Nala and Gaz

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hahah, I love the pics of Gazzle's flops :)

Also, this one: Is Nala in mid-hop, or is she laying like that? Her butt is cute :)

Sorry to hear about Trouble. I've missed your updates! So glad to see you stop by again. I think you'll be surprised at how big Monty has gotten since January :O
it's mid-hop, hehe

I have to say that I sure missed having you in the 'infirmary support group', haha. If I didn't feel up to typing up how to treat stasis, I would go back to a thread and you had gone and typed up what to do. Kind of nice to know there's someone else out there covering it too. There are a few others that will occasionally chime in, but you and I seemed to be there pretty consistantly. Good to have you back :)

for stasis, I actually have a "form letter" type response saved in the notepad file that has all my frequently-quoted rabbit links because between here and yahoo answers, I got tired of typing the same thing out every time sometimes, lol. I just copy/paste and then go through and change pronouns (for bunny gender, etc.)/modify details as needed to fit the particular post I'm responding to :p.

and I know what you mean - I always really enjoyed that if I was too tired or busy or was offline for a long time when a stasis post came up, you were there to give all the same advice I would've given and when you weren't around, I often was so people always got really quick and thorough answers to those from one of us (which is definitely needed where stasis is concerned).
I have another great find for my store! it's for sugar glider cage-making, but is also posted on the "bunny" page - 4'' zip-ties for a lot less than at a hardware store (even after shipping)! :D I got one bag when I was ordering some other stuff so I could test them out and make sure they a) were the same quality or better (they are) and b) would fasten securely around 1/2'' pvc pipe (they do) - I'm happy enough with them to place a bigger order and sell them in my store.
I just paid like $12 for a bag of 300 zip ties from TSC. With three different sizes. Most expensive zip ties of my life. lmao. I'm glad you could find something cheaper! Its exciting. I don't know why they're so expensive, little bits of plastic that always get cut anyway. haha. (Sorry, haven't had my coffee yet!)

I'm sorry this is an extremely brief message, I hadn't expected to find your blog active and I'm running to the gym (literally LOL) SO glad to see you back here!!! :D
Wow. Just got caught up on your glider stuff sounds like you have really jumped into this! I'm sure it keeps you busy and it sounds like you enjoy it. Do you carry your gliders around with you? Do you feel like they bond with you like rabbits do? I've always been curious about their personalities.
Thanks for the glider tips. I think since I got two rabbits I won't be getting any gliders. I had done all that research back before I got Agnes. They are so cute and I like them alot but their diet, food throwing, pooping, crabbing.....not sure I could deal with that ;)
I do carry them around a lot, though not when I'm awake late at night since they're wide awake then (we do "tent time" though). Tabby was sleeping in my hand until I put her down to type (because no way can I stand to type 1-handed). they bond with you WAY more than rabbits do. think puppy-dog personality in a teeny tiny creature ;). they have BIG personalities for such little creatures - all three of mine are quite different from each other.

I have plastic "kitchen" boxes for mine, so the food throwing is kept under control quite easily. they do use you as their personal toilet... I find the pee more bothersome than the poop, actually. the poop is usually fairly dry, like a bunny poop, so it's not too bad (and the volume is nothing compared to bunnies).
Yeah I definitely don't think I would like something peeing on me. haha. Its something about the warmth that really bothers me.
Oh the mealies are a HUGE hit in my house! haha. The rooster LOVES them and he lets me reach into his cage when I give him a few. Plus, you haven't seen adorable until you've seen two chicks playing tug-o-war with a mealie!
I think I might actually put an order in to get a bulk amount, maybe not 3000 but some other smaller quantity(I don't know how they come and I need to look at the site tomorrow)
they bond with you WAY more than rabbits do. think puppy-dog personality in a teeny tiny creature ;). they have BIG personalities for such little creatures - all three of mine are quite different from each other.bunnies).

That's what attracted me to begin with was what I read about their personalities....just never knew if it was really like that! How sweet :)
Gaz scared the crap out of me just now!

She was in a very convincing DBF position on her side on the condo's landing... Nala was lying next to her and it almost looked like she was watching her... it would've been believable as a "mourning" position.

I figured it was just a DBF, since Gazzle IS the queen of those, so I made some noise and called her name pretty loudly... nothing. that got me worried enough to go into the pen and walk over to the condo, where I clapped my hands and called her name again. when even that failed to wake her, I started to get really worried. I poked her through the bars and the reaction was so minimal I couldn't tell if she'd moved or if I'd pushed her with my poke... she was warm, but it could've been "just died" warm... so I poked her again, harder. finally, she opened her eyes and looked at me and I was convinced she was alive... but she seemed so sluggish and gave such a bare minimum sort of response to being roused out of a very deep sleep that *that* worried me. finally I reached through the entrance to the condo and gave the underside of the shelf a good smack and she popped up and looked a me like "WTF, mom??"

then I pulled her out of the condo and gave her a good snuggling and told her not to scare her mommy like that :p
Lol, that must have been one comfortable rabbit!!! I hate it when they do that. It scares the crap out of me too.
Haha omg that's funny! Archie did a similiar thing to me not too long ago. I was so freaked out I had my hubby come check on him, he still didn't wake up until I nudged him either.

Silly buns. I think we just always expect rabbits to be on guard and when they aren''s freaky! I guess our domesticated buns lose a little bit of their fear when they are pampered and spoiled by human slaves :)
Glad she was okay! lol Gaz, its not nice to scare mom like that! Its fun but not nice! lol
what really worried me was the first poke - normally she jumps up if touched no matter how deeply she's out. darn bunny. I think she was probably stretched out/conked out more than usual 'cause the AC has been acting up and it was 75 in the house, so she was probably a little warm.
I think we´ve all been there before....and it is such a shame when they´re totally zonked out to go up and poke them just to make sure they´re still alive lol.

it is true that they get so comfortable in their environment, they lose all that fear and really fall alseep, makes you feel good that they feel that safe. I suppose that why it´s called a dead bunny flop.
So I just read Katies thread about stopping the Easter Bunnies! I decided to look on my local craigslist and a TON of people are selling sugar gliders. So someone put an ad up to warn people against it if they hadn't done their research! I thought that was great. This is what the ad says:

"Anyone looking to take this persons glider needs to know the FACTS about gliders BEFORE taking this animal - the cage and most of the set up and supplies this person is selling this glider with are NOT appropriate NOR safe for gliders! DO YOUR RESEARCH first! Gliders have VERY specific dietary, housing, and enrichment needs NONE of which are being met by looking at those photos... so if you get this glider, be prepared to chuck EVERYTHING that comes with it and start from scratch... you can research their needs here: and here: and here:"

I thought that was a great thing to see in hopes that it would stop someone from buying "an adorable little sugar glider". THEY'RE REAL ANIMALS!
So I just read Katies thread about stopping the Easter Bunnies! I decided to look on my local craigslist and a TON of people are selling sugar gliders. So someone put an ad up to warn people against it if they hadn't done their research! I thought that was great. This is what the ad says:

"Anyone looking to take this persons glider needs to know the FACTS about gliders BEFORE taking this animal - the cage and most of the set up and supplies this person is selling this glider with are NOT appropriate NOR safe for gliders! DO YOUR RESEARCH first! Gliders have VERY specific dietary, housing, and enrichment needs NONE of which are being met by looking at those photos... so if you get this glider, be prepared to chuck EVERYTHING that comes with it and start from scratch... you can research their needs here: and here: and here:"

I thought that was a great thing to see in hopes that it would stop someone from buying "an adorable little sugar glider". THEY'RE REAL ANIMALS!
oh god, I made the mistake of trying to find the ad you were talking about (which is easier said than done since apparently craigslist doesn't have a thing for your city and I don't know the nearest one). ughhhh! people suck!

i need someone to take my standard grey breeding pair of gliders, im moving and the stress will be to much on them
^ how is the stress of moving any worse than the stress of being rehomed? oh right, it isn't! in fact, it's LESS stress because at least with moving they still have their familiar human that they're hopefully bonded to. either the person is an idiot, they're lying about why they're getting rid of the gliders or both.

I'm selling one male sugar glider, he's around 3 months old. I don't have specifics on him. He loves to glide, an. we have to get rid of him because he's trying to mate with a female, and we do not want babies.. Please e-mail me if you're interested. Serious inquiries only. I'm just trying to find him a good home. Thanks!
^ hi, genius. first of all, why didn't it occur to you when you got a male and a female glider that when they grew up a little, they would want to mate?
second of all, haven't you ever heard of a lovely little thing called "neutering"?
but no, no, instead of coughing up $100 or whatever to neuter your boy, you're going to uproot him and make him leave his new home AND his bonded companion right as he's finally adjusting to everything... a mere month after you got him (at least, I hope only a month, because they shouldn't be sold younger than 8 weeks old)??
and let me guess, they're not gonna replace him with a female, which will make their girl a solo glider and quite possibly cause depression, self mutilation or even death.

Young female glider oop May 2012, cage with stand, toys and food tray. Must be familiar with gliders.
Items included are:
bonding pouch
food tray
water bottle
misc hanging toys
^ first of all, that better be an ANCIENT pic, because the glider in that picture appears to be maybe 4 weeks oop at the most. secondly, POOR GLIDER! that wheel is the WORST POSSIBLE KIND - *way* too tiny and insanely dangerous! lastly, the "misc hanging toys" appears to be TWO. and not even very good ones. that cage is BARREN and that poor glider must be bored out of her freaking mind.

9 Month old female sugar glider. Comes with 3 feeding bowls, heating rock w/blanket, hanging pouch(hammock), emory board wheel,water bottle, vitamin powder, several types of treats, cheetah carrying pouch, 2 hanging toys, PVC coated cage (18x24x24) with pull out pan for easy cleaning. Call or text Amanda at 843-446-7840. Asking $400 obo.

^ you're doing a lot of things wrong.
~ you have the wrong wheel (wodent wheels are dangerous and interfere with a glider's natural running style)
~ heating rocks are a HUGE no-no and are very, very dangerous
~ "vitamin powder" implies that the glider is on a bad diet (or so I gather from lack of mention as to which diet the powder is used for and lack of mention of any calcium supplement)
~ 2 hanging toys is way too few
~ that cage is WELL below the "bare minimum" cage size
~ you only have one glider and they need to be kept in pairs

I can't look any more. the desire to reach through the internet and b*tch-slap people is too overwhelming.
Is that for stuff in South Carolina?
No I don't have a CL for my area, I have to do Charlotte NC or Greenville SC, that pretty much covers my town and near by bigger towns too.
I just wrote a thing on easter bunnies because Katie inspired me. Hopefully there will be less easter bunnies this year. I didn't see many ads though. But if those are ads for gliders in my area maybe I missed them, but I did see a few; like a few too many because I've never seen glider ads before. I wonder if there was an explosion of gliders in my area? Weird.
If I knew that I could take care of them the way they needed to be taken care of and I could bond with a glider pair like that, then I would rescue them. But unfortunately the inn is full here and I don't have the time. I'm sure I COULD do it, but it would be stressful for ME! haha. I just feel so sorry for the little ones out there with these bigass rednecks in this area.