Nala and Gaz

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I like the filter on the old forum better, I like that it made bad words into funny words. Theres nothing like reading a really serious, offensive sentence and it ends with "fluffybunnybottom", thats a hell of a tension breaker. LOL.
It´s so good to have a good laugh at all the things you guys rant about. You´d really have something to rant about over here as we don´t even open on Sundays, all the shops are closed, they were opening over Christmas and the New Year but that´s stopped now. And talk about closing early or bad service, that´s quite common. Over here, people come to work in the morning at 8.30am, say at the bank and at 9am, they leave to go to the cafe round the corner for their breakfast so if you go looking for someone, you have to wait half and hour until they turn up again. Well, what the hell is the matter with having breakfast before you leave the house. But that´s common practice in most places over here. They are, however good at not closing before time although I was in the phone place a couple of weeks ago and as he had to leave at 2pm and there were a few people in there, he locked the door at 1.15pm so no one else could come in, how bad is that....yes, a lot of the smaller shops in the town centres close at lunchtime here between 2pm and 4.30 pm.

Couldn´t stop laughing at the glider peeing on your face....I´d have gone mad but I suppose if you´re used to it then it´s not quite so bad.
I'm certainly not used to it on my face, lol... but I was SO tired at that point, I couldn't be bothered to be that upset about it - I just cleaned myself up with kleenex, went to sleep and showered in the morning. luckily, glider pee isn't like bunny pee - it's odorless and a pale/nearly clear yellow, so it kinda seems more like water than pee. makes it easier to be more forgiving about it.
Yeah, see what you mean. Houdini once sprayed me right across my face and the whole of the top of my body and I was sitting on the sofa at the time with him sitting on the other sofa. He used to have such great aim. I was not very happy with him to say the least, the little sod. I must say I don´t miss that now.
god, am I glad I got girl bunnies! I'm SO thankful I never had to experience 6'+ sprays of pee!
You are so lucky, he was the only sprayer but it used to be up the walls, up the windows, up the furniture and all over me and the other buns. Am I glad I had him neutered, it all stopped after that so anyone who has a super sprayer, would recommend it anytime. Girls are so much cleaner in the bunny and human world lmao.
That is the reason why my mom made me get girl bunnies. They are cleaner than the bucks. I have been sprayed in the MOUTH by boy bunnies on more than 1 occasion. I have also been peed on more times than I can count by baby bunnies. They go through a stage where wheneve you hold one, they pee. They also look IDENTICAL to newborn dog puppies for a period of 1/2-1 day. Baby rabbits go through SOOO many different stages it is crazy. It is like they change every time you see them. Sorry to get off topic ;)

I do have to admit that I laughed when I read your post about the glider peeing on your face, sorry :)

I got the hay that you sent. I just gave Beauty a little handfull of the orchard alfalfa mix and she has not noticed it (even though she has run through it). I think that she was to intent on getting out of the cage for some run time to notice it. We will see in the morning if she likes it. I will give her the oat tomorrow or wednesday. The oat looks like something that she will really like. The only hay that she is eating currently is the binky bunny oat hay. That hay that you sent me looks identical to it. THANK YOU :)
Lol creepy dead bugs. ^_^ that's what men are for. Brothers dads uncles cousins husbands fiances....all of them. They get to do my buggy work lol
If only all the bugs were dead...that´s the problem with living on your own, you have to get used to getting rid of bugs yourself. I remember years ago one hot summer, I had a cockroach infestation in the kitchen. I remember wearing wellington boots, rubber gloves and spraying under the sink and them all facing and running about and me trying to bash them all....OMG it was like some scene from a horror movie yuuuukkk. I´ve also had rats, snakes, I ´m a real crocodile dundee one woman bug killing service lmao.
oh my god!!! if I had an actual infestation of roaches, I'd run out of the house screaming, make the neighbor go back in to fetch the animals, and never go back!!
Yeah, wish I could have done but had to get it over and done with. The grossest thing is when there are so many, you can actually hear them, that is a bit like a creepy movie and I didn´t want to open the cupboard under the sink to look but I did and then wished I hadn´t. Got rid of all of them but that house was creepy anyway, really old and next to an abandoned house that´s why I had all the uninvited guest. You never seen a roach running from the kitchen to the front door right across the living room....yeah....didn´t have a lot of visitors at that time of my life :wink
Since we were talking about the crawfish boil on Chris' blog. I wanted to say that it takes red potatoes about 20 minutes to cook until tender. I don't know if you cut them into 1/4's or if you leave the whole, but whole would take a few minutes longer to cook. Corn takes about 8-10 minutes to cook. And however long the crawfish take to cook.
Now I REALLY want crawfish. BAD.
Yipes, everywhere I go today, there´s talk of food...think I might go and raid the fridge :wink
Crawfish mmmmm. I like to wait until march they're so big then, but man, I might need some earlier this year. Getting so hungry.
so, yeah... I kinda fell off the face of the earth there for a couple months. it's a really long story. the start of it is that Trouble passed away and I was really upset about it, plus I started spending pretty much all my spare time with Hurricane so she wouldn't get lonely. a hell of a lot has happened since early January... I'll get into it at some point. I need to go back and get caught up on everything I've missed, because I'm OCD like that, but it'll have to wait because I'm tired as hell right now.