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Hi Pincess Kristin and Gem. Glad to meet you too.

I sure hope your right Pet_Bunny. She sure worries me when she eatsthis stuff. Right now she's working on her cardboard box again.Hehehehe, she just flew out of the box and into her cage and back outagain.Ran around on the bed and then layed down. She is somuch fun.:)

I'll keep working with her until she doesn't mind being picked up. But i'm afraid it's going to take awhile.:(
Pet_Bunny wrote:
princess kristin wrote:
hello im new. i have a netherland dwarf, and he's my avator.:)
Welcome Princess Kristin to the forum!

I have a Netherland Dwarf too. Liege looks so cutein your avator! How old is he /she? lol :D

Rainbows! :)

hello Pet_Bunny! i dont really know how old is he/she.*sheepish look* got him/her from a market and i dont speak french so icouldnt ask. doubt the seller would know even if i asked. my guess is4/5 months? he/she loves eating cardboard. im quite exasperated
Hi Chinabun! Welcome!

I taught in china for about a month many years ago, and traveledthrough the South West. I was in Yangshuo, near Guilin, Guangxiprovince. I still have such fond memories of the Li river and the fogcovered pinnacled hills.

A layed out bunny is a comfy, happy bunny! It is so funny how they poptheir feet out behind them when they do that! Often my own bunny,Speedy runs like mad through the house and then plops down out ofbreath, and pop goes his hind feet! Unfortunately Speedy is then sorelaxed he leaves me a little pile of cocoa puffs...of which I am noneto pleased to discover! He also has one funky foot that goes out to theside. I realized once watching someone else's bunny, that ordinarilyboth feet go out parallel to each other. I had gotten so used to hisone hind foot sticking out to the side! My vet says he always has onefoot out the door...just in case! heh heh!

It is only if a bunny flattens (usually if in a car which most bunniesfind terrifying) that something is "wrong" and then it is more of astress thing.

I now want to look up the "bunny" province and see it for myself!
hey guys! i am new here. i see a few people iknow already :) my name is debbie and i have 2 dutch cuties. one is aboy and his name is jack. the other is a girl named sascha. jack turneda year old on valentines day and sascha will be a year old in may. ilook forward to reading more posts and seeing pics of your bunnies! :)
To matthews bunny.Inbreeding rabbits can causeproblems.If the bad genes are there in breeding increases them.Wolfteeth,cow hocks,poor immunity,may all be increased with inbreeding.Manyof these traits are recessive which means they may not show up unlessbred to another carrier.this is by no means a complete list of geneticdefects.bluebird
To blue.We are not in it for the profit there isno profit.I make no money on my rabbits most people that show do not.Ijust spent $100 on water bottles.Show entries are $2.50 to $3 each.Iusually enter 10 to 20 rabbits.gas to shows in my Yukon is a bigexpense now.Vet bills.Tattoo equipment,cages.etc.bluebird
Haven't stopped bythis thread for a while and just wanted to pop in and say "Hi all younewbies!"


Wow. I actually didn't realize that breeders also show! I thoughtBreeders sell to pet owners, pet shops, or to other people to show! Mymother bred persian cats. She sold them for a profit to pet owners andpeople who show persians. I was relying on that example...foolishly Iguess. I also didn't mean that profit was negative either. Personally Idon't believe in profiting off of sentinent beings, but I respect otheropinions and definitely respect breeders and their line of business. Ihave met many amazing breeders on line I have learned so much from. Iwas just saying that yes, probably breeders do not breed mix bunnies asthey wouldn't sell very many, as people who show, need purebreeds...unless I am mistaken.

I also said that anyone could breed two mixed rabbits. Now I wince athow that looked on screen even though no one complained. I don't wantto infer that anyone can just breed is far from easy Igather...or cheap it seems! I was trying to say that if I ( for exampleas a pet owner who knows nothing really about breeding) researched itand made a big committment could breed two from the same breed, or twodifferent ones. That part doesn't matter as much as understanding whena bunny is ready to be a mother, what pregnancy is like, birth, postbirth etc.

Sorry if I said anything wacky!
I meant to ask what kind of bunnies do youshow...and do you really tatoo them? That is new to me. I have heard ofmicrochips but not tatoos...

Blue wrote:

Wow. I actually didn't realize that breeders also show! I thoughtBreeders sell to pet owners, pet shops, or to other people to show! Mymother bred persian cats. She sold them for a profit to pet owners andpeople who show persians. I was relying on that example...foolishly Iguess. I also didn't mean that profit was negative either. Personally Idon't believe in profiting off of sentinent beings, but I respect otheropinions and definitely respect breeders and their line of business. Ihave met many amazing breeders on line I have learned so much from. Iwas just saying that yes, probably breeders do not breed mix bunnies asthey wouldn't sell very many, as people who show, need purebreeds...unless I am mistaken.

I also said that anyone could breed two mixed rabbits. Now I wince athow that looked on screen even though no one complained. I don't wantto infer that anyone can just breed is far from easy Igather...or cheap it seems! I was trying to say that if I ( for exampleas a pet owner who knows nothing really about breeding) researched itand made a big committment could breed two from the same breed, or twodifferent ones. That part doesn't matter as much as understanding whena bunny is ready to be a mother, what pregnancy is like, birth, postbirth etc.

Sorry if I said anything wacky!

Yup breeders show :D I am going to be going to my first show sometimein May, I am SUPER excited :D Rabbit breeders are definitely not in itfor the profit, the only way people can really make a living off of itis to sell mass amounts of meat rabbits (that’s the only way I haveheard of). As of now, I have only sold one bunny this month and I havepaid $150 in rabbit vet bills, that’s just vet bills that doesn’t eveninclude feed and other supplies :) When I am able to sell my babies itwill balance itself out, but bunny breeding is more of a self payinghobby :)


How exciting Amy! What breed will you beshowing? I can't imagine my little one in that contest! He wouldprobably hop right up to the judges as soon as he heard the shuffle ofpapers...assuming it is a bag of food! (Besides he has a to the foot out the door:p
Blue wrote:
How exciting Amy! What breed will you be showing? I can'timagine my little one in that contest! He would probably hop right upto the judges as soon as he heard the shuffle of papers...assuming itis a bag of food! (Besides he has a special to foot out the door:p

I will be showing Holland Lops, I am hopefully going to be going to the show with a friend I met over this forum! :D

I also have a baby who has foot problems :) He is 4 weeks old and hismother bit off his foot when he was a baby, you can see all his pics onthis thread :)

This is him :D

Just thought I'd stop by and say "HI" to all the new members!!!

:~) Jim
Hi all. I am new here and just browsing tolearn. Thinking about getting me and my daughter a bun. She reallywants one *shes 3, so she really wants one of everything* and I reallylike them too. Just wanted to say hi :)

ayglnu13 wrote:
Yup breeders show :D I am going to be going to myfirst show sometime in May, I am SUPER excited :D Rabbit breeders aredefinitely not in it for the profit, the only way people can reallymake a living off of it is to sell mass amounts of meat rabbits (that’sthe only way I have heard of). As of now, I have only sold one bunnythis month and I have paid $150 in rabbit vet bills, that’s just vetbills that doesn’t even include feed and other supplies :) When I amable to sell my babies it will balance itself out, but bunny breedingis more of a self paying hobby :)

I agree with this statement about breeders but I also disagree with ita bit. The breeder I bought my lionheads from is talking withme about breeding and we are considering it - but not for severalmonths if at all. She always has a waiting list for herlitters - and not just in Texas.

However, when they made the decision to start breeding, they bought"top of the line" breeders - proven champions in the lionheadbreed. She started out with 8 bunnies for about $1300 (ouch!)- but they were from Cimmaron (Gail Gibbons - who has the 2ndcertificate of development for this breed) and some otherbreeders. She also was mentored by a couple of provenbreeders and this helped. I think they've been breeding alittle over a year or two now - and she says that they make fairly goodmoney at this and they are well established. She is evencompeting at the Lionhead Nationals show this weekend.

From what she shared and what other breeders have shared with me - ifyou invest the money in the top of the line rabbits to breed (which Iguess is easier to do in this breed because they are still developingthe line?) - it really pays for itself in the end.


P.S. Here is her webpage in case anyone wants to see herbabies (they're all sold I think)...but they are so pretty!My two pet quality buns came from litter AD.
I'm a new member and a brand new bunnyowner. I just got a female mini lop a few weeks ago and hername is Pepper. She is only about 10 weeks old I'mguessing. I've been reading this forum and a lot of otherinformation on the best ways to care for the new member of myfamily. She all ready has an awesome personality and is doingpretty well with litter training. However, she likes to layin her litter a lot. I can tell she is comfortable becauseher legs are kicked out to the side. But occassionally, shewill lay there and it looks like she is twitching even though she iswide awake. I don't know if I should worry about this ornot. Other than that she is a wonderful pet. I'mvery grateful for all of the info everyone provides about bunnies andI'm looking forward to watching her grow into a healthy, happy rabbit.:D

PepperGrl wrote:
However, she likes to lay in her litter a lot. Ican tell she is comfortable because her legs are kicked out to theside.
Welcome to the forum PepperGrl,

Sounds like you have an incredible bunny and is doing very well with you in such a short time you had her.

My bunny Pebbles likes to lay in her litter box too.:D But now, she is so comfortable withus, she will flop or lay down anywhere. Idon't know what the twitching is about. Maybe it'sa reflex action to stay alert with her surroundings, or justshivers that kick in once in awhile. Here is a picture ofPebbles in her litter box.....:p

Rainbows! :)