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I've seen Baci on Facebook in passing! None of my pets have their own Facebook page, but my facebook is pretty much dedicated to my pets. I have 144 friends on there, but most of them are people from diffrent pet forums I'm a member of. Things like Bunspace and Dogster and such.

My Zeus use to have a Myspace page, back before Facebook was the more popular one, but after he passed away I didn't really have any motivation to keep up with it anymore. I never made a page for any of my other bunnies, just on Bunspace.

Your bunnies are so pretty! :)
Thanks Chelle! Yes~ Mr. Baci has more friends/fan than me! Hubby loves teasing me about that.

Haven't been on here for a while, just so busy with work and everything.Still not enjoying the job, I did apply for a new position with the same company. Hopefully I'll hear something soon. October will be a busy month.I havemy high school 25th reunion which I'm excited about. I left CT after high school and lost touch with everyone. Thanks to FB, we connected again. Their was a mini reunion last month and I was happy I was able to stop by. It was only about 15 of us but it was fun, felt like old times. Of course their was a "boy" whom I has a crush on and was hoping he's show up to see what he missed!:p No show, bummer.I didn't belong in any clique, just got along with everyone. I wasn't one of the "popular" girls~ snobs/cheerleaders. However I heard they still have the same attitude~ just 20lbs more!:biggrin2: Pretty sad-(the attitude not the weight.)

Also in Oct, the local shelter is holding another Bunny Spa day, hopefully my allergies will clear up before that day. And their is a Rabbit convention/seminar in New Rochelle, NY at the end of Oct. Looks like it'll be all day eventand I'm excited about attending.

On the buns' end, everyone is great! I just realized it's been a year since I first joined b/c Baci had his statis and our first bunny health scare. Thanks to this wonderful site, everyone has been so helpful and caring every time one of the buns give us a scare.

Wow, it's really been a long time that I forgot how to post pics!





hln917 wrote:
Awwwwww, I can only say " cute cute cute cute cute and cute bunnies !!!" Especially this little guy in a cup :) So cute. A cup of coffee is what I like but I think a cup of bunny is what I LOVE !!! :D Hahaha. By the way, where did you get this wooden rabbit ? How cute !! Good luck on everything :) Again, it's nice to meet you and all the bunnies of yours :)
Oh my goodness, Baci nose to nose with the rocking-bunny is aDORABLE.

Where exactly is the bunny spa going to be located? I remember reading about it last time, but I'd just joined the forum. I'd love to try to make it this time, specially since Kashi's been neutered now.

By the way, Kashi just joined up with the Facebook. He requested Toby this morning! Maybe Baci will be getting soon too. XD

ETA: apparently I'm an eighty year old woman who isn't tech savvy. Kashi joined up with "THE Facebook?" :rollseyes:embarrassed:
The Facebook! lol! I will tell Toby who Kashi is so he will friend him :) Toby is amazed at how popular Baci is in facebook!

Helen, I'm glad you went for the position in your company. Life's too short to feel unhapppy at work! Speaking of your workplace... I'm gonna send you a PM. Hope it's ok!
Bunny parents wrote:
Awwwwww, I can only say " cute cute cute cute cute and cute bunnies !!!" Especially this little guy in a cup :) So cute. A cup of coffee is what I like but I think a cup of bunny is what I LOVE !!! :D Hahaha. By the way, where did you get this wooden rabbit ? How cute !! Good luck on everything :) Again, it's nice to meet you and all the bunnies of yours :)
Nice to meet you too Vircia. My sister in law bought me the wooden rabbit. I b/l she got it from Lowes of all places. It's a home improvement/hardware store here in the US.
Kitty88 wrote:
Where exactly is the bunny spa going to be located? I remember reading about it last time, but I'd just joined the forum. I'd love to try to make it this time, specially since Kashi's been neutered now.
The Bunny Spa will be at the Country Pet Store in Lebanon, NJ. It's close to Bridgewater if you're familar with the area. Would love to see you and Kashi there. Are you going to the Rabbit Conference in New Rochelle in Oct?
By the way, Kashi just joined up with the Facebook. He requested Toby this morning! Maybe Baci will be getting soon too. XD
I'll look for Kashi and befriend him. Mr Baci just has a fan page not an actual FB account.
Had another "evacuation mode" planned out for this past Wed nite. We had a nasty storm so the carriers, flashlight, candles and rabbits' reorganization was in effect. That means Sebastian stays in the bedroom, Baci back in his house and the girls remain downstairs in the living roomjust in case we needed to shuffle them in the carriers. Luckily nothing happened, just a few brokenbranches.

I finally bought thebunsthe cottontail cottage. Had I known how popular it is, I would have gotten in sooner. They aretearing it apart and Cappy and Shades are learning how to use the ramp. We attached the other hidey box andcutthe tunnel in half andconnected all the pieces tomake it look likeonebig rabbittrail.Didn't take up as much roomas I thoughtitwould have. However once the fireplace gets fired up,we'll have to relocate it, probably in the middle of the floor so they can toast their little buns.




Eee! Baci is sooo cute!

The ramp looks pretty awesome. The cottontail cottage was the best toy I bought for them, ever, I think. All my buns still play with it and it's in shambles.
Wow ! So nice what you made for your bun. I'd better find one of those for my girl. It seems to be fun !! And Again Baci is so adorable !!!
Baci thanks you Vircia for the comment. :big kiss:

They all LOVE the cottage. Probably one of the best investment so far since they are all so picky with any toys that we buy them.

All the buns are doing great. Wish I can say the same about their slave. I got a new axe for my birthday. Well I got a bit too excited b/c over the weekend, I was splitting some wood and the axe found my leg. Ouch...hubby took me to the ER for stitches and I've been home from work now for the past 3 days. It's the dermabond adhesive type and it makes me nervous that it'll rip open. The skin is stretching and it's hurting today. I was all set to go back to work today but last nite I finally decided to read my instructions from the ER doctor who advise me to see my primary within 24 hours. Oops... so guess where I'm going later. Luckily the wound is right below the knee, so I can still bend my leg.

However it doesn't stop Baci from wanting to do the Bunny Nascar. He's so happy I'm home but he doesn't realize mommy can't run as fast and chase him so he's nipping at my sock now to get my attention.

I do have pictures from Mr. Baci's FB page that I took prior to my injury!:biggrin2:


Ouch, :( I held my leg while I was reading your post. Get well soon and please be careful next time, or maybe better than that, stay away from the axe for a while. Get well soon, :hug:
And OMG !!! I'm dying from overload cuteness !!! Baci's look awesome with the hat and that tiny tie !!! What a handsome bunny :thumbup Too bad that I'm not an highschool girl any more, otherwise I would ask Baci to be my prom maid :blushan: Hmmm, wonder if his momma would say yes. :) Take care.
Oh my gosh, I didn't know the new axe got you in the leg! You gotta be more careful with large sharp objects! Leave the log splitting to the hubby ;)

Baci's such a cutie. What a great personality.
I hope you're ok! That's so unfortunate that you got hurt! Let us know how you're doing - and the bunnies too, of course - and don't go work yet if you got such an injury like that. You should recover fully before standing up too much with a cut in your leg. I hope you're already better.
* it was extra cute when you said Baci does "bunny Nascar", hehe
Thanks~ the leg is healing. When I made it to my primary dr, he took one look and asked why didn't I get stitches. Apparently the wound was very deep but the ER dr only applied the Dermabond Adhesive. 1 months later, the scab is still there and I'm afraid for it to fall off in case it's holding the wound together.It stillpinches when I walk up and down thestairs. However I'm slowly conquering my fear of my new axe and will only use it when hubby is around. :cry2

All the buns are doing great. Sebastian gave us a little scare but it was prob the change in weather and he was being very lazy. Funny how the slightest change of habit in our buns and we go crazy.

Made it to my first Rabbit Conference in NY, met Kitty and of course Kirby's Helen and a bunch of otherBun slaves from another forum. Everyone was so nice.Had a really great time and it was very informative. Dr. Savers from Catnips andCarrots was the guest speaker and Amy Sedaris, thecomedian was also there promoting her new book. We like her now b/c she's also a bun slave.:biggrin2:

Met the famous Benita, a dutch who was abandoned in the streets of NYC and is recovering nicely now. I was bawling reading her story on the way home and "stalked" the rescuer on FB that nite to send him a thank you message. If you get a chance, you should really read her story and have a box of tissue nearby~


Here are some pics of Halloween Baci- didn't get a chance to enter him in the Halloween pic contest since he waited till last minute to pick out his costumes.





Hope everyone enjoy their Sunday!
Oh Baci is so cute in every costumes. My favourite is the pumpkin costume ! So adorable. I'm glad to hear that your leg is getting better, but why the ER dr didn't give you any stitches :confused2: Please be careful next time you use it, ok ?
So good to see you again. :)