You should post pictures of the girls going over jumps and the jump stuff! You may have and I may have missed it, but I would really like to see it! You're so crafty and creative anyway.
I've taken some pics of what I've made for them so far, but because it's such an ordeal to get them from there to here, I haven't gotten around to doing that yet

. Home Depot sucks (still) and I forgot they close at 7 on sundays so when I showed up at 8:30 I was out of luck... now I have to wait until morning to get the rest of the stuff I need. I kinda hate sundays. Hobby Lobby isn't open at all on sunday, so I couldn't get stuff there, either. why do I have to suffer just so other people can believe in Jesus? doesn't seem like the two should have to be mutually exclusive.
I also kinda hate people who don't know what "compact" means. my grocery store has a small row of parking spots that are reserved for people like me who drive cute LITTLE cars and they're labeled as being for compact cars, but people always park MASSIVE SUVs and trucks in them! a tiny SUV is one thing, but suburbans and king cab extended trucks do NOT belong in the compact spots! when I got back out to my car tonight, I *barely* managed to open my door enough to wedge myself into the car because some jerk crammed a Yukon XLT (which is suburban sized) in the compact spot next to me. buy a smaller car or park two spaces further away in a regular-sized parking spot, damn it! no one ever died from having to walk an extra 10 feet to get into the grocery store.
Wow, have just finished reading from start to do you manage with all those animals.
My buns are real jumpers but hate the harness I bought. Might have a go with them again as I´m sure they´d be great at the bunny jumps.
they're a pain in the butt sometimes, lol - my house is quite cramped and it's time for me to finish the bin cages and separate all the hamster babies into individual cages ><. at least two of my females were in heat last night and I saw some courtship behavior (ie pre-humping stuff) going on in the girls' cage. the boys seem to be getting on ok still.
I'm miffed at the company I bought their wodent wheels from... first time, I ordered four total and they arrived assembled... but I got 8 more and they're not put together so I have to do it myself and I don't wanna >.> I can't complain too much though, I guess, since shipping's only $8 no matter how much you order (even when I ordered the ginormous sugar glider cage from them!).
Lucky is doing *amazing*! the other two male banded golden umbrous babies weigh 67 and 55g... and Lucky now weighs 52!! he looks almost totally normal! thank god he's banded or I wouldn't be able to tell him apart from his brothers - I had to look at the markings on their stripes to make sure he was really the runt, lol. I think I'm gonna phone the vet and ask him what the little guy's odds are now that he's grown so much.
on a side note, I really LOATHE this oat hay. I'm sick and tired of picking out oats when it's half oats! last night, I was just too tired to bother with it and just decided to let them starve overnight (ie I put coastal in their box instead, hoping they'd get hungry enough to eat it).
on the plus side, they were quite hungry when I got up and I was able to work on clicker stuff with them. I sat there for like half an hour, doing "click, food, food" over and over (hand-feeding them pellets) so they learn to associate the click with noms.