Nala and Gaz

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Yeah, the old ones definitely lasted´s all these bloody apps and email and internet and whatsapp, the list is endless...they just drain the battery in record time...I seem to spend half my life charging to so that I now carry the charger in my handbag.
wow, that's bad. I hope my phone lives a while longer!! the new car charger converter is working perfectly.

so, I'm excited about toilet paper. how sad is that? there was something wrong with the last package I bought - the cardboard rolls had thick stripes of glue on them once all the toilet paper was gone. I had to go through like 12 double-rolls that were ALL defective like that. I wanted to call the Angel Soft jerks and bitch them out and be like "some of us have hamsters who like to chew on the empty rolls and play with them and they can't have them if there's a buttload of glue on there when there's supposed to be none!"... but I didn't, because I'm lazy and they would've thought I was insane.

seriously, though, 11-14 hamsters to keep supplied with chews and toys and only one of me to go through all those defective rolls of toilet paper... I thought it would never end! I got to the end of the first roll of a new package today, and it's glue free! yay!! dunno what was up at the factory when that last package of rolls was produced, but I really hope it doesn't happen again.
I use Angel Soft too and I've gotten packages that had rolls with glue all over them too! It is annoying. The worst is when the last little bits of toilet paper won't come off the freaking rolls.
Its amazing what bothers us about toilet paper. We should normally be happy at the way it works, but instead we are unhappy with the ROLL it comes on. lmao, I think we're all insane.
But the next time I get a pack with big glue stripes I will call and tell them that our hammies and bunnies like to chew toilet paper rolls and they can't with all the gross glue on them! And the paper needs to come off the roll better. Bastards.
hah, awesome! I love how you actually call people up and bitch about stuff when I only think about doing it... I get to be lazy and the bitching still happens :D
It is so funny when you have animals how you start at things differently. I was at a building site today and there was loads of wood lying about, probably Ok for the buns to chew on but it had cement and other unidentified stuff on it so didn't take any but the guys I went up there with (we were looking at doing a quote for finishing he build) were looking at me a bit strange. Good news is my building friend has some spare pieces of piping so I'll pick that up the next time...yeahhhhh can't wait.
I've gotten some weird looks in Home Depot and other places when I was looking for something that I didn't know the name of/the exact product and had to settle for explaining what I wanted something to do, lol. like when I was trying to find something at Hobby Lobby that could function as foraging cups on sugar glider toys in lieu of little acrylic shot-glasses, so I needed little bitty plastic containers that I could put holes in with a dremel. ofc, the store employee was worthless in the end, but I managed to find something on my own that would suffice (cheaper version of paint cups like I used in place of film canisters when I was making that jump for the agility course).
good news! the electrical problems WERE fuse-related... and the check engine light was on because of the battery (apparently the voltage was low). he told me I'd need a new battery and gave me a price quote of $140 so I passed, saying I felt it would be cheaper to buy a battery and put it in myself. he made a point of telling me to clean the terminals really well when I changed the battery. well, when I got in the car, the check engine light had gone off! my guess is the battery isn't actually bad, it just had a loose connector or something. I'll still clean the terminals, but as long as the light stays off and I don't see any other signs of a dying battery, I'm just gonna leave the current one in - it should have another year or so of life in it, iirc.

as for the fuse... half an hour or so (much of which was spent showing off the gliders to other customers, lol) and $20.52 later, my car had new fuses and an oil change. the oil change was $17 + tax, so they only charged me a couple bucks to put in the dirt-cheap fuse. I'm very happy. I'm gonna recommend them to my neighbors for oil changes, as they come out with those coupons regularly and you can also print them online.

I'm really glad that, after I stopped at the cable company to pick up a DVR for the living room TV, I called the car place to find out if they'd be able to fit me in today even though it was like an hour and a half before they closed (I showed up an hour before close last night and they were too busy) - otherwise I would've spent the rest of the weekend worrying about what it was gonna cost me and whether or not it was ok to drive the car short distances in the meantime, plus I would've had to haul my butt over there first thing monday morning. yay for getting three issues fixed for $20!
Thats really awesome that you car was that cheap to fix! Gah, if all of our problems could be fixed for just that little, the world would be a better place, lol.
I'm glad it was just the fuses, those are so easy to fix.
Haha, it WAS just a fuse! Isn't it great when a car problem turns out to be something simple :) And they didn't even charge you very much. Perfect!
great news Jennifer that it didn't cost you too much. I had a problem with my battery a couple of months ago as my car had kept dying but the battery wasn't that old. When I took it in to the place I bought it (course, couldn't find the receipt) he did charge the battery up for me but told me that it was actually too little voltage for the engine size I had so I ended up having to buy a new one anyway but I've got the old one for anyone with a smaller car not that my car is a gas guzzler or anything. He acted as though it was my fault for buying too small a battery and I gave him a real about the fact that this is what they recommended to me here...cheek of it, on top of everything else, blaming me.
I've gotten some weird looks in Home Depot and other places when I was looking for something that I didn't know the name of/the exact product and had to settle for explaining what I wanted something to do, lol. like when I was trying to find something at Hobby Lobby that could function as foraging cups on sugar glider toys in lieu of little acrylic shot-glasses, so I needed little bitty plastic containers that I could put holes in with a dremel. ofc, the store employee was worthless in the end, but I managed to find something on my own that would suffice (cheaper version of paint cups like I used in place of film canisters when I was making that jump for the agility course).

LOL... awh that reminds me of myself when I had ferrets and would make toys for them! I would spend hours at home depot because the employees would never help me so I would just walk around the whole darn store aisle by aisle trying to figure out what else I could use. I gotta say it gets the creative part of the brain working!
wow, really? the employees at my home depot are always looking to help and probably 75% or more of the time they can figure out WTF I'm babbling about. I had a guy spend like 20-25 minutes helping me gather stuff for the agility course and cutting wood and chain for me and such... they didn't get cranky or even drop subtle hints when I was in there rooting around for stuff until 15 mins after they had closed.
Thats really awesome that they help you like that! At the lowes near me, they're jerks and dumb. We had to have some glass cut to put into your antique french doors, they're odd measurements and it took the guy a freaking diagram to explain the measurements because he wasn't understanding, we only told him like 10 times what it was.
I think I told you the other story of when they closed like 7 minutes early and locked the doors. I think its about a thousand pages back, lol.
I wouldn't know what to do if they were actually helpful. Like, they will avoid eye contact to NOT have to help you. Does that even make any sense? Jerks! Another reason I hate people. :)
man, that's BAD. if you're wandering and looking a little lost, it's not uncommon for one of the employees at my home depot to actually come up to you and ask if you need help finding anything - the complete opposite of your Lowe's!

I hate when **** closes early. don't say you're open until a certain time if you're not actually gonna stay open that long! I used to work at Domino's and I was a closer a LOT of times, both when I was a delivery driver and when I was a general manager. it sucked when someone called in a delivery order 2 mins to close, but damned if we didn't always pick up the phone and get them their pizza because we actually know how to read a damn clock... and last-minute customers at a pizza place is worse than anywhere else, because carry-out stops at 10 pm so it HAS to be delivery, which means the driver spends like 30-60 minutes driving around instead of closing up the store. worthless lazy-a** employees who close up early just to avoid having to DO something piss me off! if I have money and I show up during "business hours" to buy something, I expect to get in the door! they're supposed to WANT my business.

speaking of stuff closing early, home depot pissed me off again last night 'cause I was just getting ready to go at like 8:15 and all of a sudden I remembered it was freaking sunday and they close at 6 on sundays. I HATE that stuff closes early on sunday! WTF. you're already working on the sabbath, it's not any worse to work normal hours instead of shorter ones and it's mean to atheists to not let them buy stuff to make a travel cage for sugar gliders at 8 pm just because it's freaking sunday.

oh, I'm sure you guys will find this more hilarious than I did...
so yesterday, I was going to sleep in the tent (which was set up on my bed) with the sugar gliders... I was right at that point where you're *almost* sound asleep, but not quite... drifting in and out of consciousness, so it's a mix of sleep and brief lucid moments...

unbeknownst to me, Hurricane was on the mesh ceiling directly above my face...

then out of nowhere, she freaking PEES! and of course, thanks to gravity, it lands right on the side of my face. thankfully, I know all too well how gliders tend to use you as their own personal toilet, so I've always got a handful of kleenex within arm's reach. seriously, though - ugh! of ALL the places, high and low, in this big two-person tent, she picks the ONE spot directly above my face to stop and pee?? I guess she didn't want me falling asleep yet >.>
That's brutal!!! I love that state of almost sleeping so it really does suck when something wakes you up so suddenly! Do gliders eventually learn to go to the washroom in a certain area or do you just have to get used to it.

I just love reading your rants to be quite honest because you very much share the same opinions with me. I absolutely hate lazy people, and dirty ones too. If I had to, I would work 14 hrs a day with only one day off a week!
hahaha! I'm going to be honest and say that I did giggle a little at your pee-pee misfortune. I would have probably thrown up. Maybe not, but I'm weird about things touching my face. lol

I don't understand why things close early on Sunday. Unfortunately, I live in the middle of the bible belt, which you may too and its stupid. Like, Jesus probably won't mind if you open Chik-fil-a on Sundays. Its just a day!
Speaking of things closing early. The other night, my husband was in a mega-game mode. He just got Dead Island and he was 'starving'(even though we ate dinner like 2 hours before) and he HAD TO HAVE a pizza. So he woke me up off the couch at like 11pm to go to Domino's and get him a $5 ready now pizza. It took me a few minutes to wake up enough to drive and took me forever to find my slippers. So I left the house at like 11:35 and knew I would be pushing it to get there before they closed at midnight, I also knew that I would be getting the last, few hour old 'ready now' pizza. I got to the stop light to make a left to drive to the shopping center the Domino's is in, I saw the lights on and it said OPEN. It was 11:53 when I turned into the shopping center, I drove passed it to park and IT WAS COMPLETELY DARK AT 11:53pm, when the sign says clearly they close at 12am. In the time it took me to sit at a light for 30 seconds, drive an 1/10 of a mile down the road, take 1 right and then drive 500 feet, they closed. It took a solid minute from the time I saw the lights on until I got to the store front. They closed in that amount of time. 7 freaking minutes early.
I was forced to go to the Wendy's that I'm boycotting for always ruining my husbands food. Thankfully that night, they got the order right and the food was actually pretty damn good. I'm taking them off my boycott list...for now.
Yep, I just went on a total rampage about pizza. Wow, my life sucks.
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Do gliders eventually learn to go to the washroom in a certain area or do you just have to get used to it.

nope. owning gliders = 15 years of being used as their personal toilet.

I don't understand why things close early on Sunday. Unfortunately, I live in the middle of the bible belt, which you may too and its stupid. Like, Jesus probably won't mind if you open Chik-fil-a on Sundays. Its just a day!

yeah, total bible-belt territory here, too. texas is a bad place to be an atheist and a democrat... and to top it off, it's hot as f*ck 9-10 months out of the year.

I got to the stop light to make a left to drive to the shopping center the Domino's is in, I saw the lights on and it said OPEN. It was 11:53 when I turned into the shopping center, I drove passed it to park and IT WAS COMPLETELY DARK AT 11:53pm, when the sign says clearly they close at 12am. In the time it took me to sit at a light for 30 seconds, drive an 1/10 of a mile down the road, take 1 right and then drive 500 feet, they closed. It took a solid minute from the time I saw the lights on until I got to the store front. They closed in that amount of time. 7 freaking minutes early.

what do you wanna bet those asshats saw you coming and were like "quick, turn off the lights!!" bastards. there are plenty of unemployed people in this country who would GLADLY take that job off your hands if you're too damn lazy to get off your butt and do it properly. if you're gonna have a job, suck it up and do it the right way. it's not that hard. if I can run an entire domino's at age 20 with half the training I should've had, working 70-80h weeks for 24k a year (yeah, they treat their managers like ****, I made more money as a driver - that's what I get for letting people find out I'm competent ><), the people at your dominos can get off their ***** and make a pizza 7 mins before close.

holy crap, I can get "ass" past the filter now? hot damn! I think sh*t and f*ck might be the only swears we can't use now o_O (I still don't get why sh*t is somehow so much worse than all the words they let us use, lol)
I think you get ****** because you made it into its own word and out smarted the filter. lol if you just said ass, then maybe it would filter but ****** throws it off a little maybe.
Just kidding, you can say ass. I wonder if its because thats what you call a donkey? Like its a biblical term, so ass isn't really a bad word?
I hate that my in-laws call donkey's jackasses. That makes me nuts, just call it a freaking donkey, thats what it is! I'm having like serious "memory/word association" today.