Nala and Gaz

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I just took a nap and i had a dream you were getting another bun. Lol. I wish i could remember the name of the bun in the dream. It was strange. Lmao.
Being a parent is the hardest. Job. Ever. You can't even wrap your mind around how difficult it is until you are one. So saying all kids should be on leashes is a bit extreme. Kids will act up one time or another. I remember before I had kids (when I was the best parent ever, haha) I would see a kid having a tantrum and I admit, I would judge the mom. Like, control your kid!
to be fair, I KNOW it's the hardest job ever and, between being a very analytical person and having taken care of children a lot when I was younger (primarily deaf children who often also had learning disabilities/social issues, because my mom worked at a school for the deaf), I can imagine just how difficult it is. that's why I don't ever plan to have any children - I think that some people shouldn't be parents and I feel that I'm one of them.

fwiw, if I see a kid having a tantrum in the store and their parent standing there trying to shut them up, my instinctive response is to shoot them a sympathetic look - kids can be damn stubborn and even the best parent can't control their kid's behavior 100%. it's frustrating and embarrassing to be the one standing there trying to reign in a tantrum and the last thing they need is everyone glaring at them, but part of being a good parent is not caving in to every tantrum. sometimes the best thing you can do is drag them out of the store and let them cry themselves out in the parking lot.

So when a person with no children calls parents breeders and speaks as if mandatory leash laws and their ideas on parenting would solve all the kid "issues" it can come off a little harsh. But no worries. :)
you've gotta remember, I don't associate the same negative connotations with "breeders" that you do... and I wasn't asserting mandatory leash laws as a *serious* solution, as was evidenced by the fact that I prefaced it with "if I ruled the world" and followed it with a comment about "not that I think ALL children would be better off (from my point of view) if leashed" then sequed into a rant about how if I ruled the world, I would be able to bring a cattle prod into walmart and use it on people (because adults can be pains in the butt, too) and various other things I would do if I were dictator of the world. as far as other "ideas on parenting" that I said I wanted to inflict on others, the only one I mentioned was that kids don't belong in walmart between midnight and 4 am... because they don't. I would never actually use a cattle prod on a person any more than I would go around leashing up children. it was just a rant.

anyway, I'll try to update about the animals later tonight. I've been avoiding my blog for a while now because I got pissed off - seems like every freaking part of the process of getting pictures from my camera to photobucket (or even the RO gallery) has managed to become fubar. every time I work out one issue, another one pops up. I think shockwave and windows explorer have both been major culprits. when windows explorer acts up, my comp maxes out on memory and becomes unusuable, forcing me to pull the battery and the plug and do a forced reboot, losing whatever I was working on. (also, before I got pissed off with the comp, I got really behind on the forums in general because of all the new changes)
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so... things that have happened that I meant to blog about at the time but didn't...

sometimes I sleep with the gliders when I sleep during the day (since they're nocturnal too) - I put them in a drawstring pouch with my hand in the pouch and tighten the drawstring around my wrist. they sleep in my hand and if they wake up and get restless or thirsty or run out of snacks, they get really squirmy and nibble at my hand to wake me up. well, one evening last week, I woke up and the first thing I did was move my hand to say hello to the gliders... and promptly realized there was only one in the pouch! I determined it was Hurricane who was loose - I must not have tightened the pouch enough - and started frantically looking around my "bed" (had slept on the air mattress in the bunny pen) to see if she'd curled up beside me.

she had not.

I phoned the breeder for advice on what to do because she could be anywhere in the house and I didn't know where to start looking. as the breeder was walking me through what to do, I heard noise coming from the bunny condo behind me even though the bunnies weren't in it. I turned around and there was Hurricane, prancing around the condo! man, did she give me a scare ><

Trouble is still really bitchy... crabbing and biting a ton. every time I feel like I've really made progress, we suddenly take two steps backward. I'm also a little concerned 'cause her little butt is bare. I assumed it was because of the diarrhea incident (between me having to groom her a lot and her/Hurricane grooming her a lot), but the diarrhea has been gone for over a week and, if anything, her butt seems to be getting worse. I catch Hurricane licking Trouble's privates an awful lot and it's making me worry that there's an overgrooming issue.

another interesting thing that happened... I had the girls in their outside pen and brought my toy-making kit with me to work on toys for the gliders. I caught weird movements out of the corner of my eye... turned to see what was going on and Gaz was HUMPING Nala!! I pushed her off instinctively because she was humping the wrong end and she started right back up! she took the hint the second time, though. oddly, Nala just sat there and took it with this "are you done yet?" look on her face... but later, she started a chase with Gaz that resulted in a few clumps of white hair being pulled out. thankfully, I broke it up and they've been back to normal ever since.

Gaz is having her first molt. it's horrible. WAY worse than Nala's. that short hair just flies EVERYWHERE. she loathes the furminator, too, so it's such a struggle to groom her. I need to try the trick with dipping my hands in water... at one point, I resorted to wrapping masking tape around my hand and lightly (and carefully) rolling my hand over her which worked pretty well. so far, the best way to collect loose fur seems to be to wear a shirt that doesn't match her hair >.>

she's got some funky-looking molt lines:



there's been a slaughter in my bunny garden :(... which really pisses me off 'cause it got down to 30-31F for a couple nights and I actually remembered to bring the planters in.

it started with some holes in the raddicio that had me concerned, but I figured one more night outside wouldn't make a big diff so I left the plant there and figured I'd deal with it later. oh, how wrong I was!



and upon closer inspection, my fennel is missing ALL the leaves and my mint is missing almost all of them, so I assume those plants are on their way to dying. basil (x2), orange mint and sage are all that survived the slaughter.

after rushing my ravaged raddicio inside, I discovered one of these little squirmy bastards on it - I can only assume my plant went into its tummy and the tummies of its stupid friends:


so my garden is a wreck and I can't even replant it until I figure out how to stop those things from eating it again :pssd:

also, Nala and Gaz have been demolishing the coroplast in the condo :pssd:

they've decided they hate coastal and won't eat it even if they're really hungry, so I've got an entire bale of hay and no use for it. I had to special-order oat hay for them. when the chick from the feed store left me a voicemail with a price quote and again when I called back to tell them to go ahead and place the order, I could've sworn she said "29 lbs for $6.99"... which is no 80 lbs for $10.50 but still a great deal. yeah, not so much. when I called to see if it was in yet, it turns out it was $*26.99. *sigh*. I bought it anyway because that's all the darn bunnies will eat as far as grass hay goes (how both of them are SO picky in the exact same way is beyond me, but I guess it could be worse - they could be picky in different ways).

the oat hay is pissing me off, though. it's FULL of oats and pulling them all out gets SO tedious! it really doesn't help that I've been having a horrible carpal-tunnel flare-up for the last week and a half or so (another reason I've been slacking on updating this). it's not that bad at lunch, dinner and bed-time feedings, but when I first wake up, my right hand is often practically worthless and their hay is always in dire need of refreshing. Nala thumps at me a lot for taking too long with the hay, too. on days when my wrist/hand are really bad, I just say "screw it" and give them enough alfalfa to last them 2-3h and deal with the oat hay later in my day.

anyway, that's enough for now... will update on the hammies and such later.
Seriously jennifer don't even worry about it :) maybe I was too sensitive and I hate to think I made you feel the need to explain. OR maybe I just have a subconscious negative reaction to the word "breeder" ( ;) ) either way no hard feelings and I'm sorry I acted defensively, after re-reading my entries I feel a bit silly. I guess I just get a bit too passionate about things sometimes!! Lol

I'm off to feed my son dinner so couldn't read your recent entry and pictures. I'll be back later.....
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LMFAO! Jennifer, I swear you crack me up. (I can tell by your slight use of naughty language that you're trying REALLY hard not to let it all loose. I'm the same way. The only time my mouth is clean is when I'm on the forum! lol)

I would have flipped out if I felt in the pouch and there was only ONE glider! hahaha. I would have been in a total panic, as I'm sure you were.
I'm glad she was close by though. I don't know anything about gliders so I can't help you with the bitchyness. I hope she gets better though!

Look at Gaz molting! That is too funny. I'm sure its not for you because of all the fur. Foo doesn't molt like that, she just sheds the fur or pulls it out herself. I have a slicker brush for Foo and I like it a lot better and she likes it better than the furminator.

As for your garden, I posted on the thread about it and you should get some diatomaceous earth. I can't remember how much we spend on it, but we get a 50 lb bag. Its a mineral and its a super super fine powder. Its not good to breathe in because its not good for the respiratory system. But its totally safe to put on animals and to be around animals. I put it on all my garden plants, flowers, chickens, chicken coop, around my house. For me it comes in a paper bag, so I have to put it in bins to keep it from getting wet in the shed. It makes a huge mess, so don't use it in the house, it will ruin your vacuum.
It is a magical thing though. It acts as little glass shards and cuts into the exoskeleton of the bug and takes the moisture out of the bug. It worked on the similar caterpillars that were bothering my squash plants. I had to do it every few weeks, but it was definitely worth it. A little bit goes a long way.
Omg a missing glider would have freaked me out too! Glad you found her safe and sound. Now curious, where were the buns? And if they would have been around the glider what would have happened? I hope you can figure out the over grooming/ bare bottom issue. Seems like that one has been a bit challenging.

Archie is molting reeeeallly bad right now too. And yes, short hair is worse than long Lionhead hair! I swear Archies is just floating everywhere.

Bummer that nala and gaz had a scuffle again, I sure hope you can figure it out and it will stop once and for all. I hate hearing of bonded pair issues.
the bunns were right outside the condo by their litter box/hay. I have NO idea how long Hurricane was loose for - could easily have been a few hours and I wouldn't be surprised if she and the bunnies *did* have a run-in. the bunnies are indifferent towards the gliders, as is Hurricane towards them... Trouble seems a bit afraid of them sometimes, though that may just be when they startle her by suddenly appearing at the side of the tent during tent time.

I'm not sure what the girls' deal is, but I'm starting to suspect that random tiffs are par for the course with same-sex bonds. as long as no one is getting hurt and the bond is easily mended, I'm not really worried about it.
Rachel Maddow's "best new thing in the world" for tonight - the C.A.L.M. act goes into place as of midnight (aka now for me)... it is now prohibited for commercials to be significantly louder than the TV show they're interrupting! *does a major happy dance* that's a HUGE pet peeve of mine and someone went and made it illegal :D
anyway, back to updating... forgot the other naughty thing the bunnies did this week - they got into my toy-making bags (for the suggies) and nommed some plastic stuff:


my hammy runt is 16.5 days into his "1-2 week" guesstimated life span and as of last night was up to 42g!

the hammy food I buy is a lab block style food so that they can't pick and choose what pieces they eat and unbalance their diet... it's been irking me because there's like a cup of dust/crumbles in the bottom of each 5 lb bag and it's not really cheap food (and I go through a lot with 14 hammies):


I kept thinking there HAD to be a way to make that into something usable and finally scrounged up/modified a recipe. details about what I did can be found in this thread on the hammy forum I use: . long story short, I mixed up the pellet dust/crumbles, some of the alfalfa dust/crumbles from the bag of alfalfa I bought my bunnies that turned out to be worthless for them (I added the alfalfa 'cause I had it and because their food's fiber is a little low so it needs to be supplemented (as do almost all hammy foods for one reason or another ><)), eggs (mostly just whites) and some other stuff and made these:


the "cookies" were a BIG hit - here's some pics of the hammies enjoying them:


(that's the runt on the right-hand side)
random pics of the menagerie...

three action shots of the boys running in their wheel (it's the runt, Lucky's, bootie sticking out in the last pic):










Great to see your update.

The bitchyness could just be personality bu I guess you'd have to wait to figure that out. I can't believe you thought you'd lost a glider! I know that feeling and it feels one breath short of a heart attack! When i had ferrets I put a gate up in the bathroom and let one in there and I guess I fell asleep because I came back and she was gone! I searched my entire apartment frantically for an hour only to realize she was still in the bathroom but had climbed up the door and into the sleeve of my towel robe lol! I almost cried that night.

Ah yes that is a brutal mo,t Phoenix gets lines like that all the time and it's interesting because is just looks like she hasn't been taken care of which couldnt have been further from the truth :big wink:

I'm sorry you've been having issues with your ie and photobucket and such. Have you thought about switching to Firefox? After trying a bunch of different programs I have decided that Firefox suits my needs best.
last post before I'm caught up (I think, anyway).

glider toys I've made...









their "kitchen" (where they can throw food around without making a huge mess)... can't make it not lop-sided, though :(:



(this one now has fleece ties on the bead strings between the two bowls)

a sleeping spot (it's stuffed with fleece squares):

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you can see why it was pissing me off that I couldn't get pics uploaded, lol - had a lot piled up!
Lots of pictures!

Hammies are adorable, the toys you are making are so creative, the buns are as cute as ever :)
That little runt looks so happy! Oh, he couldn't have picked a better home to be born into! lol.

Do the gliders play with all of those toys? They're very creative and cool looking. I wish buns would play with something like that, too bad they don't climb! hahaha.

I have google chrome and I love it. Our internet explorer is a piece of crap too, it just hates us. lol
I totally know what you mean about the commercials being louder than the actual show! It makes me crazy because my husband is pretty much deaf and we have to have the tv turned up louder than normal to hear the people talking so when a loud commercial comes in, it almost blows the speakers out of our tv! (he's not really deaf, but just a typical man and 'hard of hearing' lol) I hate it!