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yeah, I was so happy that they really liked my cage and starter kit - I worked really hard on that stuff to make sure anyone I sold a hamster to would have *everything* they needed to get started, even if they hadn't done much research. I also like that I'm not trying to sell anything they haven't already agreed to buy, so I have no reason to steer them towards crap they don't need or hammies shouldn't have, like pet stores do - they get honest answers from someone who actually *owns* the pet they're selling, has done all the research, and has the animal's (and owners') best interests in mind. the babies came into this world on my watch with the promise of good lives, and I take that to heart. I'm losing some money in all this and it's been a lot of work, but I'm still glad I bought Misty instead of letting her have her babies in a pet store or get shipped back to the hammy mill or whatever they do with a knocked-up female.
Aaahhh you are such a great mommy to all your animals. I´m always amazed you have the time to look after so many as I find it so time consuming with just the three buns so you are really amazing. Your little hammies will all go to loving homes and with all the information they need to give them a happy little life. I´d hate to think what might have happened to her and her litter had they not come into your life.
I'm not working right now, which is why I have so much time for all the little ones. I feel like I've been neglecting the bunnies a bit lately, though - ever since they chewed through the seam in my air mattress, I've been spending less time in their pen and haven't been sleeping in there. they still get attention, of course... just not as much. I'm going to fix it today and set up my new TV in there. luckily, they don't seem to mind whether I'm there or not as long as they get their pellets and veggies and hay at the normal intervals, lol. I felt bad this morning, I gave them a HUGE pile of hay before I went to bed - more than usual - and it was ALL gone when I woke up! before, if they ate all the "good" stuff, they had a layer of coastal underneath to ignore, so I didn't feel bad when their hay ran out because if they were THAT hungry, they could've eaten the coastal. I dumped their box yesterday morning, though, and quit putting coastal in the bottom (I was doing that when they were getting a couple handfuls of regular alfalfa a day because the coastal stopped the alfalfa leaves from falling through the grid). I'm gonna take the coastal out of their hay feeder in the condo (which they never use because it never has "good" hay in it) and fill that with the new stuff too so that they have a back-up.

I've been chatting via email with the woman who came with her family to pick out a hamster yesterday morning... they're so in love with the little fella already, and still asking various questions to make sure they're doing everything right :D. I'm *very* pleased with the new home Percy has found for himself.
Love the name, what a great name for a little hammie, so glad he's in his lovely new home and they are smitten.

I'm sure you've nearly forgiven them now for eating the air mattress and they will be pleased that mummy's not to mad with them now.

I can't keep up with all these different kinds of hay....mine are liking the one I bought from the local department store now but still prefer the meadow hay from Gibraltar so I'll see next week if I can get hold of some of that again. They do love the straw though that my friend brought back for me from Gibraltar when I thought he'd brought the other. I am finding it useful as now, I have put loads in their litter trays and put it also with the pulp bedding in the second cage and they love it. It must be warmer to sleep on.

Have a great new year Jennifer and will see you again in 2013 as we'll be there just over 4 hours.

Big bun hugs from mine to yours :bunnyheart
ugh, pics... I dread them now, so much arguing with the computer to get them posted! I'm really mad that I went through the whole long arguing process and never was able to get the videos of them on the agility course uploaded. I'll try to get around to it sometime soon, though.
argh!! talking to the home depot guy to schedule my dishwasher's delivery... turns out because it's not in stock at my local store, it won't be available until the 13th *cry*

to top it off, we were talking about measurements/specs and it looks like my opening for the dishwasher is 34'' and the new dishwasher claims to be 34 1/2'', so it might not fit... but ALL the whirlpool dishwashers say the same height and I *really* have my heart set on whirlpool, so I'm just going to pray that it'll go in there (like maybe the floor is lower where the dishwasher hole is because there's no tile floor in there).

it had better fit, damn it!!

oh, AND they can't install the garbage disposal! >< guess I'll have to try to do it myself and call a plumber if I fail.
wow, so while I was on the phone, I suddenly felt something wet and a little warm hitting my shin (I'm wearing shorts at the moment, with a T-shirt that has a built-in glider pouch)... turns out one of the gliders (which I eventually determined was Trouble, as the base of her tail was damp) peed SO much that it soaked through 2 layers of pretty thick fleece and a layer of thick cotton (making a pretty big damp spot) and came out the front of my shirt as a freaking STREAM (instead of just dribbling down the front/being absorbed by the shirt). the bladder on that little girl... geez! at first, I assumed she must've gotten up on the screen window and peed through that to have so much hit my leg... but nope, straight through the most absorbent part. I've NEVER had either of them pee in such volume while in a pouch before (or while I was holding them). I'm both impressed and a little disgruntled, lol.
I hope your new dishwasher fits! Its always a pain in the ass when things like that come up.

Thats pretty funny/gross about Trouble peeing on you! That is A LOT of pee! Ew. Ellie peed on my not too long ago and it was pretty gross and warm. And my kid has peed on me. Its amazing the amount of pee that will come out of such tiny animals and babies! hahaha. Critters are gross.
You could try going to Home Depot and measuring a whirlpool washer to see if it really is 34 1/2. You could probably do the garbage disposal, as long as the instructions are decent and all the connections are the same. You will need the right tools to install it. They usually list what you will need on the instructions. One thing about the disposal is that usually the dishwasher drain connects into the disposal, so you may want to get your new disposal in before you get your dishwasher and it gets installed.
Thanks for the laugh Jennifer :) I needed that. I always find it funny as to what such small creatures are capable of producing. :)

you should see how much poop can come out of those things! they're SO tiny, yet the poop just keeps coming and coming... especially Trouble when I'm holding her and she's throwing her fits. I've gotta keep a pile of kleenex next to us >.>

on a side note, I'm still SO PISSED I have to wait another two weeks for my damn dishwasher!! I've already waited like 6 years, and I want it NOW! (*wanders off to scrub suggie dishes and kitchens, which is such a pain*... those little buggers throw their food EVERYWHERE)
Jennifer, I do love coming on here and I so laugh at your little quibbles with your domestic appliances, I do hope the dishwasher fits.

What a laugh with Trouble, a never ending stream enough to soak through is a lot for a little guy. I remember we took my dog when she was a puppy on a trip with us in my then boyfriend's truck. She peed the who time and so much that he ended up calling her the mop hahaha.

We don't have garbage disposals over here, we just have to go down and throw it all out in the bins so I'm amazed if you're gonna have a go at fitting you. It's the handywoman in your house, hey, I've got a few jobs I need doing in mine, I could do with someone like you. I'm okay with electrics but haven't got a clue when it comes to plumbing.
I don't have a clue about plumbing either, lol... it's *supposedly* easy (and hopefully comes with instructions!), so I think I'll at least take a look and determine if it seems like an approachable task. if not, that's what plumbers are for! I'm a little concerned that not only does the disposal not work, but that side of the sink is very slow to drain... so I may just go the plumber route right off the bat.

One thing about the disposal is that usually the dishwasher drain connects into the disposal, so you may want to get your new disposal in before you get your dishwasher and it gets installed.

just saw this post... heh... little late for that - the disposal and dishwasher arrive together, and the dishwasher gets installed on the spot. maybe I will just call a plumber. the bath tub drain is slow-moving and not responding to drano anyway, so I could kill two birds with one stone.
Drano sucks!!! You have to get this drain cleaner that plumbers use. It's this crystalized stuff, probably poisonous, but it works great. Slow moving drains open right up. I get mine at a local plumbing supply. It's called Glug, but I don't know if it's a national brand.

If you decide to give the disposal a try and get stuck, I may be able to help. I'm no plumber, but I did manage to get ours installed. And it even works :)
oh yeah, I forgot, I tried that too. that ****'s SCARY. the drain was actually clogged at that point, and when the crystals hit the little bit of water left in there after I wet-vac'd the rest out... ugh... let's just say I wish I'd thought to wear a mask in addition to the recommended safety goggles, 'cause I was basically choking on fumes until I was able to flee the bathroom.
Lol, definitely not for full on clogs. Your lucky you have lungs and a face left! That stuff is toxic if it's coming up and not going down the drain! But it does work! If it doesn't kill or maim you first:)
bah, it's only monday (well, technically tuesday morning)... trash doesn't come until friday and I've already filled my big-ass bin again. at the rate I'm cleaning, I might just stuff a few bags in the backseat of my car and "annex" the dumpster in the apartment complex behind my house, lol. now that I'm *finally* tackling the stupid house, I really don't want to slow down to wait for trash collection!
I could swear the stuff I got said it worked for full clogs - I wouldn't have bought it if it didn't. it's called crystal heat or something like that. the issue was that after you dump it in, you've gotta cover the drain with something to where only a little air can get out (I used a plastic cake container lid with a small section cut out)... and to do that, you have to freaking bend over the drain that you've just poured the noxious, stifling chemicals into that are already doing their whole chemical reaction thing... I really didn't think the fumes would be that explosive (in terms of how they spread up and out).
some things to be learned from my last four days...
~ those Mr. Clean magic eraser things are pretty damn nifty
~ depression does horrible things to a house when you live alone
~ deep-cleaning is kinda nuts when it hasn't been done in five years and clutter has gotten piled up everywhere. if you guys could see before and after pics of the stuff I've gotten done, you might not even think it was the same house (granted, new floors help)... or at the very least, would never have guessed that the after pics looked like the before a few days ago. no, there are NOT before and after pics. no one but me is going to know just how bad the house got.
~ eight hamster cages do a much better job of drowning out my TV while I'm in the kitchen when they're in the breakfast nook instead of the dining room.
~ it was better when you could have multiple big trash cans instead of just one large city-issued bin can... then again, when you could have all those trash cans, all you got was a green plastic tub for recycling instead of the big city-issued bin (same size as the trash one). it was also better when trash got picked up 2x a week instead of once.
~ large portions of my house look like a real house again! I've literally done a little *happydance* more than once while viewing my accomplishments.
~ holidays SUCK. the bunny pen *really* needs cleaning, but I can't clean it because then they'll just mess it up again and I'm going to have to DEEP clean it before I put out their new plastic tile flooring. said flooring arrived in San Antonio at 9:59 pm on Friday... yet it doesn't get delivered until WEDNESDAY because of the damn weekend and damn holidays. I want the flooring now so I can clean now. then again, I should probably sleep instead, lol. still, I want it tomorrow. I hate waiting!!