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Jess_sully wrote:
Welcome to the forum! I love how all of your bunnies have middle names, so cute! I want to steal them all!
binkiesAlready claimed Sam. All our animals have middle names.:bunnydance:My mom got me into the habit. Ha Connor was a"girl" back than he went by Pandora Gabrille. When we found out he went by Comando Pando till we found a name.
Everyone wants my buns!! :bunnydance:MINE!!:bunnydance:She wants to steal Sam she said she likes big buns. My mom wants Teresa. My friend wants Ringo. No one wants Connor cause he is feisty. He is my baby.
Hiya, Alicia! I recognize you from PB, welcome to the forum :wave:

~ Emily, RO Admin, mom to Peanut and Rex
Hi all. New member here, and the brand new owner of two rabbits, and I have
Hi everyone, my name is Youngshin Lee and i'm new to this forum. I'm an upcoming junior at the North Hollywood High School HGM program, and i enjoy doing things like spending time with my friends, shopping, horseback riding, playing the viola and piano, and of course, tending to my beloved pets.

I own two female rabbits, both of which i received as my birthday present two years ago. I dont know what breed they are, because i got them at a pet store (i know, bad call on my part, but i was a total newbie at keeping rabbits). They're both pretty big, i'd estimate about 6 or 7 lbs each. They are identical except in coloring, Lillie is white with light brown spots and San Toki ("Mountain Rabbit" in korean) is agouti with a fluffy cotton tail. I'll post pics of them as soon as i get a new digi cam or get my old one fixed.

Other than my rabbits, i have one maltese named Sugar, and a red beta fish, that i just realized doesnt have a name (oops! maybe you guys can help me find a good one). My outside dog, a jindo named Andy ran away a few weeks ago and never came back. *cry* I'm hoping to add another rabbit, maybe a mini rex doe, in the future.

Anyways, i hope i get to know others who, like me, enjoy the keeping of rabbits, and maybe pick up on some helpful tips and such. Thanks!

Welcome to the forum, Youngshin. We here areexperts when it comes to naming animals. Okay, maybe not, but some ofus like to pretend we are ;) Hmmm... a red beta fish. How about Aidan"means little fiery one", Derry "means red-headed", Frasier "meansstrawberry", or Rory "red king"?
Welcome to our new members who joined this week! :highfive:

I think you'll find this forum has lots of great people and is a greatsource of information! Feel free to ask lots of questions and create ablog of your bunnies!

We lovepics!:group

Hello everyone i ama brand new member!I hope this is the right place to introduce myself coz i'm new toforums! Well if it is my name's michaela and i am the proud owner ofthree beautiful bunnies. I have Berri a black rex and two ofher daughters, Pebble and Ebony. Pebble is albino and Ebonyis also black. Their dad is my neighbours albino lop whobroke into Berri's cage on Valentine's day!:bunnyheart Don'tworry Berri's cage has been strengthened and Bubbles is fenced in sothere will be no more accidents! The kits were born on St Patrick's daybut unfortunately when we went out two were stillborn. Sadlyanother one passed away a few days later but the remaining three allsurvived and are strong and healthy 5 month old bunnies!:DOurneighbour took the other one called Smartie.
Hi Michaela! Welcome to the forum!

Any chance you have pictures of your buns? I love rexes (Ithink there's actually a black rex fan club thread here somewhere) andI'm curious about what your lop/rex mix babies look like. Arethere ears up or down? What's their fur like?
Hi naturestee,

the babies ears don't seem to know what to do! Sometimes they're up,sometimes they're down and somethimes one is up and one is down! Theyused to be straight up all the time. Unfortunately they don'thave rex fur:(and I was very disappointed bythis.Their dad has quite long fur so the babies just havenormal fur.

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