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Hehe i just love this picture of cute!....


Yay! I'm glad Baci's healthy! Dr. Stanzione must be thrilled. Between Penny and Baci he's now seen 2 perfectly healthy rabbits two days in a row lol! Every vet's dream!

I really love Baci's innocent, handsome dark eyes. And he always looks bigger and rounder in pictures than in person. I'm still getting over how small he actually is. What a ball of handsome!

That stroller is too funny. I have a girlfriend who walks around with her cat in that to go to the groomer and the vet. The cat hates it and cries the whole way there and the whole way back. It's wretched to hear, according to her. I am pretty sure it takes a certain kind of bun to be rolled around in a stroller. Despite what we think, I believe those strollers have pretty bad shock control and it goes bumpity bump against the sidewalks. :(
Hehe i just love this picture of cute!....
Thanks Cheryl, now it's your turn to post pics of your buns!
Yay! I'm glad Baci's healthy! Dr. Stanzione must be thrilled. Between Penny and Baci he's now seen 2 perfectly healthy rabbits two days in a row lol! Every vet's dream!

I really love Baci's innocent, handsome dark eyes. And he always looks bigger and rounder in pictures than in person. I'm still getting over how small he actually is. What a ball of handsome!

That stroller is too funny. I have a girlfriend who walks around with her cat in that to go to the groomer and the vet. The cat hates it and cries the whole way there and the whole way back. It's wretched to hear, according to her. I am pretty sure it takes a certain kind of bun to be rolled around in a stroller. Despite what we think, I believe those strollers have pretty bad shock control and it goes bumpity bump against the sidewalks. :(
You know I'm "in love" with Dr. S.:bunnyheart I just love how he's very confident when discussing about rabbits. He seems really interested in their welfare.

Baci reminds me of Toby. I didn't realize how small he is until you told me. Seems like the both have similar personalities. I can only imagine the trouble they'd both get into together!

Never gave it a thought about the bumpity bump in the stroller. Hubby would love you for sharing that info now. Theyalready hate it when the car hits a bump I can imagine the stroller. I wanted to be able to take the buns for a walk around the neighborhood. Only other problem would be encountering Yogi and her cubs!:shock:
I'm glad to hear that Baci's molars are good.
He's always cute, isn't he? I love his last pics too. It's so funny that you said your husband won't leave him alone in your hands anymore after that funny pic session... heheh
You gotta do that more often, though. We all LOVE Baci's pics, and those were spectacular!
About bunny strollers, that would be so cool... sometimes I go to a park and wish I could take MILU there with me. There are dogs around (big ones) and he would be afraid, though.. also, I'm afraid there may be ticks in the grass (who knows?) and that's the last thing I want for my bunny, so I can't take him there with me. A stroller would be such a good thing. Hmmm... I should design one... :)
hln917 wrote:
You know I'm "in love" with Dr. S.   :bunnyheart  I just love how he's very confident when discussing about rabbits.  He seems really interested in their welfare.

Baci reminds me of Toby.  I didn't realize how small he is until you told me.   Seems like the both have similar personalities.  I can only imagine the trouble they'd both get into together!

Never gave it a thought about the bumpity bump in the stroller.  Hubby would love you for sharing that info now.  They already hate it when the car hits a bump I can imagine the stroller.   I wanted to be able to take the buns for a walk around the neighborhood.  Only other problem would be encountering Yogi and her cubs!:shock:
Oh yeah, encountering Yogi & family would not be a good thing! I'd probably pick the stroller up in my arms and run for it!

Baci + Toby = Ultimate troubles for Helens <-- never allowed to happen!!! ;)
hotmaildeal wrote:
I'm afraid there may be ticks in the grass (who knows?) and that's the last thing I want for my bunny, so I can't take him there with me.
I'm the same way. We were thinking about building an outdoor run for them so they can be outside while we work in the yard but I'm so paranoid of the bugs especially ticks.
Oh yeah, encountering Yogi & family would not be a good thing! I'd probably pick the stroller up in my arms and run for it!
Or throw myself in front of Yogi, it'll be Momma bear fight Momma bun! Sometimes I take Baci out for a walk down the driveway and I'm always doing 360 looking for any "visitors." One day hubby went to take the garbage out at 10am, he turns around and Yogi is 20 feet away looking at him! Not an encounter I'm looking forward to.
Yesterdaywas such a hot scorching day! I think the heat index was over 100. This is why I'm a fan of 2 season~ spring and fall. We had the girls downstairs in the kitchen as it gets hot upstairs and I didn't want the a/c on all day. Can't wait to see the electric bill this month:shock: Hubbywas working outside yet I'm the lazy wife and stayed cool indoors. Good reason too b/c my lips have been very chapped to the point of being blistered. Nothing seems to be working. I realize as I get older, I'm shutting down.

We had a tornadostormwatch Friday night. Fortunately it missed us. As a precaution, we had an evacuation plan set in place. The girls would be spending the night downstairs in the living room, Baci in his cage as normal and Sebastian remains in the bedroom. We had the carriers ready, I was to first get Baci since he will be the easiest. Then I round up the girls while hubby has the task of getting Sebastian. His carrier is already in the bedroom since he also sleeps in it, however once he's spooked, it'll be very difficult to get him without stressing him further. Hubby already had the pleasure of experiencing that once when we had a freak ice storm in 2008, he thought a tree was coming down on the house. I come home 2 days later to find a tornado hit the bedroom. (Sebastian:biggrin2:)


hi Helen, how's everything going? It's nice to know that you have a plan in case of storm, etc.
I hope you don't have any more bad experiences with tornadoes hitting your house. It would be sort of against the statistics if, among so many places, one went back right to your place again. You got a good escape plan organized just in case, though. I think it's great that you share so people who experience the same thing can get inspired and do the same.
Hi Vivian~ we learned our lesson the first time around when hubby thought a tree was coming down on the house. At the time we only had the 1 carrier but 2 buns, Sebatian and Baci. Luckily Baci's cage was in the garage so he was able to safely get both out of the house. Now we have an evacuation plan just in case!
It's funny b/c after Kirby's Helen mentioned about the shortage of canned pumpkin in her area, I decided to check out my local market last week. I wasn't overly concern until I got to the baking aisle~:panic:NOTHING! Panic then hit and I started calling my family and friends asking they check at their local market. Fortunately my co-worker found some. I do have 1 can left at home and only Shades and Cappuccino will eat it. Sebastian and Baci won't touch it.

Of course 2 days later I get jinxed. Saturday morning, Shades failed the treat test in the morning and didn't want to be bothered. Should have known something was wrong with her b/c I found Cappy on the other side of the room in the morning. Shades is very grumpy when she's not feeling well. I tried giving her some pumpkin in the morning and she wouldn't touch it. Of course Cappy dogs it down in a heartbeat. She did use the litterbox so I decided to give her a dose of benebac instead of simethicone. We were invited to a cookout that afternoon and I told hubby, I am not leaving the house unless she's eating. She must have heard me or hubby must have had a talk with her b/c she was eating the pumpkin and pellets and hay within a couple of hours. I'm just glad it happened on a weekend during my day off. I do have an allotted vacation time I save just for the buns.

I noticed my priorities has changed the last couple of years. When I first started this job, I would just pack up and take little trips here and there, then it dwindled down to hubby and I taking separatetrips so one of us would be home with the buns, now its bare minimal. We both rather stay home with them. I'm thinking about switching job positions maybe this winter. Still with the same company but it would definitely entail alot of traveling. I'm not happy at the current location, however I've already had friend tease me about being away from my "kids." Perhaps I can take them as my service animals!:biggrin2: I guess I'll make that decision if and when the positions open up.

Here are some pics from Mr Baci's FB account~ hubby keeps apologizing to him saying he'll try not to leave him home alone with me!



I have traveled twice with the is hard. I don't know if I could do it!
It is good you have a hurricane set up. I don't think I could live in a state that has those types of things..too scary! Although I hear a lot of people think our flash floods are scary (Why do you need flood insurance in AZ? It doesn't make sense? Oh, well the city planners forgot to make any plans in case it rains during Monsoon season so the water we do get floods

I really love that comic photo! Too cute!
Myia09 wrote:
Although I hear a lot of people think our flash floods are scary (Why do you need flood insurance in AZ? It doesn't make sense? Oh, well the city planners forgot to make any plans in case it rains during Monsoon season so the water we do get floods
We have a stream that runs along the front of the house. It's not that close to the house yet we're considered a flood zone. It's never risen where it overflows but I have these crazy thoughts about the house being flooded and with the rabbits in the house.
Yay! Good news~ my girlfriend sent me a msg the other night. They are keeping Yeti! She's 3 months pregnant and her husband relented b/c he doesn't want to do anything to upset her. Guess that's one way to get what you want!:biggrin2:

I don't know why I didn't get notifications about your recent blog updates! Eep.

So, you know this already, but I am so glad Yeti can call her place home now. That bun deserves a second chance at a good life :)

I laughed at that pic of Baci reading the funnies. It really does look like he's reading them! What a cute boy. He's very photogenic. Your hubby should let Baci get dressed up and stuff more ;)

Is Shades all better now, btw? I really hate when I have to deal with stasis onset. At least it is better than dealing with stasis itself but it's still scary. Toby is still getting over his episode of really bad gut slowdown, bordering on complete stasis. He's using his litter box a lot and he is eating more hay than he was earlier in the week, but the quality of his output is really not great still. It worries me. The countdown to my 16 day vacation is starting. I leave 9/1. I'm terrified. I have to get my buns in perfect health by then. :(

I cannot imagine you being ok with being away from your babies on a regular basis! I think we are pretty similar in our bunny philosophies... I don't think I could do it. The mere thought of my 16 day vacation makes me sick to my stomach. I mean, don't get me wrong, on the one hand I am extremely looking forward to it and excited about it and all the things I have planned to see and do and eat. But when I think about all the time I'm going to spend alone in my head, like all the time I spend in transport on planes and trains and buses... I know all I'm going to be thinking about are the buns. And that makes me feel sick and lonely inside, not knowing how my buns are, whether they are happy, sad, hungry, feeling ok or not. It's an altogether overwhelming feeling that just takes over in an instant. I went through a mini version of that dread every single day when I used to go to work and work over-12-hour days, and that was hard enough. Actually traveling and being away! I hope you are stronger than I am!

Edit: I just counted my vacation time again. Including the flight time going there and coming back it's actually 17.5 days. Oh my god I'm going to faint. What on EARTH was I thinking when I booked this monster trip!?
kirbyultra wrote:
I don't know why I didn't get notifications about your recent blog updates! Eep.
Don't worry, I haven't been r/c'ng any notifications about other blogs/post also. So I apologize beforehand if I miss any.
Is Shades all better now, btw?
Thanks for asking. Think she was having her PMS for the day. She's back to normal now. Unfortunately from your experience, I learn not to buy cilantro fo the buns.
The countdown to my 16 day vacation is starting. I leave 9/1. I'm terrified. I have to get my buns in perfect health by then. :(
I sent you a PM and I swear I'm not stalking!:p
I cannot imagine you being ok with being away from your babies on a regular basis! I think we are pretty similar in our bunny philosophies... I don't think I could do it.
I think it helps to know hubby will be home with them. I'm supposed to head down to FL this weekend for a baby shower and I'm already dreading it. Just realized I never asked him if he wanted to come. I'd just assume he will stay home to take care of them. What a bad wife! We'll see how I am if and when I do take onthe new position. I may be all talk right now.
Edit: I just counted my vacation time again. Including the flight time going there and coming back it's actually 17.5 days. Oh my god I'm going to faint. What on EARTH was I thinking when I booked this monster trip!?
Relax and enjoy!
I have no idea what I was thinking when I agreed to work for someone today. So here I am and it's going so slow~just another 4 1/2 hours to go. It doesn't help that I was sick yesterday and the Nyquil is still in effect. The beauty of this job is it's very flexible to take days off or pick up extra hours. However their are alot of personalities here and lately Idread coming into to work.

Hubby and I were both sick yesterday so thebuns were on a weekday schedule. Instead of staying out till 8pm, Baci went in at 6:30. I'm sure he'll be flipping his plate this morning! He was sitting in a loaf position this morning when I came out of the bedroom. Of course that set my mind in a frenzy thinking he's not feeling well. (I think the loaf is probably worse than the DBF position.) False alarm, I gave him so greens and he woofed it down.

I went to Home Goods on Friday and I always walk down the pet section looking for anything for the buns. It's usually only items for cats and dogs. However look what I found on clearance~


the other side~


We replaced the floors in the living room with bamboo and recycled the old ones into the girls' room. Now trying to decide if I should buy one of those 9 cube shelves for their room or build a shelf for them for bun supplies storage. Always trying to find ideas to decorate their room. I think it's funny that they have the largest bedroom in the house! Heck, we're only the slaves.........


The girls~

Cappy, theWildThinglooking so innocent and sweet.


Shades fur is finally growing in nicelyafter her incisor removal.

