Nala and Gaz

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Happy new year!

I'm glad to hear how much you've learned in the past week :p
Honestly I find cleaning is an outlet for my anger. It really really works, so my house is always spotless.

And yes, holidays really do suck, I hate them and kind of like to avoid them.

Blah, shipping is always a mess during the holidays but you've waited for so long that a few more days won't hurt right?

I was VERY glad to read that your hammy "Percy" got a great home ! :) I love when people love their animals.
well, home depot has made a small amount of progress towards redeeming themselves for this damn "closing an hour early after DST hits" crap. I only had one blade for my box-cutters... I noticed yesterday the foam tiles seemed harder to cut/edges were a little raggedy and then it occurred to me the blade might've gotten dull, so I flipped it around and the tiles got MUCH easier to cut... until it got dull again. Home Depot was actually open today and I was able to get new blades :D. I got some fancy-ass titanium-edged blades... more than twice as much as the standard ones, but still only $3 for 5 and hopefully they'll last a lot longer.

I also picked up some screw eyes... I've been trying to figure out how on earth I could use playpens or NIC fencing to block access to some parts of my house for when I bunny-sit Q-tip without her being able to knock them down or push them out of the way. my first thought was to use rocks to hold them in place, lol, though I have my doubts that that would've worked. my second thought was to zip-tie cardboard ALL around the bottom of my girls' pen so they and tippy couldn't fight through the bars... but that didn't solve the issue of not being at all sure I was willing to trust Q-tip with a leather sofa.

at some point, it occurred to me that I could put in some screw eyes and then zip-tie the fencing to them. my walls are craptastic in the places where I'd want to connect pens anyway, so I could care less about adding a couple holes... and if, god forbid, Nala and Gaz's bond severs at any point down the road, I've got a back-up plan where they could both be fenced in without being able to fight through the fencing. basically, I'll be walling off the living room so tippy can't get into it (around the edges of my bunnies' pen).

I have a couple wall-mounted lamps in the parlor area where I'll have to bunny-proof the cords and I'll have to take the heating lamps off of the outside of the glider cage (they won't need 'em by late spring anyway) because that's a whole mess of cords, but other than that, I shouldn't have to do anything else but pray she doesn't like the taste of my china cabinet or my foam tile flooring. worst case scenario, I can wall off the cabinet and pull up the flooring since it's not like it's glued down or anything.
At my parents house they have a 45g recycling bin (that they over fill each week). That gets picked up 1x per week (fridays). They also can have as many trash cans as they want and are not issued 1. The main trash gets picked up 2x per week. Also you do not have to use trash cans. Often people will have 20 of the big black bags out at the curb and they get taken away 2x per week. I thought that everywhere was like that. I live in an apt complex. We have 3 dumpsters that get picked up 3x per week (under 125 apt total at the complex).

Good luck with cleaning. I am sure that there is a public dump where you can take your stuff and dump it. They have those everywhere in Spring.
45g sounds like that's probably about the size of our bins... when we switched to the bin system, though, the trash pick-up dropped down to 1x a week and you can *only* use the bin now as opposed to trashcans/bags.

I *could* drive miles to the dump with what little can fit in my car... or I could just annex the apartment complex dumpster, which is practically right behind my house and way more convenient, lol.
Jennifer you're lucky you have a trash service. We do not have that, we have to take our trash to the dump. While it allows me to throw whatever I want outside into our many trashcans, we still have to drive that stinking ass stuff to the dump every few days.

It does feel good to throw a bunch of stuff away and get everything clean and organized. It also makes you feel good to see the progress you've made with getting everything together!
urgh, so I managed to sleep for like 22h yesterday, I have no idea how. I felt REALLY bad about sleeping so long even though everyone still had water and at least some sort of food when I woke up. I was 4h late giving the sugar gliders a fresh dinner (they had yesterday's leftovers and some snack pellets, though) and the bunnies were really low on hay, but not actually out (good thing I went overboard before I went to bed because of how they ran out the other day, and I stuffed their back-up hay container full too). I felt so bad, I gave them a tiny extra bit of pellets and a romaine heart with breakfast even though they usually don't get veggies until lunch. the hammies were totally fine, since they only get fed every few days anyway.

as for the romaine hearts, I find them very weird... first of all, what happens to the rest of the lettuce that they sell the hearts alone? salad mix or something? secondly, I usually buy green or red leaf lettuce 'cause it's $1.48 a head vs romaine being $1.89-$1.99 a head... but then I was at the big HEB and saw this thing of six romaine hearts for $3.48. it actually looked like a good deal, so I weighed a bag of six hearts and then I weighed a head of green-leaf lettuce and it turns out that the romaine hearts came out to like $1 per lb or just over that vs .6 lb of green-leaf lettuce for $1.48, making the hearts WAY cheaper! who would've thought, lol. the hearts have a bit more of the stemmy whiteish parts of the lettuce, which Nala really likes anyway.

I KNOW I had my TV remote when I woke up because I used it to turn on the TV so that I could see to get out of my room and go tend to the poor animals... but then when I came back with my breakfast, I couldn't find the damn thing (still haven't *grumble*). luckily, I got the new TV set up before I went to bed, and it has its own remote so I ate breakfast and laid down and watched some TV in the bunny pen. I'm a bit grumbly because there's no thing at the bottom of the TV when you change channels to tell you the channel and what the show is called that's on (like there is on the TV hooked to the DVR)... and the thing in the top corner that does say the channel says like "A3" and "D4-1" and stuff (apparently there are both analog and digital channels and the TV differentiates?). if you know the actual channel # you want, you can type it in and it works normally, but I usually don't watch live TV - just the DVR - so I don't remember channel numbers. I also have no damn clue where the TV guide channel is 'cause there's a program guide built into the remote for the TV that has the cable company's DVR hooked to it.

I need to call the cable company and find out if there's a way I can watch the DVR programs from either room of the house. before I got the new TV, the only way I could change channels was with the up/down buttons on the TV and only like 20 channels were available because of settings that were set ages ago and can't be changed now because the cable company remote doesn't work properly with the TV even though the old one from them did)... so, I just left the TV on MSNBC all the time 'cause election news was interesting and, while it isn't particularly thrilling TV to have the news on all the time, there's also nothing on the channel that I hate so it worked well as background noise :p. I eventually got sick of only watching the one channel, though, hence the shiny new TV.

anyway, the point of my rambling about the TV thing (it really is a rambling day, isn't it!) was originally going to be that I was lying there watching TV when all of a sudden I see a big, fat golden hamster slowly walking across the floor by the back door to the bunny pen! (on the breakfast nook side of it) thank GOD I was up and in the living room to see him! I could tell by the size it was Chester (the baby-daddy).

I went out the bunny pen on the side by my bedroom, went around through the kitchen and shut the laundry room door, just in case he decided to give chase - that way he wouldn't get in there and would be less likely to run towards the fridge. I slowly approached him... and he gave me this quizzical look and partially stood up on his back legs (not actually periscoping, but like halfway to it) and just waited for me to walk over and scoop him up 'cause he's a tame-as-hell sweetie like that.

it turns out he'd chewed through one of the two zipties that hold the mesh to the cage where the door opens (I only use two so I have to cut/replace less when I open the cage to get him out... guess I'll be using more than that now!) and squeezed his fat little bootie through the bars. he also chewed a couple other zipties off the cage, but they weren't critical to keeping it secure - I overdid it on all the zipties except the ones that need to be cut to get the door open. I guess I should get back to trying to figure out how I can keep the cage secure while still having the door work without having to cut zipties.

on a side note, my car is fubar right now ><

I went to the corner store on new year's day... then got back in my car to go to home depot and the check engine light came on ><. I figured "no big deal" 'cause I was planning to take it in for an oil change the next day anyway (until I slept through all of yesterday, lol). then I had to run to the grocery store that night...

when I opened the door to get in my car, I thought the battery was dead because the dome lights and door light didn't come on. to my relief, the car actually did start... but the electrical system's really f'ed up. the little lights above the door/window controls work, the main control panel that has the tach and speedometer and fuel gauge and stuff works, the lights on the seat heater buttons work, the moonroof works and the lights that show if the AC and/or defroster/rear defroster are on work... but the electric locks (and therefore the buttons on the key remote) don't work (was SO weird after all these years to have to lock/unlock the car with a key... and it really sucks that there's not a keyhole on the outside of the passenger's side door), the stereo system doesn't work, the lighted panel above it that displays the stereo info, time, temperature, etc. doesn't work (which made me grumpy 'cause I specifically wanted to know the temp so I could tell if I should bring the plants inside)... ugh. so now who knows what the hell is wrong with it, but I'll be taking it in today for a whole lot more than just an oil change.

oh! I figured out the thing about what you've typed going away if you navigate away from the page or whatever - if you're using the quick reply and you leave the page, whatever you were typing is lost... but if you're using the advanced reply, you can hit the back button to return to the page and your reply will still be there. the times I've screwed up like that, I was always using the advanced option which is why I was surprised that some of you were complaining about losing entire posts.

anyway, that's enough rambling for now, lol. my new plastic tile flooring came while I was sleeping, so it's time to work on deep-cleaning the bunny room!
I'll have to start using the advanced reply button more often, lol. With this laptop though the back button is like further away than it was on the other one(?) if that makes sense.
(I just had to turn off Human Centipede 2 and I think I might actually be sick. Sorry for the over share, but that is the most disturbing movie I've ever seen. I can handle a lot of gross and stuff, but I'm legit queasy. Do not watch that movie!)

I can't believe your big hammy daddy got out! How funny, but scary is that! What a big sweetie to just let you scoop him up like that, thats so awesome. He's a little rascal though, to chew through the zip ties. hahaa. Awww I want a hammy! I'm so mad we're not closer to each other.

I'm sorry about your car. That really sucks. I would be super pissed!

I also find romaine hearts a little weird. I never brought them because Foo was picky sometimes and she only really wanted the leafy part of the leaf and would wait until everything else leafy was gone to eat the vain of the romaine. haha. But personally, I love romaine hearts. Thats my favorite part of the leaf. I only really like the vains of romaine, to me they make the best salads! lol
That was a pretty lucky moment to catch sight of your hammy. I'm glad you didn't have to search the whole house for him, lol. That would have been a pain in the butt! If you need something more secure than plastic zip ties for the parts that are more permanent and you don't need to be cutting zip ties off, you could try the metal rings they use on wire rabbit cages, that hold together the wire panels of the cage. You can usually pick something like that up at a feed store and a special tool to clamp them, or you can use pliers.

Your car problem may just be a blown fuse. Hopefully that's all it is as they are easy to replace.

Thanks for figuring out the whole back button and losing what is typed. I had been thinking about that and what the problem was. I guess I better use the advanced reply if I plan on typing anything more than a short reply, which of course I'm using the quick reply right now :p Force of habit.
my first thought with the electric stuff was a fuse, but it seems like it would have to be two at much for how much is out (door locks + center of the console probably aren't on the same fuse)... and I wouldn't think fuses would cause the check engine light to come on (don't actually remember if both problems started at the same time, as it was daylight and I might've had the radio off anyway... though I want to say I would've noticed the bar with the time and temp and stuff being dark even with it being light out, so I'm inclined to say they happened one after the other).

whatever the problem is, I hope it's nothing too complicated, as it would probably be difficult to find someone willing to work on it if it was (given that a lot of people aren't experienced with rotary engines)... that, or I'd have to go to a Mazda dealership and you know how pricey that can be!

and nah, I wouldn't have had to search the whole house for him - if I couldn't find him near the cages, I would've just set traps. hamsters are *absurdly* easy to trap due to their pouches and their lack of depth-perception. you just take a little wastebasket with smooth plastic sides, put some smell-good food and a bit of soft bedding in the bottom, use whatever household objects are handy to build "steps" up to the trashcan and then put a little trail of smell-good foods leading up the steps. when they come out to forage at night, they'll climb the steps, stuffing things in their cheek pouches, and when they get to the top they smell that there's more food in the bin and plop right down into it :p.
now if you just had a hamster to use that knowledge with... hehe. though to be fair, bin cages are all the rage these days and I've never had a hamster escape from one (and not for lack of trying). Chester was in the rabbit cage, which is why he was able to escape.
well, the car didn't get taken in today - I got distracted arguing with the new floors.

I couldn't figure out how to get them to snap together (even when standing on top of them)... then it clicked that the problem was the layers of carpet underneath. I started putting loose tiles under the tiles I was snapping together and then standing on them and it worked like a charm.

I've got the floor mostly done... had to take apart sections of the playpen to get the new flooring under them easily, so the girls got locked out of the pen for a while. rather than putting them in the condo, I let them enjoy the newly cleaned and bunny-proofed kitchen and breakfast nook (there's a sliding door I used to keep them out of the dining room and I folded back the NIC grids I attached to the walls for when Q-tip comes to stop Nala from running between the outside of the pen and the built-in entertainment center like she loves to do). they were good little girls and didn't try to nom my foam flooring, though Nala did climb on top of the biggest bin cage (which has chester's rabbit cage and then misty's bin cage on top of it) and go between the top of it/chester's cage and the walls and run around back there, lol.

tomorrow's the bitchy part - I may have to move the condo to get the last of the flooring in ><

I'm kind of on the fence about the new bunny floor. it *really* shows the dirt - way worse than the tarp. with the tarp, poops stood out but hay kinda blended in... now stray poops blend in but hay sticks out like a sore thumb... and there's more hay than poops. it matches the coroplast almost exactly, though, which I love! it's also a little rough on bare feet, especially compared to squishy carpet and foam tiles, but I suppose I'll get used to it. would've loved to use foam instead, but I'm sure they'd eat that right up. aside from really showing dirt, it does look better than the tarp - looks more "finished" and the tarp always had a ton of wrinkles that irked my OCD. it'll also be easier to clean since I can just vacuum it with the shop vac... after I fix it up with some electrical tape, that is *glare*. I discovered today that the previous time I had it in the pen, someone nommed a tiny hole in the hose when mommy wasn't looking!
Well, at least the flooring isn't slick so the girls won't be sliding around. They'll get used to it and you'll get used to it.
I'm sure it does look better than a tarp, I get that it looks more finished than the tarp did. You can probably sweep the new tiles.

I bet the girls had fun in the kitchen. New territory to explore!
My girls have taken a bit out of my shop vac as well, but it is still usable without needing repairs. My cell phone charger is another story. They just about ate the cord in half so I have to toss it. I have been using my moms charger (which fits my phone and about 8 other things as well) when I am at her house. My only back up chargers are a car charger that does not work well and a usb cabble that plugs into my computer. The problem with the usb one is that my computer has to be on for it to charge my phone and my phone goes almost dead right before bed :pssd: :headsmack
You have been a busy bee Jennifer, don't know where you get the energy to do all this...I did laugh about the hammie getting, that would have been fun looking for him if he hadn't waited for you to catch him.

Good to see you've got most of the tiles down and I am sure you will get used to them and they have to be better than the tarp so that's a plus straight away. The girls will enjoy them as well.

Yes, biting holes in things. that's something I can totally relate to, don't think I've got anything left that hasn't had a hole bitten into it. Yesterday, it was one of my favourite fleeces...of course, my fault, I should have know to take it off before letting any of them near me but never mind, I'm already over it.

Only two more nights to go so I'm feeling more positive and can't wait to get home full time with the boys and see if I can get them back to normal.

Hope you get your car fixed soon. I need to take mine in as the steering is making really strange noises and it's been bugging me but haven't been able to take it in as I've needed it to get back and forth from mine to my friend's house so will probably take it in Tuesday as it's a holiday here Monday.
so I finally got the car taken in, but I put it off until the end of the day and they were too busy to do anything (even diagnose or change the oil today) :(. the guy wants me to bring it in early in the morning, and I don't see that happening because of where my sleeping schedule is at right now... so it'll probably be monday morning. he said it might be the alternator... ugh. why does everything break at once?? on the plus side, I was going to the place 'cause of their coupon for a $16.99 oil change... and there was also another coupon on the flier for 10% off any repair or routine maintenance thing (up to $150 off maximum) and the guy said I can use them both, one for the oil change and one for whatever the hell else is wrong with the car.

also, my phone won't charge... at first, it was just bitchy and if I wriggled the end of the charger cord (right by the phone's butt) around enough, it'd start charging... but now it won't work at all. (yes, I did just refer to my phone as having a butt.)

luckily, I was able to a) confirm it was just the charger, not the phone and b) charge it. I assume based on what else doesn't work that the outlet dealy for the cigarette lighter in my car's ashtray doesn't work, so I didn't bother trying it... but there's a central hump in my car with drink holders and storage compartments and such and it has a second of the same kind of outlet. I keep my car charger plugged into that one since it's in a storage tray and I can just put the lid down when I'm not using it. I plugged my phone into that and it charged right up while I was driving to the car place and back.

I can't shake the feeling that every time I try to get my act together, life feels the need to conspire against me. it's always when I'm being productive and making progress and feeling rather proud of myself that a bunch of stuff breaks or goes wrong all at once. for example, that light bulb in the PITA fixture (that I still haven't replaced) going out, the garbage disposal, multiple car issues and computer issues (ie why there's been no pics for ages now) all hitting me at once because I started cleaning the crap out of the house, bought new flooring, found a new home for the piano, *finally* bought a TV that's not 17 years old and ordered a dishwasher. I thought I was supposed to get *rewarded* for doing a good job, not punished!
so walmart didn't have a charger for my cell phone - WTF!! they had a car kind that was the right fit, but no wall charger. everything was smartphone this and USB that 'cause apparently the people who make chargers decided to give the finger to anyone using a phone from six years ago on account of it still works just fine. after a lot of searching, I did finally solve my charger issue, though - I found something that's a converter for a car charger for $10. basically, it lets you plug the car charger into a wall outlet. I never use the charger in the car unless something's wrong with the wall charger anyway, so I just brought the old car charger inside.
You're definitely having a bit of a downer at the moment but that always happens that when some things are going hunky dory....wham, other things start to go wrong. Hopefully, your car issues will be solved next week and yes, the phone charger is a pain. I have a USB one for mine as well as the wall charger but cos the computer always goes into eco to save power if I plug it into the computer, it never charges the phone and the batteries don't last anything now with all these apps, I charge mine all the time and it only lasts a couple of hours...that does drive me mad. Why don't they make a battery with a bit of longer life now that it drains so much quicker.
mine doesn't drain quicker :p. I charge my phone every 3 days maybe. one of the perks of having a 6 year old POS phone that came free with my cell phone plan, lol.