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Thanks Claire

Well the orginzation is coming to take pictures of Echo Of course she cant go anywhere tell the kittens are weined and she is being paid for tell then. But they said it would be good to get her name out there now.

I am not sure if they deal with pet finder if they do I will post her link here. But no major changings tell August 8th. The kittens will be 3 months old.

Oh on a lighter note two kiitens have found home already. My sister is taking boss and my step sister wants one to. I will spay and neuter those two for sure. Well have to go.
Hey all its Storm

Mom told me Echo will be going to a new home in a few months. I was like yeah then I thought about it and was like wait we are fine now. But mom said I will get more toys and attition. So I know mom and dad are upset right now but when Echo finds a great home mom knows she will be loved.

In other news mom had to get up early today her and phoenix have a agilty compitition all day at the beach. Nothing fancy just friend getting together. When mom had the money her and phoenix where part of this club. So when they have thing in galveston they always invite mom. So I have the hdownsatirs to myself well lucy but I think they may take her to if not she is in a kennel.

Mabyue mom will leave my cage open.:p Yeah not likly that dad that always does that. Well have to go breakfast eaarly today
Hey all its storm

well dad home today. He is cleaning y cage as we speek its cleaning day how long will it stay clean I dont know?

In others new we have to take lucy home next week. I am so happy she is leaving she cases me and messes with my hay and all that good stuff. I am going to have to teach her a lesson. Well have to go breakfast is served have a great day
Well we are going to spring for the weekend did not plan on it but dad did something to his knee.

So we are headed out soon so storm cant update cause he is coming with. So he has to pack his stuff.

[align=center]Kitten are 2 weeks old[/align]
[align=center]Friday May 22, 2009[/align]
[align=center] [/align]
Mrs. PBJ wrote:
Well we are going to spring for the weekend did not plan on it but dad did something to his knee.

So we are headed out soon so storm cant update cause he is coming with. So he has to pack his stuff.

Ouch! I hope he is o.k! Well try and enjoy your weekend anyway.

Hey all at my dads.

He is fine tore a ligament in his knee he is in pain of course but nothing to searious. Everyone is good here. storm has liked exploring and likes my dad but not his cat.

Well they dont want Lucy i am rehoming her to my mom in mo city she has been looking for another dog she has a rescue I found on the streets wande we are paying licy on the first and she is going to her new home. My mom is really excited.

My mom also got her morage refinanched. So things are on the up and up. But yeah so lucy comes back with me for one week. Then goes to her perminant home in mo city mom already bought her a kennel new bowls a tag all kinds of things already I just told her last night.

Well Storm is not aloud in there office so I will let him update tomorrow when we get home.
Hey all its storm.

Well we had a good weekend I had to spend the weekend in my travel kennel. I was not happy but I lived it is a huge kennel.

We brought that dog back home mom said she is going to madears after the first when mom fixes her. I was hoping she would stay at paws but what ever I have a clean cage and Mom found my flooring its just a matter of getting it on the first she sol the other flooring it was to small. All my new flooring is is a piece of pile wood with carpet on it.

And sides of the plile wood so I cant get stugg out of my cage but mom is going to redo my cage its starting to fall apart. she wants to redo it the same way just redo it. Without the plastic things So dad wants the plastic things. Thats another day another argument. well have to go.
Hey all its storm

You know me and mom are going to have to have a talk about all these pictures. she was taking pictures of my hydy and other things this morning. I am going to have to tell her who is boss. In others new around our home Phoenix has a rash mom thinks they put something in the grass time to get the bag balm and benedryl out. But Phoenix like benedryl so thats not a problem mom already gave her a bath with seemed to settle it a little.

I got a new toy yesterday i got a few pieces the other day but mom wanted to see what I would do with it before she gave me the whole thing. I love it I threw it around all morning while mom was doing the news. I love the fact I am spoiled. Me and phoenix get the royal treatment. Around these parts. The other do to but we are more special of course. I cant wait for this dog to go home. I cant run around all day cause she cases me. Mom said madear was taking her witch is great but mom said also madear wanted to change her name so mom now calls her LU LU she never liked Lucy anyway. Well have to go breakfast is served
[align=center]Note don't try this at home kids[/align]
[align=left]I thought anyone who read my blog would get a kick out of that. I let them sleep with me at night. Mom comes and feeds them then leaves she is like get out of my face all the time. She is a great mom but when I am around she does not care.[/align]
[align=left]Hey all its storm [/align]
[align=left]Mom is worried about my fur I dont see anything wrong but you cant tell that worry wart anything. I try to tell her but she is like I want to make sure. In other news that dog goes to the vet in the second week in june witch means she will be going home. I told her you are getting your babys makers taken out but she does not believe me. Phoenix told her to and we told that cat they dont believe us. Me and phoenix ar going to laugh when we are right and they are wrong.[/align]
[align=left]Mom told me I am going to some vet in pearland next month. I dont know where pearland is but I am not happy about it. I dont like doctors well have to go brealfast ready[/align]
So adorable! Those kittens really love their human mom--they're well on their way to being good, socialized adults!
Well I got my TABC certification today.

So I can finally work at the restraunts and stuff here on the island. Some dont require it some do. I only reason I did not have it before was pure lazyness.

For those who read and don't know it a liquar lisence I can serve liquar in the state of texas now. So waitresses and bartender here have them pretty much.

Its was a long 3 1/2 hours course on the computer. I got a 92 witch means I missed one or two questions I think. I am very proud of myself today.
Hey all its storm i got a new sweet floor. Mopm just got back yesterday night a built y floor.

That dog went home and is at a great place. And its almost back to normal.

Byut mom is still waking up so I have to wait to post more later.

Pictures from the beach







And the gang today in honor of my broken now fixxed cameria



And phoenix sporting her stros jersey



Its to small on her
[align=center]Echo's Kittens 3 weeks old[/align]


[align=center]May 29th[/align]


[align=center] [/align]
Good Morning all its Storm

I found these color things and figure I would give it a try tell me what yall think.

I got my new floor I dont remember if I have talked about that yet I love it. I have already done5 count them 5 DBF's on it. That dog went to her knew home. Mom says she is spoiled. I know she is cause when my madear comes over here she spoils me so she has to be spoiled. NOTE- Madear is what all us grandkids and grandfurs call moms mom.

In other news phoenix and mom are back home we had a great time together yesterday telll mom desided to brush me. I had a problem witrh that. I am molting again. So she has to brush me but I still don't like it and put up a fight.

Well breakfast is ready have to go.
Good Morning all it Storm

So things are slowly getting back to normal around here. Mom has been home in the afternoon not the morning. Somethng about doing laps in the pool. And job hunting I am not sure what either is but she should be home with me.

Mom and dad have a town hall meeting for evacuation. Mom is not sure if there going to show the video they filmed a few months back. But mom and dad are going.

In other news one of the kittens fell down the stairs only 2 steps but mom have to put the baby gate up. There moving around. And I got a another toy mom always has new toys for me just a new ball with a bell in it.

Well have to go breakfast ready


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