Ok so i was reading other blogs and just relized I have never really introduced the whole family so with pictures and all here we go.
Ok i will start with me and hubby.
When i was a Senor in high school I worked for Mc. Donalds well so did Erroll. He was a dating a girl at the time which we are now friends with but I had the hots for him. We started talking and hanging out much to my mom dismay as we are 6 years apart. But she said I was 17 and could make that desion as long as I was safe. She did not have to say that but she is a mom. Well it turned out that he broke up with that girl and I asked him out. LOL

Well we hit it off and the january after I turned 18 we got a apartment.He was already working for the prison and I had started my basic in college. We desided we want to foster animals so we did that for a long time from january tell April. Then I told Him I wanted a dog of our own we did foster to learn how to take care of a dog without mom and dad there. On april 1st he proposed to me. I said yes.
So in turn we where going to wal mart to get the stuff for our own dog. The shelter I fostered through gave you the things you needed when you fostered the dog or cat. I wanted a black and white female hense mixed couple mixed dog. I wanted to dress her up so I wanted a girl. So when leaving the Wal-mart parking lot I saw a guy with a sign puppys for sale. we just went to look I saw phoenix we where in our friend car cause our truck had broken down. I looked at Him he looked at me and he knew its was over. Hense the first picture in the parking lot at wal mart still thats my friends butt in the picture she has phoenixes brother by the way.
She had her name befor we left the parking lot. She was about 2 months when we got her covered in fleas and ticks I am glad we got her then.
So we desided that we would foster some more and we did for a long time. Erroll got transferd and we moved to seabrook fast forward about 6 months to august.
The a stupid BYB had a litter of pit bull pups in sept and two puppys would not eat and I said i would take them had to pay almost 200 bucks but saved there lifes. And we gave bear away to a good friend and kept jewel.
Bear and Phoenix About 3 weeks old
Jewel about 5 weeks old they are from the same liiter full blooded pit bulls
So Jewel grew up the smartest dog ever sweetest thing ever everyone loved Jewel Everyone. Then at four months old Jewel dies she choked on a rib bone that she got out of the trash.
Jewel around four months old if this dog was not outside she was in the window she loved the sun.
Jeweled dies on feb 12 of all dates right before birthdays and such. Anyway so i was so sad that erroll got me a dog from the bayarea SPCA I did not keep her I did not want a dog a erroll did not ask he was trying to hep but everytime I looked at her I hated her so that was no life for her.
Here is JJ
I gave her to a really good friend who does agilty and stuff with her I still cant love that dog. even now.
We got JJ late in feb. She was gone by March 1st.
The in like late march I looked at phoenix and said you do need a friend. I looked at shelter and everywhere no one clicked I did not want to get some dog that would not click with me cause I wanted to love the dog.It was april befor we found bruiser. I was on craigslist post a add and saw a picture of bruiser He was covered in flees and you could tell he needed help. So i called and went to look at him. Now I did not want a boy fate the fawn coloring I wanted another black and white female I was looking for small but not as small as he should of been.
I walked in this lady frontdoor and saw all the pooh and said give him to me and the other puppy also. And if you charge me I will call the cops so I got him for free. I stilled called theHSPCA but I wanted to get him out of there. And this is him home after a couple ofdays and two vists to the vet in 48 hours.
The first livly picture of him.
He was home to stay I gave his bother to my niece who spoiled him rotten.
then My first rabbit chevy got thrown into my lap really they said shelter or you so i took him. Chevy RIP my baby boy That whole week was a blur and it was a freak accident.
dodge cam around that time also I dont have anymore pictures of him.
He was living with Zin and now living with a family members of her if I remember.
Well we moved to a house in galveston fast forward about 6 months again to august. I Started working at the galveston Humain society And then fell in love with Well he was called Max. But now he is storm.
So now phoenix is 2 bruiser is one and storm is spoiled. well there all spoiled.
Storm in his new cage wow he has even change alot in the past month
Thats my family in a nut shell.
Hope if you read the whole thing you injoyed it if you only made it through the picture enjoy that to.