Naughty Clan

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usawan wrote:
they actually sell quite a lot of bunnies, the turnover is pretty quick, but they never have more than five or six at a time at the location i go to.
You would think then their should be more rabbit savvy vets there!
hotmaildeal wrote:
hi Helen, I'm so happy to see that Shades is ok! What are the meds you give her?
It was Tribissen. Shades is the druggie of the buns. She goes nuts for all the meds!
The buns thank you Janet and Vivian, they were gracious to pose for more pics on demand so will be posting soon!
Ok, so I decided girl buns are much messier than the boys. Yes I have slobs living here! Every nightwe have to clean and vacuum their room.Cappy loves tipping the hay box all over the rugand Shades uses her paws to rake the pellets on the mat.I decided to put down a bamboo mat where the foodis so it'll be easier to sweep up.My girls are savages, they rather eat off the floor then in their nicely prepared "dinnerware." :pssd: However they are still the most adorable little girls!
Shades' fur is growing back nicely now that she has no teeth to pull it off.:pand Cappy is Cappy, still reckless as ever.



LOL Helen. She actually has the tomboyish look. Both of my girls don't have the feminine look at all.
My Baci boy has a fan club! It's actually from a local town forum (not rabbit)that I belong to. I posted his picture once and now every couple of weeks, he has his own subject line for picture request!

He's not happy right now since I disturbed his beauty sleep for a picture sessiondue to the demand ofhis fan club.



i love the picture of him at the laptop :biggrin: i have a picture of shushu doing the same thing when she was but a wee tribble, exploring my house for the first time.

i thought about making a facebook for my bunnies (i don't even have one for myself, ha !), i wonder if there are a lot of RO bunnies out there with them..
Baci definitely merits the love of his fan club. He's so charming and cute! I LOVE his new pics! It's amazing how he cooperates, MILU would have eaten all the accessories. He actually ate a piece of the computer I'm using now.
Please, post more pics of your babies!!!!
usawan wrote:
i love the picture of him at the laptop :biggrin: i have a picture of shushu doing the same thing when she was but a wee tribble, exploring my house for the first time.

i thought about making a facebook for my bunnies (i don't even have one for myself, ha !), i wonder if there are a lot of RO bunnies out there with them..
I think ShuShu and Fuan Chan should have their own Face Book page. I know Toby, (Kirby's Helen) has one also.
hotmaildeal wrote:
Baci definitely merits the love of his fan club. He's so charming and cute! I LOVE his new pics! It's amazing how he cooperates, MILU would have eaten all the accessories. He actually ate a piece of the computer I'm using now. Please, post more pics of your babies!!!!
Baci's gotten so many "fan" on his page that we don't even know 1/2 of them. Hopefully no rabbit stalker out there!:p

Baci's actually pretty good about not chewing on thing. Sebastian goes for all wires and Cappuccino goes for the wood molding. They make up for what Baci and Shades don't touch.
After the last Baci photo session, hubby promised him he will never leave him alone in my hands again!:biggrin2:

Baci had his appointment with Dr. Stanzione today for a checkup and to look at his molars. Have to admit, I really like him. It's a bit of a hike for us, 85 miles each way but it well worth it to know my buns are r/c'ing exceptional care. Baci was given a clean bill of health and his molars are fine!:happyrabbit:However since Baci's not a great hay nibbler, he suggested we ween him off of pellets forcing him to eat more hay. He did tell us something very interesting. They did a study once to check the digestion of a rabbit and saw that some of the pellet were whole and not grounded up.The rabbitswere swallowing the pellets whole, therefore causing some molar issues for those on pellets only diet.

So, as I'm typing this blog, hubby is sitting next to me cutting up the hay for all the buns. With Baci's, he's going to weave some alfalfa hay with the timothy.

Hubby was so cute at the vet today. As we were leaving, their was a mother and daughterwaitingwith 2 lops. (They are a 5 bunny home!) He struck up a conversation with them bragging about his "son" and promoting this forum!They also had the coolest rabbit stroller/carrier. Love the idea!


Not a happy camper!


