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:DHard to resist the little buggersisnt it! I myself have no self control ( or alergies:)) Igotta have my girls inside with me.:bunnydance:
HI!!! My name is Monica , i'm 21years old from Puerto Rico. I used to had another account here but Idon't find it in my email. anyways I promise I won't forget thisaccount. I LOVE rabbits, even though I only have 1 rabbit right now(Daisy, which I made a blog on the other forum section).
I plan to buy a new bunny , but I will need you guys to help me since Iknow Daisy is a VERY dominant bunny, I once introduced her to a babybunny and If I let them alone she was going to kill him/her in lessthan 5 min !

I hope I blend in with you guys since i'm just another bunny freak!!!:)

Greetings from Me(Monica) and of course Daisy !!!
shye wrote:
Theyare a bit nervous at first but that only lasts a few minuets and thenthey are curious. we always take them out on thier harness and leashthough.

This is Nuggles after about 5 min. out side for the first time. She got pretty comfy:D

Shye your Nuggles looks so much like my Loki! They would make such a handsome couple. :inlove:

t and Loki
Hello, I'm new to this forum. I havetwo rabbits. One is an albino lop, and the other is anunknown breed to me. I'm new to rabbits. I haveboth a male and female rabbit. The female (albino lop) namedPinky, and the male is Steve. Which my wife and I did notknow was a true steve until we got Pinky, and Steve tried tomate. Since we have kept them apart.

I need some question answered. Is it best to have the bunnysfixed, and Info on making a bigger bunny house out of NICs?


Welcome to the site, Shootingstar!! I LOVE the name Daisy foranimals. My sister has a puppy (well, she's about 10, but Istill see her as that little puppy she brought home) namedDaisy...she's wonderful! So I have a special fondness for thename. :)

I see by your post you've created a Bunny Blog...wonderful!I'll trek right on over and check it out! We here at RabbitsOnly LOVE to see bunny pictures!

Feel free to browse around the different information sections in thesite, like Rabbit 101 and Rabbit Health, as well as check out the ForumInformation section. It helps to clear up the commonquestions one might have about the forum, as well as lists the basicrules and such. Always good to know those! :)

Anyway, we look forward to chatting with you and hearing all about Daisy's adventures! :)

Welcome to the RO Family!



Hello Swyerdon, Pinky, and Steve!! Welcome to the forum!

Your buns are such cuties!! I love their names,too. What are their personalities like? Tell us allabout them! Heck, create a Bunny Blog, and add to iteveryday, if you'd like! We here at RO DROOL over bunnypictures, so post away!

Also, like I mentioned to Shootingstar, feel free to browse around atall the information sections of the forum. They contain somuch information! Also, it's always good for new members tocheck out the Forum Information section, and review the differentinformation, as well as the rules and such, just to be sure they knowthem. :)

So, browse around, and feel free to post as many questions as you'dlike. There's no such thing as too many questions aroundhere! :)

Welcome to the RO Family!

Just wanted to pop in and say welcome to all the new members who joined recently!

Also, Not sure if your question was addressed anywhere else or not:

I need some question answered. Is it best tohave the bunnys fixed, and Info on making a bigger bunny house out ofNICs?

Heres some good info from the RO resource center on spaying/neutering:

With regards to the NIC cages...glad to hear your interested..they areawesome! Heres another link that outlines lots of NICbuilding resources:

Hope this helps!
Just wanted to introduce myself. Ijust joined a couple of days ago and I feel very welcome to thesite. As I have stated before I do not yet have a bunny butwe have been thinking about getting one so I started looking on the webto find an informative site, and boy did I ever hit the jackpotforbunnies. I live in New Castle Indiana so ifthere is anyone wanting to maybe rehome a bunny please let meknow. I have a 6 1/2 and a 4 1/2 sons. We have hadguinea pigs in the past but just lost her a few months ago.My oldest son had a hard time with it all, he is the one that iswanting a bunny so badly. Well I just wanted to tell you alla little about myself and say HI :)

Hey! Welcome to the site! I know I already gave youa welcome, but I also wanted to say hello here, too! :)

Keep us updated as far as your search and such, okay? I'm so excited for you guys!

Hugs to you and yours!! :hug2


Hi! My name is Helen and I`m from Moscow, Russia^^

I love pets very much! And especiallyrabbits:DAt the moment I have 3 rabbits - Jeff,Kelly and Morgan and 2 hamsters – Bob and Bill.
So, let me introduce my Russian bunnies:







Hi Helen, Your rabbits are absolutely beautiful.

Do they all get along? Are they indoor or outdoor rabbits?

Hi Iris! I think I need to make a bunnynapping trip to Moscow.:D

I'd love it if you made a Bunny Blog so we could see more pics of yourfurries. That will tide me over till I can make my trip!;)
Do you think we could stop over in Kentucky?? I also got my eyes on Steve and Pinky!!:bunnydance:

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