Welcome, Welcome, Welcome All! :dude:
Don't hesitate to ask questions. You'll also find a lot of information in our archives if you do a search on a subject.
lmolloy, if you go into the "Top Picks" post, 2nd from the top, you'llsee in there, a link to what's called "A Cheat Sheet for Rabbit Care".In there, there's notes, books, and website links to a lot of differenttopics. You'll find a link entitled "Litterbox Training".
Your little one is behaving normally, but there are techniques andthings you can do to help train them to go in the litterbox. It won'talways work with the poop as they have little control over the musclethat releases, but if you can get them to urinate in the box all thetime, that's great. Some rabbits are better with litterboxes thanothers. My Polish is a terror, my Flemish is a doll. My Holland won'tdeal with one, but she won't urinate while she's out for her exercisetime.
Hope you all enjoy the forum!