!


So, welcome to the RO Family,wafflesbaybe22!! We look forward tochatting with you about your bunny and hearing all about youradventures together! :)

Feel free to browse around the site at all the greatinformation-containing sections, like Rabbit 101, Rabbit Health, andForum Information. Also, you can create a Bunny Blog for yourbun...we all just DROOL over bunny pictures! :)

So, welcome! Look forward to chatting with you!


Thanks everyone

It is nice to chat to people who are as bunny mad as me, my work colleagues just don't appreciate my waffling on about Molly lol

Well she is currently trying to be good in my hall way.

She was very good for the vet :)

Getting more tame every day, but hates my other half's trousers andwants to keep biting and scratching them oops. I am away fortwo days and he is in charge of bunny, I'm, getting quite sad is that!!

Clare x
I'm doing this late. :O

21/Male/California Bay Area

And... that's it.

im hanna and i have one netherland dwarf rabbit named sugar, she usedto have an identical twin named spice but she passed away way toeary:(. She has black fur and white on her tummy! She is 4 and willbe5 in july, she isabsolutly gawjus in every singleway!

Xxluv hannaxX
Sugar is so cute! Yes she is mine. Her name is Nuggles she was 7 weeks old in that pic

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