Nala and Gaz

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Wow, have just finished reading from start to do you manage with all those animals. I´d never heard of sugar gliders but they´re so unusual and how cool to carry them about.

I´d already seen your buns and I love them both. The lops are so beautiful but Nala really does remind me of a lion, she´s such a lovely colour.

All those hamsters, you´re a dedicated mum to all of your animals and you´re doing a fantastic. Love the toys as well. I´ve been looking at sites which sell toys and I´m saving the photos and going to have a go at making them myself. A company in the UK make some really great bunny play houses which I love so I´m looking for someone who´s good with wood to make them for me but you´re so talented making all those toys yourself and I love the hamster box, what a great idea.

My buns are real jumpers but hate the harness I bought. Might have a go with them again as I´m sure they´d be great at the bunny jumps.
You should post pictures of the girls going over jumps and the jump stuff! You may have and I may have missed it, but I would really like to see it! You're so crafty and creative anyway.

I've taken some pics of what I've made for them so far, but because it's such an ordeal to get them from there to here, I haven't gotten around to doing that yet :p. Home Depot sucks (still) and I forgot they close at 7 on sundays so when I showed up at 8:30 I was out of luck... now I have to wait until morning to get the rest of the stuff I need. I kinda hate sundays. Hobby Lobby isn't open at all on sunday, so I couldn't get stuff there, either. why do I have to suffer just so other people can believe in Jesus? doesn't seem like the two should have to be mutually exclusive.

I also kinda hate people who don't know what "compact" means. my grocery store has a small row of parking spots that are reserved for people like me who drive cute LITTLE cars and they're labeled as being for compact cars, but people always park MASSIVE SUVs and trucks in them! a tiny SUV is one thing, but suburbans and king cab extended trucks do NOT belong in the compact spots! when I got back out to my car tonight, I *barely* managed to open my door enough to wedge myself into the car because some jerk crammed a Yukon XLT (which is suburban sized) in the compact spot next to me. buy a smaller car or park two spaces further away in a regular-sized parking spot, damn it! no one ever died from having to walk an extra 10 feet to get into the grocery store.

Wow, have just finished reading from start to do you manage with all those animals.

My buns are real jumpers but hate the harness I bought. Might have a go with them again as I´m sure they´d be great at the bunny jumps.

they're a pain in the butt sometimes, lol - my house is quite cramped and it's time for me to finish the bin cages and separate all the hamster babies into individual cages ><. at least two of my females were in heat last night and I saw some courtship behavior (ie pre-humping stuff) going on in the girls' cage. the boys seem to be getting on ok still.

I'm miffed at the company I bought their wodent wheels from... first time, I ordered four total and they arrived assembled... but I got 8 more and they're not put together so I have to do it myself and I don't wanna >.> I can't complain too much though, I guess, since shipping's only $8 no matter how much you order (even when I ordered the ginormous sugar glider cage from them!).

Lucky is doing *amazing*! the other two male banded golden umbrous babies weigh 67 and 55g... and Lucky now weighs 52!! he looks almost totally normal! thank god he's banded or I wouldn't be able to tell him apart from his brothers - I had to look at the markings on their stripes to make sure he was really the runt, lol. I think I'm gonna phone the vet and ask him what the little guy's odds are now that he's grown so much.

on a side note, I really LOATHE this oat hay. I'm sick and tired of picking out oats when it's half oats! last night, I was just too tired to bother with it and just decided to let them starve overnight (ie I put coastal in their box instead, hoping they'd get hungry enough to eat it).

on the plus side, they were quite hungry when I got up and I was able to work on clicker stuff with them. I sat there for like half an hour, doing "click, food, food" over and over (hand-feeding them pellets) so they learn to associate the click with noms.
I can't believe you pick the oats out of the hay. lmao. I would never do that. I give Foo oat hay and I said screw the oats, you can eat them. She doesn't get pellets, so I guess the oats are 'better' for her than your girls.
I know what you mean about people and parking places and stores on Sundays. Our Hobby Lobby is closed Sunday's too, and chik-fil-a. I always really want a chicken sandwich on Sunday. I think everything should be open still. If you have a problem with it being open on Sunday, don't leave your freaking house! lol I live in the middle of the bible belt and sometimes its really hard. Like when I want to buy wine or beer on Sunday and can't, I have to drive 30 minutes into another state.

I'm so glad your runt hammy is doing so well! That is exciting news!
Don´t start me, I did laugh at your comments about the car parking. I know exactly what you mean and I hate it also when people don´t park between the lines and park too near one side so when you park your car, you can hardly get out or when someone parks so near, you have to get in the passenger side and climb over grrrr. It´s the same here with the family spaces, you always get someone on their own who just can´t be bothered walking that extra bit. They so do not respect other drivers on the roads over here.

You are lucky that your shops open on a Sunday. Ours don´t only over Christmas, Easter and the Summer so they just started last Sunday until after the New Year. They don´t have 24 hour opening here either but you just get used to what they have and sometimes, it´s nice on a Sunday knowing that you can´t go shopping.

I can´t believe you pick the oats out either, mine would just have to eat what they liked and leave the rest. I love you have so much choice over there as it´s so difficult here to get any variety. I went to Gibraltar on Friday as they love the meadow hay they sell in Morrisons. The last two times my friend went down, she looked but they´d sold out so on Friday, I was so pleased and was going to stock up. I got there and yeahhhh, they´d sold out. I was so annoyed, I felt like crying and I spoke to the girl on customer services and she said they´d probably have some on Monday....great, I only go there once in a while as it´s around 80 miles. If it´s so popular and they always sell out, why the heck don´t they stock more. So, I ended up buying them a big bag in the department store and I´m hoping they´ll like it.

Had a quick look back at some of the the little hammies and the sugar gliders are amazing, wow.
I can't believe you pick the oats out of the hay. lmao. I would never do that. I give Foo oat hay and I said screw the oats, you can eat them. She doesn't get pellets, so I guess the oats are 'better' for her than your girls.

perhaps you people think I'm exaggerating about it being "half oats", lol (ok, it's really more like 1/4 oats overall, but half of the stalks have oats on them which I have to rip off to make those stalks feedable). Foo doesn't eat pellets, which mine do, and she also eats practically every kind of hay known to man rather than ALL oat hay... also, Gazzles is a little chubby-butt... so yeah, I pick out the oats 'cause I don't want them scarfing down the equivalent of a bowl of oatmeal on a daily basis. I have pics I took last night demonstrating the hay to oat ratio, but I haven't gotten around to arguing them onto my computer yet.
I give mine the oats too, but they only get oat hay occasionally on top of their regular timothy/orchard assortment.
Let me know how you do with clicker training a bonded pair. I had been clicker training Timmy before he died and I wasn't really sure how to go about using a clicker with two buns at once.
I've got my boys to a point where they'll come when I shake their cup of pellets and we're working on periscoping "up" on command just with me hand feeding them their pellets as a treat.
Which company is the oat hay from?

I normally buy the Oxbow oat hay and I didn't seem to have that problem. Then again, I'm sorta blind AND I mixed the tiny bag of hay with the Timothy bale so it kind of made the oats disappear!
it's overpriced oxbow... very obviously a late cut ><

I'm also curious whether clicker-training will work with them together, but I figure it's worth a try. I'm hoping they'll learn that the click only means food if they're also in close proximity to mommy when they hear it. Nala will do "up" for a pellet raised in the air... if I try the same thing with Gazzles, she gives me the butt and then takes off (I think she doesn't trust me not to snag her while she's periscoping... she's been extra flightly lately because of me capturing and furminating her since her molt started). when I give commands, I always say "Nala-bunny, up!" or "Gazzles - up" in hopes that they know who's being given the command. I *think* they know their names... they sure seem to if I have treats in my hand (as in, will usually come to their name while I'm holding treats but not to the other bunny's name), but they play dumb any other time.
Sherlock will come running pretty reliably when I shake the pellet cup. Sometimes Watson is doing something he thinks is better / he knows if he comes over I'm going to put him back in the cage and he's stubborn. Then he usually tries to hide in his cardboard tube.
mine have an uncanny way of knowing the difference between whether or not there are strings attached to whatever I'm offering. for some reason, if I need to lure them out, they like to turn their noses up at treats, lol. Gazzles sometimes gets paranoid and thinks I'm luring when I'm not.
Mine always dash over to their box by the window when I go to get the food out at night when I´m ready to put them away. Sometimes, I laugh out loud as Houdini and Bandy are standing on the arm of the sofa waiting. Snowy is always the last go in and needs a bit of gentle encouragement. I´m amazed how well trained they are now as at the beginning, it was a real trial to get them to bed, they used to love playing at chase me, catch me lol
I gotta say, I kinda hate the sugar gliders right now... (warning, rant is a little graphic)

so I went to petsmart and coughed up $5 for a little container of mealworms (which are as gross as they sound) 'cause sugar gliders are insectivores and you're supposed to give them mealies or something once a day (I just haven't been doing it until now 'cause they're babies). the lady at the store offered Hurricane one and she wouldn't touch it.

I've read that if they won't try them on their own, you should break it open (I was too squeamish to pull it apart, so I used a knife), squish out the goo inside, get some on your finger and offer it to them as a licky treat. so I did. it was gross. they wouldn't eat it. ungrateful little wenches! then they had the nerve to look at me with those cute wittle faces so I couldn't even get mad at them for it!
so I made an a$$ out of myself on the front lawn today... thankfully, I don't think anyone saw. I was sitting on the ground working on some pieces for the agility course when this damn bee decided to get ALL up in my business!

for whatever reason, my instinct was to hold up the drill that was in my hand and point it at the bee, like I thought that was somehow going to fend it off, lol. it kept buzzing around and I kept waving the drill to shoo it away but it wouldn't take the hint. finally I got smart and took off one of my flip-flops since it was hovering close to the ground and I smooshed the hell out of it. I figured that was the end of things...

little while later, ANOTHER bee comes over... this one kept buzzing around my head where I couldn't smoosh it but I did finally manage to shoo it off. at this point, I started to get a little paranoid about the bees... turned out I had good reason to be! that little jerk came back and brought one of his little bee buddies with him! I finally went inside, got a can of raid and then lured them far away from the bunnies and inflicted a lemony-fresh death on them both. I was paranoid as hell after that, though. I swear I kept periodically seeing a bee-shaped shadow and I freaked out a few times over what turned out to be butterflies.

the agility course is mostly done... need to make a second jump, paint it, apply another coat of paint to the bars on the first jump and finish spraying the stuff on it that protects it from water and such. I'll try to get pics uploaded when I wake up.
*sigh*... :tears2:... poor little Foo! I can't believe she's gone... I feel so horrible for Morgan and can't believe the universe was cruel enough to take away her little heart bunny.

I'm gonna go give Nala and Gaz a big hug and have a moment of silence with them for poor little Bunny Foo Foo.

binky free, Foo - you were the bestest little temperamental lop and I loved hearing stories about you! :rainbow:
I can´t believe it either. I´ve only been on here for a short while but Morgan´s blog was the first I read and I absolutely love her stories of life with Foo.

Évery since I saw it, I´ve been checking on my boys and they´re probably fed up with me picking them up and cuddling them, I just want to squeeze them to death.

I can´t imagine what she´s feeling and how devastated she is, we all thought it would be so straightforward. Foo was a gorgeous little girl and will be sorely missed on here. I hope little Elvira manages to keep her going and give her something to take her mind of other things. Although she´ll never fill the gap left by Foo, she might go towards making her look forward to watching another little girl grow to love her.

Binky on Bunny Foo Foo over that rainbow bridge :hearts: A little bit of my heart has gone with you.
I know, she was SO precious with her little grump face... reading Morgan's blog, Foo really came to life for all of us. even though I never met her, I loved that little grumpy bunny. I do think Elvira stumbled into Morgan's life when she did for a reason, though. she'll never replace Foo, but some nose-bonks and bunny kisses might help a little bit towards mending a broken heart.

Gosh, is it only a week since I joined RO and it feels like forever. Only a week since I fell in love with little Foo and read about all her adventures.

I fell in love with that little grumpy face and those beautiful long ears and waited every day to hear more about what she´d been up to. I was so happy when Elvira arrived and happy that Foo would have someone to keep her company and share her life with.

How life changes in a minute. Elvira can never replace Foo but tiny bunny cuddles and kisses might go towards helping to mend that broken heart.
yes, life has certainly been throwing a lot of curve-balls this week. let's hope the school shooting, the knife attacks in China and poor Foo passing away count as far as "bad things happen in threes" goes and we won't have to face any other bad news for a while. I'm at my limit for things worth crying about. I'm rooting really hard for Little-Marge MacBunnington, who is sick today; the rainbow bridge section has been unpleasantly busy this week and I would hate to see another entry.