urgh, so I managed to sleep for like 22h yesterday, I have no idea how. I felt REALLY bad about sleeping so long even though everyone still had water and at least some sort of food when I woke up. I was 4h late giving the sugar gliders a fresh dinner (they had yesterday's leftovers and some snack pellets, though) and the bunnies were really low on hay, but not actually out (good thing I went overboard before I went to bed because of how they ran out the other day, and I stuffed their back-up hay container full too). I felt so bad, I gave them a tiny extra bit of pellets and a romaine heart with breakfast even though they usually don't get veggies until lunch. the hammies were totally fine, since they only get fed every few days anyway.
as for the romaine hearts, I find them very weird... first of all, what happens to the rest of the lettuce that they sell the hearts alone? salad mix or something? secondly, I usually buy green or red leaf lettuce 'cause it's $1.48 a head vs romaine being $1.89-$1.99 a head... but then I was at the big HEB and saw this thing of six romaine hearts for $3.48. it actually looked like a good deal, so I weighed a bag of six hearts and then I weighed a head of green-leaf lettuce and it turns out that the romaine hearts came out to like $1 per lb or just over that vs .6 lb of green-leaf lettuce for $1.48, making the hearts WAY cheaper! who would've thought, lol. the hearts have a bit more of the stemmy whiteish parts of the lettuce, which Nala really likes anyway.
I KNOW I had my TV remote when I woke up because I used it to turn on the TV so that I could see to get out of my room and go tend to the poor animals... but then when I came back with my breakfast, I couldn't find the damn thing (still haven't *grumble*). luckily, I got the new TV set up before I went to bed, and it has its own remote so I ate breakfast and laid down and watched some TV in the bunny pen. I'm a bit grumbly because there's no thing at the bottom of the TV when you change channels to tell you the channel and what the show is called that's on (like there is on the TV hooked to the DVR)... and the thing in the top corner that does say the channel says like "A3" and "D4-1" and stuff (apparently there are both analog and digital channels and the TV differentiates?). if you know the actual channel # you want, you can type it in and it works normally, but I usually don't watch live TV - just the DVR - so I don't remember channel numbers. I also have no damn clue where the TV guide channel is 'cause there's a program guide built into the remote for the TV that has the cable company's DVR hooked to it.
I need to call the cable company and find out if there's a way I can watch the DVR programs from either room of the house. before I got the new TV, the only way I could change channels was with the up/down buttons on the TV and only like 20 channels were available because of settings that were set ages ago and can't be changed now because the cable company remote doesn't work properly with the TV even though the old one from them did)... so, I just left the TV on MSNBC all the time 'cause election news was interesting and, while it isn't particularly thrilling TV to have the news on all the time, there's also nothing on the channel that I hate so it worked well as background noise

. I eventually got sick of only watching the one channel, though, hence the shiny new TV.
anyway, the point of my rambling about the TV thing (it really is a rambling day, isn't it!) was originally going to be that I was lying there watching TV when all of a sudden I see a big, fat golden hamster slowly walking across the floor by the back door to the bunny pen! (on the breakfast nook side of it) thank GOD I was up and in the living room to see him! I could tell by the size it was Chester (the baby-daddy).
I went out the bunny pen on the side by my bedroom, went around through the kitchen and shut the laundry room door, just in case he decided to give chase - that way he wouldn't get in there and would be less likely to run towards the fridge. I slowly approached him... and he gave me this quizzical look and partially stood up on his back legs (not actually periscoping, but like halfway to it) and just waited for me to walk over and scoop him up 'cause he's a tame-as-hell sweetie like that.
it turns out he'd chewed through one of the two zipties that hold the mesh to the cage where the door opens (I only use two so I have to cut/replace less when I open the cage to get him out... guess I'll be using more than that now!) and squeezed his fat little bootie through the bars. he also chewed a couple other zipties off the cage, but they weren't critical to keeping it secure - I overdid it on all the zipties except the ones that need to be cut to get the door open. I guess I should get back to trying to figure out how I can keep the cage secure while still having the door work without having to cut zipties.
on a side note, my car is fubar right now ><
I went to the corner store on new year's day... then got back in my car to go to home depot and the check engine light came on ><. I figured "no big deal" 'cause I was planning to take it in for an oil change the next day anyway (until I slept through all of yesterday, lol). then I had to run to the grocery store that night...
when I opened the door to get in my car, I thought the battery was dead because the dome lights and door light didn't come on. to my relief, the car actually did start... but the electrical system's really f'ed up. the little lights above the door/window controls work, the main control panel that has the tach and speedometer and fuel gauge and stuff works, the lights on the seat heater buttons work, the moonroof works and the lights that show if the AC and/or defroster/rear defroster are on work... but the electric locks (and therefore the buttons on the key remote) don't work (was SO weird after all these years to have to lock/unlock the car with a key... and it really sucks that there's not a keyhole on the outside of the passenger's side door), the stereo system doesn't work, the lighted panel above it that displays the stereo info, time, temperature, etc. doesn't work (which made me grumpy 'cause I specifically wanted to know the temp so I could tell if I should bring the plants inside)... ugh. so now who knows what the hell is wrong with it, but I'll be taking it in today for a whole lot more than just an oil change.
oh! I figured out the thing about what you've typed going away if you navigate away from the page or whatever - if you're using the quick reply and you leave the page, whatever you were typing is lost... but if you're using the advanced reply, you can hit the back button to return to the page and your reply will still be there. the times I've screwed up like that, I was always using the advanced option which is why I was surprised that some of you were complaining about losing entire posts.
anyway, that's enough rambling for now, lol. my new plastic tile flooring came while I was sleeping, so it's time to work on deep-cleaning the bunny room!