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I love helicopter lops... that's the common termfor a bunny who's ears go all over the place. I wouldn't be toodissapointed by it, a lot of us find it endearing. As for the fur,that's too bad if you were hoping for rex fur. But, I'm sure they'restill every bit as adorable without it, right?

Welcome to RO! Feel free to start a blog for your little splodge (what a fun name!).

Oh, and we love pictures!

Hi Becci! Welcome to the forum!

Are you trying to download pics directly from your computer?They're probably too big. Try using a hosting service likePhotobucket or Tinypic that will reduce your pictures foryou. Then you copy the IMG line, paste it here, and the picwill show up. This method also lets you put more than onepicture in a post at a time.

Check here for more info:
Hi, Becci and Splodge! :hello:welcome1

Welcome to the RO family! What a cute bunny name...what was the inspiration for it?

Be sure to browse around in all the different forums, and feel free tocreate a Bunny Blog for your sweet Splodge, too! You can postall sorts of pictures there, and tell us all about Splodge's story andday-to-day happenings. It's really fun! :)

Also be sure to check out the Rabbit 101 and Rabbit Healthsections. There is such a wealth of informationthere! :)

We look forward to hearing all out little Splodge's adventures and funstories, as well as hearing all about you both! :)

Enjoy the site!

Hi everyone

After posting and asking for help it would be nice if I introducedmyself and family. My name is Isobel and I'm fromScotland. My partner, Marcel and I have 4 children and 4rabbits ( up until saturday that is when totally unexpected litter of 6arrived) We have an 18mth old femalelionhead called daffy, an18mth old female rex called Blackyand two 4.5mth oldlionheads, Roxy and Schumi ( Pet shop assured us both were female butschumi is in fact male - thus our saturday surprise)

I'm really glad I found this site, its nice to read others experiencesand I've learned so much in two days already. ( never trusting the wordof a pet shop again :))

nice to meet you all

Hi Daffy welcome! Do you have any pictures ofyour rabbits (especially your rex!)? I love rex bunnies:D! I have ablack one named Berri.
Daffy, your Bunnies are BEAUTIFUL. Where do you live? I want to come and

Bunny Nap all of them. LOL

That's so cute...:) She looked to melike an English spot, btw, though I'm not totally and completely sureabout breeds. :)

becci wrote:
well i called her splodgebecause she has splodges on her and she is black andwhite. :bunnydance:

:) :dutch

Welcome to the RO Family, Daffy!!

Your bunnies are so adorable! And I love theirnames! Yes, Daffy, Roxi, and Schumi look at least like aLionhead mix to me, though I'm no expert in breeds. Whatcuties!! Blacky, to me, looks like a Rex (possible mix,though, again not sure). What cuties!

Congratulations on the new babies!! Though they were asurprise, I'm sure they're a joy! Silly pet storepeople...they just don't know that kind of stuff. Bunnies areso difficult to tell gender with. least you knowdifinitively now! Hehe...though I'm sure that's not exactlythe way you wanted to find out! :)

Anyway, welcome! Be sure to browse around in the RabbitHealth, Rabbit 101, and Forum Information sections to find out all youcan about the forum, taking care of your new babies, and buns ingeneral. This is such a wonderfully educational site...I loveit! :)

Looking forward to chatting,


P.S. Also, don't be shy...ask us all the questions youwant. Though some of us are newby owners (which, though I'vehad Maisie since Feb 06, I still consider myself quite the newby),we've learned a lot from this site, and have lots of great informationto share! Not only that, but we could at the very leastdirect you to articles that contain the information you'reasking. :) Enjoy!! :D

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